Chapter 40: Hugs

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"Why settle for third when I can take first?"

Shinsou chuckles. "I know, I know. Now eat your energy bar and get out there and win that tie breaker."


At least, that's what you said. When you came out on to the stage, however, your mind changed pretty quickly. The block was up again, and Bakugou was ready.

"Here she is!! Izumi Y/n! Are you two ready to arm wrestle?!"

"Uh oh..." Your hands felt tingly from Recovery Girl's healing. You had tried not to focus on them too much during the fight, but with all the blood coming out of them it was safe to say you had lost a few layers. You still had streaks of the blood on your arms.

"Took you long enough." Bakugou says.

"Sorry, someone blew my hands up," You tease. You weren't all that upset about it, but Bakugou had a guilty look on his face. He turned his head away from you and stared at the ground.

"Alright you two! Let's get on with it!" Midnight says.

The two of you place your [insert dominant] elbow on the block and clasp hands.

"Three, two, one, go!!"

Bakugou immediately attempts to slam your hand down, and you barely stop him.

Grabbing on to the side of the block, you try your hardest to push his hand down. You only manage to push it down a smidgen before he over powers you. Slowly but surely he presses your arm back.

No, no, no, no! I can't lose!!

You manage to keep your arm a few inches off of the block for only a moment before Bakugou slams it down.

"Ah...!" You gasp in pain as the back of your hand hits and tears against the rough cement.

"Bakugou wins!!"

"You heard Midnight! Bakugou will move on to the final round and fight Todoroki for first place!! But first, we'll take a half hour break! Then, Y/n and Iida will compete for third place!"

You sigh and pull your arm back. Blood was seeping through the cuts on the fresh skin of your hand, so you covered it in water. It must be delicate from just healing...

Bakugou reached his [insert non-dominant] hand out, and you shake it.

The two of you walk inside together, and when you are out of the crowd's sight, he stops you.

"Listen... I..."


"I'm... I'm sorry about what I did to your hands..." Bakugou's face was bright red and he had his hands shoved into his pockets. "I want to win more than anything, but I shouldn't have blown them apart like I did..."

"Thank you, Bakugou, but it's okay. I get it. I'm not upset about it." You give him a smile. "Besides, Recovery Girl healed me all up. See?"

You hold your hands in front of him and show him them. You couldn't even tell that some of the skin had been blown off of them.

Delicately, Bakugou takes your hands in his and examines them. He clenches his teeth when he sees the cuts on the back of your [insert dominant] hand.

"Don't worry about those," you say.

"I'll do what I want."

You chuckle at his response.

Bakugou reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bandage. Carefully, he wraps it around the cuts.

"It's really okay, Bakugou."

"No it's not. You still have a match. You don't want to get it full of dirt and all infected, do you?"

"I guess not." You smile softly as you watch Bakugou. Who knew he could be so gentle and caring? He was like a whole new person.

"What're you looking at?"

"Nothing, I just didn't know you could be so sweet!" You say as he finishes wrapping the bandage.

"Huh?! Sweet?! I'm not sweet! I was just putting the bandage on because you wanted to bleed everywhere!!"

"You can't fool me, Bakugou! You're just a big softy on the inside, aren't you!" You laugh and chase him as he dodges your attempt at a hug.

"Get away from me! You'll get blood on me!"

"What? Are you afraid of a little blood?" You joke. He finds himself between you and the wall, and you give him a big hug.

"Thanks for the help, Bakugou." You say. You feel tears start to form in your eyes as you realize you weren't moving on. "You'd better win out there for me."

Bakugou frowns as he hears your voice crack. He awkwardly pats your back, and you let go of him. Wiping your eyes, you give him a smile and thumbs up.

"You bet."

Before any more tears break through, you turn away, and walk down the hall. As you turn the corner to sit on a bench for a few minutes, you bump into someone.

"Y/n!" Shinsou says in surprise. "There you are!"

You look up at Shinsou, and when your eyes meet his, you can't hold the tears back anymore. A sob breaks through, and you rest your head on his chest.

"H-hey! It's okay!" Shinsou panics as you begin to cry and leads you to the bench. The two of you sit down, and Shinsou pulls you into a hug.

The two of you sit there for a few minutes, Shinsou rubbing your back and hugging you as you cried.

He knew how much this meant to you. You wanted to win the sports festival to show your little brother how strong you were, and so he didn't have to see you get hurt. He hated seeing how sad you got when your brother ignored you, and he knew just how much you loved him.

In the adjacent hall, Bakugou stood listening. He wasn't usually one to feel guilty, but hearing you sob made his heart wrench.

He wished he could be the one comforting you, but how could he? He was the one who hurt you, and took you out of the tournament. He sighed, and left Shinsou to be the one comforting you.

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