Chapter 117: Wake Up

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty."

Your eyes snap open as you hear the familiar low voice. "Time to wake up. We've got a long day ahead of us."

"Mmf!" You try to speak, but your mouth is gagged. Your wrists and ankles are strapped to the chair you're sitting in, and two more leather straps are around your stomach and thighs. Pain shoots out from your chest, as well as your broken arm and burned palms. Your head throbs, and you feel dizzy from dehydration.

"What's that? Can't quite understand you, Princess." A hand rests on your shoulder, and you extend your neck to get a look at who it is. "Miss my face that much?"

Dabi leans over you, staring down at you from behind the chair.


"Here, let me get that for you." He reaches for your mouth and takes the gag out.

"What the hell do you want? Where the hell am I?!" You cough.

"Tsk, tsk! What happened to good morning? It's rude not to return a greeting you know." He steps around you, his fingertips dragging across your shoulders as he does. When he stands in front of you, he puts both hands in his pockets.

"What do you want from me?" You ask.

"What do I want, huh...? That's a good question..." Dabi yanks a stool over and places it down across from you.

Wherever you are, there aren't any windows. The room is covered in dust and dirt. Nothing looks like it's been touched in ages aside from a few areas. There are stairs leading up in a far corner of the room. I must be in a basement... There must be water in the pipes...

"Don't bother."

You look back at him in surprise. You hadn't moved your head, but he seemed to know exactly what you were thinking.

"I made sure to bring you somewhere that hasn't had water in quite a while. You won't find any hanging around. This place has been abandoned for years. Not to mention, I've kept the temperature nice and toasty in here, so the air is nice and dry."

"So, what?" You bluff. "That doesn't matter at all."

"Oh really? Because you don't have much water left, do you?" He laughs. "Don't bother trying to lie to me."

"What's your goal here? How long have I been asleep for?"

"Calm down, we've got all day to chat. I'm just looking for some answers... And you're going to give them to me." He says. "It's only been a few hours since you last saw me. Are you really that needy, Princess?"

"Quit calling me that, you creep." You glare.

"Hah! I like it. So, tell me. What's it like at UA? You enjoy it there?"

"What's it to you?"

"Can't I make conversation?"

"You kidnapped me. Sorry if I'm not eager to chat with you, villain."

"Come on now, it's Dabi. You know that. You were so proud to figure out our names."

Your eyes narrow as you remember the other villain, Twice. "Where is he, anyways? Are you even real? Or are you another one of his clones?"

"Oh I'm the real deal alright, so you can take any ideas of escaping and toss them right in the trash. As for Twice, you don't need to worry about him for now... He's got his own thing to do." Dabi leans towards you and rests his elbows on his knees, with his chin on his hands. "Now then... You're going to tell me every little secret you know about UA and the heroes."

"Why would I do that?" You scoff.

"Because if you don't..." Dabi reaches forward and picks up a lock of your hair. He runs his fingers through it gently, then yanks it hard.

"Ow!" You bite your cheek, and the force of his pull reminds you of the pain in your chest.

"If you don't, you're going to be in a world of pain, Princess."

"As if I'd tell you anything...!"

"As much as I like that fiery resolve, we're gonna have to break it." He chuckles. "You'll tell me everything I want to know."

"No. I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"No. I. Won't."

Dabi forcibly grabs your chin, hard enough to hurt, and you clench your teeth to keep quiet. "I'm going to enjoy breaking that tough girl attitude of yours, Princess."

"You're sick."

"Maybe I am." He lifts your chin up to get a better look at your necklace. He gently holds it in his other hand. "Such a pretty necklace..."

"Why are you so interested in it? Are you a crow or something?" You glare at him.

"Not at all. I hate birds." He says. "Tell me about this necklace."

"It was a gift from a friend." You grit your teeth as his grip on your face tightens.

"A friend, huh... Who was it?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Well... Guys don't typically give girls pretty things like this unless they're serious about them... And here you are, calling him just a friend... Poor guy."

"I didn't say it was from a guy..."

"You need a better poker face, Princess. I can read you like a book." He lets go of your face and necklace. "You like him, don't you?"

"What are you talking about...?!" You shuffle uncomfortably in the chair, and a wave of pain from your broken ribs causes you to drop your head forward. "Fuck..."

Dabi laughs at you groaning in pain. "Did you know... Only a handful of these necklaces were ever made? They were special edition, released just at the beginning of this summer. They cost a fortune. You could buy a small house with this."

"What...?" You look down at the necklace hanging around your neck. Is that really true?! "Is that why you're so interested in it?"

"Oh no, that necklace makes me want to vomit." He says. A dark look crosses his face, and he leans it towards you again, grabbing a fistfull of your hair. "Now, you're going to start answering some of my questions here, or we're going to have a problem. I was even nice enough to start out with some easy ones."

Crap...! That really hurts! I have to keep my mouth shut though! I don't want to be the reason for another attack on UA!

"You look scared, Princess." Dabi laughs, and a sinister grin fills his face. "You should be."

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