Chapter 58: Hosu City

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After your encounter with Jeanist and Bakugou, you and Firetamer finished patrolling her area. Nothing exciting happened, and after a few hours the two of you headed back to the station for dinner. You could barely keep your eyes open as you ate, and nearly face-planted into your food several times, much to the amusement of those sitting around you. Firetamer told you to call it a night, and that you did. As soon as you got back into your room, you got ready for bed and fell asleep immediately.

The next day, you wake up to your 4:30am alarm much easier. Did you still want to scream and bury yourself away from the world in your covers? Absolutely, but at least you had gotten a lot more sleep than the night before.

Much like the previous day, you trained with Firetamer and Sierra, and studied with Kai. You don't want to fall behind in class, and thankfully Kai is excellent at Hero Studies along with your other courses.

After lunch, you join Firetamer on patrol again, but have a fairly easy time. By the time dinner rolls around, the only people you have fought are her and Sierra.

Back in the cafeteria for dinner, Kai is explaining a concept to you that you'll need to know for your exams as you eat. Suddenly, an announcement comes over the PA system.

"Hosu city is currently under attack by unknown villains and requesting immediate fire support. All of Ground Team A is required to meet on the roof, Air Team A is required to meet in the plane hanger, and both teams need to be ready to go in ten minutes."

"Shit, that's not good." Firetamer drops her fork and stands up. "Good thing you're still in costume, kid. Fill up your water bottles and let's move. Kai, grab her gear for me when you get yours."

"On it." Kai rushes off, and you run to fill your water bottle. Due to the easy patrol, you were planning on changing after you ate so you could get right into your pyjamas after you showered for your down time.

As you fill your water, people rush around and you see Firetamer talking to someone on her watch.

"Let's move people! If you're not up there when we're ready to go, you're getting left behind to deal with my darling's wrath!"

That seems to invoke fear into the members of Team A, and they begin to clear out faster. The remaining people seem relieved they weren't called.

Firetamer leads you to the elevator and up to the roof.

"Are we taking a helicopter? Will we get there in time?" You ask.

"Yes, but remember, we have Engitech. He's got these bad boys flying at speeds that would put the military to shame! The air support team will be taking planes over to get the bad fires. We'll be going on the ground with Ground Team A to help with the smaller fires and evacuation."

The doors open and wind hits your face. Shivering, you put your helmet on. A pilot is already waiting in front of one of the several helicopters and nods to Firetamer. She joins him and signals you to wait. As they discuss plans, you listen to the sounds of the elevator and stair doors opening and closing. Soon the roof is full of personnel loading into the helicopters. Kai soon emerges from an elevator and meets you with your gear.

Thanking him, you throw it on over your costume after activating the button suit. The uniform helps block some of the wind, but it's hard to hear over the helicopter blades and the wind.

Firetamer and Kai help you into her helicopter, and Kai sits next to you. He latches you in, and then does the same for himself.

The rest of the crew arrives and the time to leave is here. Firetamer gives out orders to everyone, and hops in across from the two of you.

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