Chapter 108: Muscular Part 2

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"Let's play!!"

Muscular rushes at the two of you, and slams his foot into Midoriya's stomach, causing him to go flying into the wall again. He slams against it, and falls to the ground.

"Midoriya!!" You shout, and Muscular whips his other foot into you. A scream tears through your throat, and you're launched rolling across the ground.

Something wet trickles down your face, and you wipe it away with the back of your hand.

"Hah ha ha!!! Blood!! I love it!! So much fun!!! What was it that you kids were saying? You two are going to save him, huh? You can't even stand up against me, two on one!! You're just getting beat up! That's a weird way to save someone!"

Midoriya gets to his feet before you do, and runs at Muscular, his body lighting up with power as his fist connects. Your eyes widen in shock as the villain absorbs the punch, as if Midoriya had merely nudged him.

"What the...? That supposed to be your quirk?! You're pretty quick, kid, but you're just... Way too weak!!!"

"Midoriya!!" You gasp as he's easily tossed to the side once more, and Muscular turns his attention back to you as you stumble to your feet.

"I'm getting really sick of you kids screaming each other's names. Knock it off!!" Muscular slams a fist at you, but in a flash Midoriya jumps in front of you and blocks the blow. The force of it knocks him back into you, and you freeze your feet to keep from toppling over as you catch him against your body.

"Crap...!" Midoriya wipes the blood from his nose on the back of his hand, and you help him stand up straight.

"Listen, kid! My quirk's a muscle enhancer! These muscle fibers of mine can't even be contained by my skin. They raise the standard in speed and power!!" Muscular jumps forward, slamming you and Midoriya against the wall again. He cackles as he stomps over to where you both lay on the ground, struggling to get up.

"C'mon... Get up...!" You groan to yourself. The stabbing in your chest is almost unbearable now, and makes the pain in your broken arm and throbbing in your head seem like scratches. Behind Muscular, you can see Kota paralyzed in fear, still clutching tightly to your shield. Pouring in all of your willpower, you struggle to push yourself off of the ground with your good arm.

"Do you get what I'm saying, kid?! You're nothing but an inferior version of me!! Not to mention your useless little girlfriend here!! Do you understand where I'm coming from?! I can't help but laugh!! You two make quite the pathetic pair! You're going to save the pipsqueak?! How?!! Talk is cheap when you're yapping about the impossible! You really oughta be honest with yourselves!!!!!" Muscular raises both arms above his head, and you brace yourself for the world of pain you're about to experience, unable to create more that a little bit of ice now.

A small thunk causes him to pause, and the three of you turn back towards Kota. He had thrown a small rock at the back of the villain's head.


"Our parents... Water Hose... Did you torture them like this... When you killed them...?" Tears are flowing down his cheeks, and your heart breaks.

"What...?!" Midoriya seems surprised to hear what Kota's saying, and he looks to you for confirmation. A small sob escapes your lips, and it's all the confirmation he needs.

"Your parents... Water Hose... They're the pair that gave me this glass eye." Muscular chuckles.

"Because of you and others just like you, things always end up like this!!!" Kota screams. "You took my parents, and now you're trying to take my big sister me, too!!"

"Brats like you sure know how to pass the blame! It's no good. I don't really hold a grudge against 'em over my eye. I killed 'em, just like I wanted to." You and Midoriya both struggle to get up, your bodies screaming in protest as the villain continues. "And they tried to stop me, just like these two are now. We all did our best, and those were the results. Looks like history is going to repeat itself again up here on this hill. What's bad is when you can't put your money where your mouth is..."

Muscular takes a step towards Kota, and adrenaline takes over your body, pushing the pain from your mind as you get to your feet. "Don't you fucking dare touch him...!!"

"Just like your dear old mommy and daddy!!! I'm going to send you and your big sis down to hell for a nice family reunion!!!!!!"

"Watch your fucking mouth!!!" You scream and tear the ice you had previously used from the ground, shooting it directly at the back of his neck in an icicle sharp enough to cut through normal skin. At the same time, Midoriya rushes at Muscular.

"I knew you two would attack, you worthless pieces of trash!!!!" Muscular smashes the ice as he whips around to face Midoriya.

"The only one to blame is you!!!" Midoriya shouts. You gasp as he closes in on the villain, and to your surprise he lodges his broken arm into his muscle fibers, trapping it. "Now speed doesn't matter!!"

"So what?! You gonna hit me with that other weak arm of yours?!"

"Doesn't matter whether I can or can't... Because heroes..." Midoriya's arm glows with power again, but this time it's an intense amount you only ever see once in a while. "Heroes stake their lives!! Turning talk into action is what we do best!!!!"

"Kota...!" You rush across the ground, tripping over your feet as you try to get to him before Midoriya lands his punch. If this is what I think it is, there's going to be a serious aftershock...! Kota stares awestruck at Midoriya as you reach him and wrap your good arm around him in a tight hug, crouching and bracing for the wind that usually follows Midoriya's full powered blasts. "Hold on, Kota!!"

The wind blasts into your back, and the two of you get blown to the edge of the cliff. Kota screams, and you try to freeze to the ground, but no ice comes out. Shit!!

Before you and Kota fall, Midoriya grabs the back of your shirt with his teeth, and manages to yank you back on to the cliff. "Sorry...! I knocked you two away..." He huffs.

"T-thanks...!" Kota's eyes widen in shock when he sees the condition Midoriya is in.

"Midoriya, you overdid it again...!" You reach out to steady him as he stumbles. He pants and struggles to catch his breath as you hold him and Kota up. The stabbing in your ribs threatens you to collapse, but you force yourself to remain upright. If it weren't for the immense amount of adrenaline coursing through your blood, you'd probably be unconscious from the pain by now.

"Let's just get back to camp... It's not far from here..." Midoriya heaves.

Behind him, rocks crumble and fall to the ground, and the three of you slowly look up in horror as Muscular emerges from the rubble and dust. A giant mass of muscle fibers surround his torso and head, mostly broken and torn apart.

"No way... No freaking way... But... That was 100%...!" Midoriya mumbles.

The muscle fibers slowly retract back into the villain's body, and he stumbles forward, looking human.

"You sure telegraphed that punch, eh? Not bad, Midoriya!" He sneers.

This can't be happening... If he survived a punch from One for All at full power and I'm out of water... What are we going to do?!

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