153: Angryzawa

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After laughing at Bakugou’s question, you tell him how you decided to follow them while heating up your food, and All Might explains everything about One for All and All for One to Bakugou as you walk back to the dorms. Many of the details are new to you as well.

“So... Nothing’s really changed about what I gotta do...” Bakugou says next to you. You nod and work on finishing your rice. It’s cold now, but you’re still hungry.

“Right.” All Might says.

“It’s not gonna be like it was before, though, Deku. I’m gonna make all my skills my own and keep rising, even higher than you, Chosen One.”

“Okay...!! Then I’m going to rise even higher than that. I’ve gotta keep growing, too!”

“Huh?! I’m saying I’m gonna surpass you, you idiot!!” Bakugou glares at Midoriya.

“I can’t accept that. I have to be better than you.”

“What the hell?!!”

The boys begin bickering, and you can’t hold back your laughter. “Once you two decide who’s going to be number one, let me know.” They give you matching confused looks. “Then I’ll get even stronger and kick you both down a ranking!” You laugh.

“As if!!!” Bakugou says. “Neither of you are surpassing me!!”

The four of you continue walking back to the dorms with the conversation going pretty much in a loop of the three of you arguing over which one of you will get to be the next number one hero. Aizawa is waiting outside the faculty dorm, and he looks even more irritated when he sees you with them.

“Uh oh... We’re in serious trouble...” You gulp. “He told me specifically that he was really busy and didn’t want any more interruptions...!!”

“What the hell is going on?!” Aizawa wraps his scarf around you, Bakugou, and Midoriya, yanking you into the faculty dorms. All Might catches your bowl as it slips from your hand. “Y/n! I seem to remember telling you to go to bed hours ago! And why do you have one of our bowls out here?!” He asks, dragging you down the halls. Midnight pokes her head out of her office, spots the look on Aizawa’s face, and quickly ducks back in. He drags you to the small nurse’s office inside and makes you all sit side by side on one of the cots.

“Sorry, sir...!” You sit down in between the two boys and stare at your feet.

“I mean, seriously?! Having a fight in the middle of the night right after your exam?! I’m happy to hear that you’ve all still got the energy for that!!” Aizawa snaps, tightening his scarf as he curses under his breath. The look on his face screams anything but happy, and your fight or flight instincts are kicking in, specifically flight. As in a one way plane ticket to a tiny unknown village somewhere he’d never find you again.

“Wait, Aizawa. Don’t go too hard on them yet. I’m actually the cause of all of this...” All Might says.

Aizawa’s expression grows even darker, and he begins to shake with rage. “Oh...?”

Even Bakugou jumps in fear next to you, and Midoriya is shaking worse than you. “It was nice knowing you two...!” You whisper as All Might pulls Aizawa aside. When Aizawa turns around, his anger seems to have dissipated.

“Hm...” Aizawa looks between the three of you, noticing that you at least don’t have any new injuries. “But letting them get away with breaking the rules isn’t something I can do. There will be a fitting punishment. Y/n, why were you there?”

“Ah! Well... I ended up talking to my aunt for a long time, so it was late when I went down to get food... I saw Midoriya and Bakugou sneaking off while I was in the kitchen, so I decided to follow them. I thought they might fight, so I was planning on stopping them if they did, but I ran into All Might, and we heard them talking... So we waited until they were done... I would have gotten you, sir, but I knew you were busy and wanted to avoid bothering you if I could stop them myself...”

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