Chapter 19: Blame

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"It... It's finally over..." You whisper.

"Crap! Midoriya looks hurt!" Kirishima says. "We should go help him out!"

"Right!" You agree and call out to Midoriya. "Hey, Midoriya! You okay?"

As the two of you run towards him, Cementos suddenly creates a barrier and blocks you from going further. "We need to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for so please head back towards the entry gate. I'll deal with the wounded."

"Makes sense! Roger that!!" Kirishima replies. You smile at Cementos and nod. Before you walk away, you call over the wall to Midoriya.

"We'll see you outside Midoriya!" He returns with a weak, "Okay," and you follow the other three towards the stairs.

The four of you walk in silence. None of you know what to say. You could have almost died, and although this wasn't your first time in a villain-trying-to-kill-you situation, it still freaked you out.

"Are... Are any of you guys injured?" You ask as you begin to climb the steps. The others shake their heads. "That's good... That was a close call..."

"We would have been fine. The fact that we beat the villains in the areas we were dropped, and then got to the leader is proof enough." You turn to Bakugou. You hadn't spoken to him much in the few days of knowing him, but so far he wasn't exactly coming across as the nicest guy. However, his statement didn't seem as arrogant as usual. It had a touch of sincerity and assurance to it, but you weren't sure if it was just the adrenaline making you think that.

Before you can reply, a voice interrupts you. "Are you guys okay?!" You look up to see Uraraka at the top of the steps with Mina, Sero, and Iida.

You give her a weak smile. "We're all in one piece. Midoriya messed his legs and hand up though, so Cementos is helping him."

"Did a villain get him?!" Iida asks.

"No, they broke when he used his quirk again. It's really weird... I've never seen anything like him before..." The others agree. Walking up the steps feels like it takes years, and you struggle not to slip in your soaked costume. I really should have gone with a more water resistant material for the body and boots... The four of you finally reach the top, and are met by the principal, Nezu.

"Oh good, I'm glad to see none of you are harmed too bad!" He says. You give him a weary smile and Kirishima asks how the others are doing. "So far, the only injured student is Midoriya." He pauses for a moment. "Well, Kaminari did use a bit to much electricity, but I've been informed he should be back to normal shortly."

"That's good..." Kirishima and you breathe a sigh of relief. "What about Aizawa and Thirteen?"

"They took some serious damage, but luckily paramedics are taking them to get help right now. They should be okay, but they'll likely suffer some permanent effects. Unfortunately, it's all part of the job."

"I hope they heal quickly..." You say. "If it weren't for me, Aizawa wouldn't have gotten so injured...!"

"What are you talking about?! It was those damn villains' faults! Not yours!" Bakugou says to you.

"Bakugou's right, Y/n... It wasn't your fault." Kirishima puts his hand on your shoulder and gives you a soft smile.

"If I had just attacked that hand guy instead of throwing myself between him and Tsu, then he wouldn't have had to use his quirk on the guy, and if he hadn't used his quirk, his head wouldn't have been smashed into the ground so hard...!" You feel tears begin to form as you remember losing your parents again. You don't want to see anyone else die, especially trying to save you.

"Y/n, you saved my life back there, Kero." You turn to see Tsuyu standing with Mineta. "If it weren't for you pushing me out of the way, I would have been dust. Aizawa did the same for you. The only ones to blame are the ones who hurt him in the first place." You have to use your quirk on yourself to make sure the tears don't fall.

"Yeah! You saved me, too! If you didn't put up that ice wall he woulda gotten me, too, so thanks, Y/n!" Mineta says.

"See? Everyone is in agreement. The only ones to blame are the ones who came here with the intentions of killing innocent children and the Symbol of Peace. Now, you students should go outside and meet up with the others. I'm sure they're just as worried about you as you are for them." Nezu tells you. You all nod and make your way outside.

"Alright, that looks like the last few of them." The detective from the police department says as you walk out. Everyone else in the class is waiting outside the doors in a group. The worst injuries seem to be a few scratches and bruises. You go to join them, but notice a small red dot on your visor screen. That's weird... Wonder what that is... You press the button on your switch through the features. It wasn't the water sensing feature, or anything to do with still being disconnected to your phone's bluetooth.

Suddenly, you remember the letter accompanying your costume when you got it. It said that as part of the features on the helmet, which you should probably read through fully, there was an option to record what you saw and heard that uploaded to a drive accessible to you. You must have accidentally turned it on while you were fighting in the flood zone.

I bet this recording would be helpful to the detective! You turn back toward the dark haired man and walk over. "Excuse me sir?"

He looks up from his notebook and gives you a smile. "How can I help you?"

"My helmet has a recording feature on it, and I forgot about it until now. I accidentally activated it when I was in the flood zone, and I thought it might be helpful to the investigation as I was close up to all three of the lead villains. If you want, I can download the video to a USB stick or something for you." You tell him.

"That'd be very appreciated, thank you. I happen to have a fresh one here that I was going to use for the investigation anyway. Would you be able to give it to All Might to deliver to me once you have it uploaded?"

"Yes, sir. It shouldn't take too long."

"Detective Tsukauchi!" Another police officer runs up to the detective, so you go join the others.

After a few questions from the police officers, and a check up from the paramedics, you're all finally able to head back to the school to get changed and head home. The bus ride back was quieter than the way there, and no one was sure how to act.

By the time you arrived at the front of UA, the school day had officially ended. Students had been released a little late due to the security threat, and once they were able to leave, most had rushed home.

As you step off the bus and head towards the school, you wonder where Shinsou is. I hope he isn't too worried about me... I'll call him as soon as I get out of this costume... I wish I could just steam all of the water out, but I'm way too tired for that... Plus I have to get it fixed to be more water resistant anyways...

Once changed into your uniform, you pack up your costume and take out your laptop. Following the directions in the letter, you manage to copy the video fairly quickly. By now, the sunlight was filtering through the windows casting a golden glow on everything. All of your classmates had already changed and gone home, so it was just you in the classroom.

I wonder if All Might is still in the infirmary.... I should go check before I head home... Packing your laptop up in your bag, you slip the USB stick into your pocket, and stand up. After turning off the lights and locking the classroom door, you go to find All Might.

hey guys sorry this chapter is kinda boring. there was supposed to be more but it was getting really long so I cut it in half. I may split the next one too because I'm not even close to finishing it. idk how long it'll be till the next update but as usual i hope y'all are doing good and healthy :) thanks for 39.5k btw! I was surprised to see how fast it's been jumping! I'm glad y'all enjoy this story so far ♡♡

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