Chapter 55: Rise and Grind

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The second time you awake to an alarm, it is much quieter and much more familiar. Groaning, you hit the snooze button and struggle to open your eyes. It's still dark outside, and your body screams at you to go back to sleep.

"Whyyy..." You pull the blankets back up and over your head, beginning to regret signing up for your hero course.

A few minutes later and your alarm goes off again. This time, you sigh and pull yourself away from the bed.

Swinging your legs off of it, you rub your eyes and unplug your phone. 4:35. Too early for anyone to be getting up.

You stretch your arms above your head and a yawn escapes your lips. Trudging across the room, you begin to get ready for the day.

After getting ready, you head to the cafeteria and shiver. On your way in, you spot a few other staff who look just as tired as you.

A hand slaps the back of your shoulder.

"Good job last night, kid! I heard you helped Sierra deal with the intruder. I'm a little ashamed the night crew didn't take care of the issue, but it's good you two took care of it." You look up to see Engitech. "Plus, you already got to see Dia's scary side. Be glad it wasn't aimed at you!" He laughs.

"Yeah, you wouldn't guess looking at her that she can be so tough and scary!" You chuckle.

"It's usually the case, the least suspecting always have the biggest secrets."

You smile as you think of a certain freckled boy you know. Engitech seems to read your mind.

"Like that plain kid in the sports festival; what's his name again? He's your classmate, right? With the crazy quirk that hurts him?"

"Exactly! Midoriya always seems to be hurting himself, even Recovery Girl was telling me not to be like him when I got injured during the fighting."

Engitech let's out a hearty laugh as the two of you make your way to the line.

"Sounds about right. Hope UA is paying her handsomely!"

Once you both get your food you sit down at the same table as the day before. A few members congratulate you on the night before, but you just shake your head.

"I really didn't do much, I just put out his fire briefly, really."

"Better than most kids though," Firetamer sets her tray down next to you. "A lot tend to freeze up. Sierra told me you were already on your way out of your room by the time she got ahold of you. You showed good initiative. It takes a lot to impress her, and she only had good things to say to me."

"I'm glad I made a good impression," you say. "So what ended up happening with the intruder?"

"Oh, he was arrested. They're going to be updating us soon, but it looks like it was related to an arrest we made earlier in the week. Probably wanted to burn the building down to get back at us for arresting his buddies. I doubt he planned on Sierra being there, though."

"Why's that?"

"Well, he knew I was out with Dia, and Sierra is typically day crew with me. I'm guessing he managed to get a hold of a rotation schedule somehow. Sierra was off the clock and typically stays at her house, but came in tonight since I was gone."

"Weren't they worried about the night crew lead?"

"You haven't met him yet, but Welt was responding to a fire away from the station that ended up being a ruse. He called me when he realized, and that's why we came back."

"Wow, that guy thought things through..."

"Yeah, except for the fact that he tried setting fire to a building full of fire fighters!"

You and the others laugh at Engitech's comment.

Once you finish eating, Firetamer takes you to the gym and has you train with her. Soon it's time to head to the briefing area to go over the plans for the day.

Firetamer tells everyone what she told you, and delegates tasks to the morning crew. She ends it by telling everyone she doesn't want any interruptions while she's out with her wife and that everyone better behave.

They chuckle and assure her they have everything under control. With that, everyone is dismissed, and both Sierra and Kai find you.

"Good job last night, trainee." Sierra highfives you. "Once Kai is done boring you with the paperwork, we'll make sure that uniform fits nice and get a good workout in!"

"I just finished working out..." You say, your voice laced with dread.

The two laugh at you, and Sierra responds.

"This will be combat training, not gym training. Muscles are needed, but pretty useless without the right techniques."

Kai continues, "Besides, you'll enjoy the break after all of the reading we'll be doing."

"What kind of paperwork are we going over?" You ask him.

"We were just going to be looking at incident reports, but FT wants me to go over last night's report that the police sent over during breakfast with you."


"We already looked over it before the briefing started," Sierra says.

"She thought it'd be a good learning opportunity since you were involved. It's important to remember hero work isn't just fighting and rescuing. You need to make sure all of your follow up is taken care of, too, or it can be a lot of trouble."

You and Kai part with Sierra and go to his office. It was surprisingly messy, with boxes everywhere.

"I never pegged you to be messy," you say without thinking.

Kai laughs. "It's been a long week, and after last night I wanted to make sure everything was where it should be. Thankfully, no one got in here."

He moves a chair in front of his desk for you and sits in his. He shows you how to fill out incident reports, the most important forms, and goes over the police report with you as well as what they discovered about the intruder.

"So Firetamer was right; it was retaliation." You say as you read it.

"Yes, another thing you need to keep in mind if you plan on going pro. Sure people will thank and appreciate you, but others will hate you. It's something that all heroes have to deal with, no matter how popular. I'm sure you've heard about the Hero Killer by now."

"My friend is Ingenium's younger brother..."

"It's unfortunate what happened, but I'm glad he made it out alive. He was much luckier than his previous victims. The Hero Killer seems to think he has the right to purge heroes, culling those who don't fit his standards of what a hero should be. Honestly, it's frightening that he still hasn't been caught." Kai sighs and rubs his temple.

"He's in Hosu, right?"

"That's what the media is saying; it follows his MO."

"I hope he gets caught before he can hurt anyone else..."

The two of you continue talking as you go over the paperwork, and soon there's a knock at the door.

Sierra comes in holding a bag under her arm. "Sorry, do you need a few more minutes to finish up?"

Kai shakes his head. "No, we're good. Hopefully I didn't bore you too much, Y/n."

"Oh not at all! It's important to know this stuff, and you explained it all really well! Thank you, Kai!"

He gives you a smile, and you gather your things to follow Sierra.

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