Chapter 50: Arriving at the Station (Again)

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"Man, that was a tough day!" You sigh as you step down from the fire truck. You were back at the agency's fire station.

After you had rescued the fish, you spent the next two hours running around trying to help relocate everyone to the shelter where the city would help them.

"The day's not over yet, kid!"

"Yes ma'am!" You straighten your back and turn to face FT.

"We've still got to get you settled in! Follow me!"

FT leads you into the agency and up to the front desk. "Hey, love~!"

"Her things were brought up to her room." The receptionist tells her.

FT gives her a flirty smile and blows her a kiss before heading to the elevators.

"She your girlfriend?"

"My wife!"

"Your wife is your receptionist?"

"Not just my receptionist! She helps me handle all of the business aspects of hero work! This place wouldn't be so well known if it weren't for her!"

You can't help but smile as love radiates off of FT. "How long have you two been together?"

"Her dad was the old fire chief. We met about twenty years ago when she came in one day, and we started going out a few months later."

"You dated your boss's daughter?"

"And married her! I'll never forget her face when I popped the question...!"

"Man, it must have been so romantic..."

FT laughs as the elevator doors open. "Not quite," she gestures for you to follow her down the hall. "You're probably too young to know about it, but about sixteen years ago there was a really bad fire downtown. Dia made sure everyone was evacuated but got trapped in the flames."

"That must have been terrifying...!"

"Yeah. I thought I was going to lose her. I rushed in without the proper gear on, but ended up stopping a beam from falling on her. Of course that meant it fell on me. That's how I got these bad boys," she pulls her jacket off of her to reveal burn scars all over her shoulders.

"I freaked out and started spewing out fire suppressant all over her and the area around us. When I realized I couldn't stop the fire from closing in, I told her I loved her and wanted to marry her. She was pissed. She told me that she wouldn't answer until I asked her properly, because we weren't going to die. And hey, she was right. Man, I love her."

"I hope I have what you two have one day..."

"Oh relax a bit! You're still a kid! Focus on your future, and worry about finding the love of your life after! Besides, I'm sure you've got quite the fanclub going after everyone saw how tough you are at the sports festival!"

"Haha, the only ones who are interested in me are only interested for hero work!"

"Oh I know that's a lie! And don't complain about that! It means you've got great chances at making it big!"

"I just have to keep that interest up until after I graduate..."

The elevator doors open up and Fire Tamer leads you down the hallway. "Trust me kid, just keep doing what you're doing and you'll have no trouble at all!"

"Thank you!"

"Now, this room here will be yours. Get showered and changed into these. I'll meet you on the third floor in an hour for dinner. Got it?" Fire Tamer hands you a bag. Looking inside, there was a simple black t-shirt with her logo on it accompanied by red cargo pants.

"Sounds good!"

"This is what you'll be wearing on down time when we're not on call. When we are on call, you need to be ready at a moment's notice like earlier. How quickly can you get into your costume?"

"It can take a minute... It's a little awkward with how tight it is sometimes."

"Well, when we're on hero patrols you can wear your costume, but for any and all fires you'll be wearing station gear over it like before. We'll see if Engitech can whip you up something that will let you move a little more freely after dinner. I know your fighting style requires a lot of movement."

"Thank you, Fire Tamer!"

"That's FT to you! You're part of my crew now, so stop acting so stiff!"

"Yes FT! Thank you!"

Fire Tamer turns back towards to elevators and you step into your room for the week. It's bigger than your room at your apartement. Pulling the curtains back from the window you can see the busy street below. The sun begins to set, casting a golden light over the room.

"Jeez, today was a workout..."

There's a bathroom connected to your room with fresh towels folded on the shelf. You place your bag on the desk next to the window and rifle through for your toiletries.

Setting them on the counter, you open the bag Fire Tamer gave you. Unfolding the top, you see it has 'STUDENT' in red bold letters across the back. Guess it's important for them to know I'm not just a lost kid... There are a lot of people who work here...

"Man, I reek!" All of the heat and exercise left you smelling worse than after training. Especially the stench of smoke.

The cold water feels especially nice tonight. Once you finish washing away the soot and grime, you step out and dry yourself off. The clothes fit perfectly, which didn't surprise you too much as they had requested your measurements from the school.

There was still a bit before you were due for dinner, so you find your phone from your bag. You hadn't been on it since you arrived at the station earlier that day.

There were a few texts from your friends and your aunt asking if you made it okay and how your day was. You quickly reply, and chuckle at the parallel texts you received from Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Both had sent you almost word for word, "Hey! Your friend Tetsutetsu/Kirishima is at Fourth Kind's with me!'

You take a seat on your bed and relax on your phone after you reply to both boys. Shinsou calls, and you tell him all about your day.

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