173: Everyone's Off to Study Work!

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“So, we had a conference about potential work studies for the rest of you first years last night.” Aizawa says as homeroom starts the next morning. “Plenty of teachers, even the principal, said, ‘Don't even think about it.’”

“Huh?! Even after that whole demonstration we got?!” Kirishima groans. “But the principal's the one who let Y/n go in the first place!”

“Not that he had much of a choice...” You mumble.

“I guess it makes sense, though...” Kaminari says as he plays with Ojiro's tail. “Given everything that happened and led up to the dorm system in the first place...”

“Take that!!!” Bakugou laughs from his seat. It's his first day back in class, and he got a quick summary of everything he missed.

“You're just saying that cuz you wouldn't be able to do it anyways...!” Toru scoffs.

“But...” Aizawa continues, and the class goes silent. “ Some were of the opinion that the overprotective direction we’re going in won't foster strong heroes. As such, we will allow agencies with proven track records that offer work studies to take on first years. That's our decision.”

“Woohoo!!” Kirishima and a few of your classmates cheer.

“Crap!!” Bakugou looks irritated and jealous.

“Tokoyami!! This means you can join me with Hawks!!” You smile. “It's going to be so much fun!”

“I don't know if I'd describe working with Hawks as fun...” Tokoyami sighs. “But... I may find it more enjoyable with you there...”

“I wonder how Gunhead is doing...” Uraraka says.

“I should give Selkie a call.” Tsuyu nods.

“I'll be handing out a list of approved hero agencies. Unfortunately, not all of you were scouted by any, so it will be difficult to get a placement.” Aizawa says. He hands papers out to everyone aside from Bakugou, Todoroki, and you. He pauses when he reaches Tokoyami. “Hawks has already been nagging us nonstop about you as well, Tokoyami. I'm assuming you plan on accepting his offer on heading back to his agency?”

Tokoyami nods. “Yes.”

“Good, then you don't need a copy.”

“This is so exciting!!!” You grin at Tokoyami. “Hawks has your room all set up and everything already. He put me in the room right next to you!”

“Of course he did...” Tokoyami says. “I shouldn't be surprised.”

“Hm? Why's that?” You tilt your head at him.

“N-No reason...” Tokoyami avoids your gaze and class resumes.

The days go by, and soon Sunday rolls around. You get up bright and early, and quickly get ready for the day. Today's the day you head back to Hawks' agency, and Tokoyami is joining you. As you head downstairs, you spot Tokoyami and Kirishima sitting at one of the tables eating breakfast and head over to join them. They're dressed in casual clothes.

“You boys aren't dressed yet?” You ask. “You know we have to wear our uniforms over, right?”

“Oh, you're ready early.” Kirishima says as he has a bite of toast. “Don't you two still have a bit before you have to leave for your flight?”

Tokoyami nods, and you grin. “The early bird gets the worm! I'm just super excited that Tokoyami is coming today!”

“Hawks is already rubbing off on you...” Tokoyami sighs. “Have something to eat first.”

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