144: Black Haired Boys Part Two

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“I heard some kids from his school talking about how they saw Y/n and that guy somewhere, so I snuck along, and he had her pinned down on her back sitting on top of her!!! He was totally hitting on her!!” Sero tells your classmates. “He was straddling her and leaning in all close!!”

“Shhh!!!!!” You hush him in embarrassment.

Bakugou glares. “What the fuck?!”

“Honestly!! We were fighting!!” You try to defend yourself.

“I wouldn't call it much of a fight.” Shindo's voice comes from behind you, and he rests his elbow on your shoulder. “Now why are you wearing a helmet in here...? I thought I told you it was a pity to hide that pretty face.”

Your face explodes with steam, and you struggle not to cough and expose yourself as you jump in surprise. Waving your hands in front of you, you step back and try to respond. Due to your embarrassment, all that comes out is a string of stammering. Shindo laughs, enjoying seeing you so obviously flustered. The boys in your class however... Not so much.

“I thought I told you to quit hitting on her!!” Sero glares at Shindo and yanks you back. He wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Go hit on girls from your own school.”

“Nah.” Shindo laughs. “She's way cuter.”

Your helmet is beginning to become too hot to keep on, and it's impossible to see clearly with all of the steam filling it.

Before a brawl can commence, the other students from Ketsubutsu Academy come to pull Shindo away. Your helmet clears just enough for you to catch him winking at you as he's dragged away, and it immediately steams up again.

“Just what the hell is wrong with that guy?!” Sero glares at him. “Ouch!! Why is your helmet so hot?!”

“Y/n.” Kaminari steps towards you. “Take your helmet off.” You shake your head violently from side to side.

“For once I agree with Dunce Face.” Bakugou frowns, remembering how your face steamed up in embarrassment with him, and is jealous over the fact that you most likely just did the same for Shindo. “Take it off.”

“Yeah, take your helmet off.” Sero frowns. “Why are you hiding your face?!”

“N-No reason!! I'm not hiding!! I just... I’m embarrassed by my hair! It's all messy!!!” You hold on to your helmet, preventing the boys from removing it. Bakugou and Todoroki glare into the back of Shindo's skull, and he turns around to watch the commotion, snickering.

“Don't tell me you seriously fell for his flirting?!!” Kaminari yells, and you want to fall into another hole, this time to die.

“Shh... You're embarrassing Y/n!” Momo says, shooing the boys away from you.

Jiro laughs beside her. “Looks like that Shinso guy in 1C has competition now!”

“What's that supposed to mean?!” Kaminari asks.

“I keep telling you guys, there's nothing going on between us!!” You say. Bakugou's eyes narrow as he remembers Shinso coming by to help you with your unpacking. Hearing that the girls think there's something going on between you and your friend doesn't improve his mood in the slightest. The same goes for Todoroki and the other boys.

“Y/n just has a thing for guys with fluffy hair, huh?” Jiro laughs. Shindo hears from across the room, and chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair. Everyone in your class turns to Midoriya as Jiro mentions fluffy hair, and looks between him and you. “That or guys whose names go Shin-something-o.” She laughs. “Why are they so similar??”

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