Chapter 48: Picking A Hero Name

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"Today's the day you'll be deciding on hero names."

The class erupts into noise and excited chatter. Within seconds though, everyone is silent again. Aizawa has his scary face on.

"But first, concerning the pro hero draft picks I mentioned a few days ago... Pros pick students who, in their eyes, will be ready for the hero workforce after another two or three years worth of experience. In other words, it's their way of showing interest in your futures. But this interest can wane before you graduate. Any and all offers can also be revoked. It happens quite often."

"So in other words, if we get picked this year, we'll have even higher hurdles to jump in the future." Midoriya says.

"Exactly. Now, here are the complete draft pick numbers." Aizawa presses a button on his remote, and a chart appears on the screen. "Typically there's more of a spread, but this year our top three stole the show."

You gasp as you read the number beside your name. "Almost four thousand?!"

"Woah! Way to go, Y/n! That's almost as much as Todoroki!" Kirishima says.

"Yeah, plus you got more than Bakugou." Kaminari snickers.

"Hey! Shut up!" Bakugou scowls.

"They were probably scared of the guy who had to get chained to the podium." Sero adds.

"The hell are pros doing getting intimidated?!"

"With that settled, you will all have a chance to work alongside the pros, even if you didn't get requested by one. It's true that you've all already experienced more that most, but seeing the pros in action, up close, and working alongside them will still be worthwhile training. They're only tentative names, but you'll still want to pick something appropriate that you like."

"Or you will know true hell!" Midnight makes a loud entrance as she steps into the classroom. "The name you pick today may be what the world forever knows you by! That's happened to many heroes!"

"Yes, that's true. Midnight here will be assessing the names you come up with. I'm no good at that. What future do you see for yourself? What kind of hero do you want to be? The name you pick will bring you closer to cementing a certain image for yourself. Names are capable of reflecting one's true character, so think carefully."

"Alright, everyone! Pass these whiteboards and markers back and start brainstorming! You have fifteen minutes!" Midnight says.

"A hero name, huh..." You sigh. That was something you had been thinking about since you were little. Originally, you wanted to join your parent's hero team, and after they passed you considered inheriting the name.

It didn't feel right though. Looking at it on your whiteboard felt wrong. Not bad, but not you. Sero leans over to take a peek at your board, and you wipe it clean before he can see it.

"Didn't like it, huh?"

You shake your head. "How's yours going?"

"Not sure... There isn't a lot to come up with my quirk."

"How about Tape Man?" Mina asks.

"No way. That's way too close to TP Man. I don't want people thinking my tape is toilet paper."

"Where'd that come from?" Kaminari laughs.

"When I was a kid my tape wasn't very strong or sticky so the kids in my class said I shot out toilet paper."

You can't help but laugh along with your friends. After a couple more jokes, you get back to brainstorming.

Aqua Girl...? No... I don't want to be called 'Girl' for the rest of my life... and Aqua Woman sounds too much like that one comic book hero... Water Weilder sounds kinda lame... Same with Water Wonder...

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