159: Dinner at a Diner

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“Great job tonight, Penguin!” Hawks smiles. By now, all of the patrons have been escorted out, and the staff are in the hands of his sidekicks and the police. “You did great! Sorry you had to deal with this creep.” He nudges the owner with his foot, who is still pinned and swearing on the floor.

“I'm glad I could help! Did you get a good video of everything? I'm sorry I couldn't watch him pour the drink for me.”

“Don't worry about that! I snuck a camera on your back and caught the whole thing! We're sending your drink to a lab to be analyzed. Looks like they slipped a pill into it.” He hands the glass to an officer who carries your drink away.

“Jeez... I'm glad you caught him...”

“I couldn't have done it without you, Penguin!” He smiles. “Now, let's go get some dinner! I'm starved!”

“What about the wig and stuff?” You ask.

“Oh don't worry about that, I brought your costume for you to change into. They're waiting outside; you can change in one of the vans. Don't worry, there aren't any windows, and I'll stand in front of the door.”

You thank Hawks and follow him out. He brings you to a van to change into your costume, and you quickly do so. When you exit, he waves goodbye to the police, and he carries you off to the diner. This time, plenty of people are there, and all are very happy to see Hawks.

“Hawks!! Is this the student you're training?”

“Good job on shutting down that creepy bar! I have teenage daughters and I'd hate for them to be taken advantage of like that!”

“Was that your student who went in undercover? Good work!! That must have been frightening!”

You awkwardly smile at the crowd that greets you inside the diner. “Oh it wasn't so bad really... That guy was pretty creepy though...! I'm glad I was able to protect other kids my age from that place.”

“Keep up the good work!”

“Hawks, let me pay for your meal!”

“No way!” Hawks laughs. He turns to the waitress behind the counter and flashes her a grin. “Put everyone's bill on my card, okay?” The crowd erupts into thank yous and Hawks goes around signing shirts, napkins, and whatever people have. “Now, my only request is that you let my student have some space to eat, okay? She's still not used to the attention, and I don't want her to be too embarrassed to enjoy the delicious food here!”

The crowd melts at his smile and immediately clears away from the table a waitress is trying to lead you to. “Thank you, everyone...!” You bow and sit down.

The waitress brings you some water, and Hawks eventually sits down across from you. “This place has the best crepes. Aside from those in France, that is.” He scans the menu and points to a savoury chicken crepe. “These are my favourites! You should try some!”

You laugh at his enthusiasm and read over the rest of the menu. “I'm not surprised...”

The waitress comes back, and you both order. While waiting for your food, Hawks has you close your eyes. “Okay, I want you to tell me how many people are in the dining room right now.”

“Huh? How am I supposed to know if my eyes are closed?” You ask.

“As a hero, one of the best habits you can have is being situationally aware. When you walk into a room, make note of the exits, atmosphere, how many people are there, if anyone looks shady or is acting weird, and anyone who may need help getting out if there's an emergency.”

“That's a lot of stuff to pay attention to...” You frown with your eyes closed. “Let's see...”

“Don't try to remember. Sense them. Use your quirk.”

“Oh... I didn't think of that...” Focusing on your quirk, you pay attention to all of the water around you. Water in people feels different than water in cups and pipes, but it still takes some time to differentiate between the two. “Uh... Thirty-three?”

“Close! Thirty-six!” Hawks corrects you, and you open your eyes. “We'll practice that more.” Hawks spins his fork in his fingers as he leans his chin on his other hand. “Tomorrow, we'll work on everything you practiced today. I want you to give it your all, okay? Oh, better yet, give it a good ol’ Plus Ultra, yeah?” He grins.

You smile back. “Right!!” The waitress brings your food out quickly, and the two of you happily eat it all. Iida sends you the schoolwork you missed today, and you sigh as you read through it.

“What'd ya miss?” Hawks asks through a mouthful of food.

“Looks like I missed some tough English... Not to mention the other classes.”

“Hmm... Well, do what you can tonight before bed, and we can go over anything you're uncertain of during training tomorrow.” Hawks swallows his food and takes a drink of his water. “Oh, I'll text my manager tonight, I'll get them to set up an official profile for you online. There a specific handle you want?”

“Huh? You mean like a hero social media account? Like the one you have??” You ask.

“Yeah! You're going to be booming with popularity soon, and folks are already talking about you here, and the day isn't even over yet.” Hawks takes another bite. “They're going to be searching you up online; you want to give them something to find that you have control of.”

“Are you really sure that's okay? Don't social media managers cost a lot?”

Hawks shrugs. “It's all the same with my budget.”

“I guess that's fair... Well, my hero name is Hydra... I'm guessing there's no way that's available though... Maybe HydraOfficial? I'm not too sure... Those have to be taken already, don't they...?”

“Don't worry about it. I'll get it sorted out. Write up a bio for me, and I'll work my magic.” He smiles.

You thank him, and the two of you finish eating. Everyone thanks Hawks as he pays for their meals, and they eagerly wave goodbye.

“What's your hero name, miss?” One of the diners asks.

“Oh! Well, I only have my provisional license right now, but you can call me Hydra: The Ever Enduring Hero!” You smile.

“We're excited to see your debut, Hydra!”

“Yeah!! I can't wait!” The others agree.

“Hawks, you've gotta give her a chance to shine and not be so speedy, okay?” Another laughs.

“Can't be going too slow! Don't worry, I have high hopes for this one! I don't think I'll need to slow down at all! In fact, she may be shooting ahead of me if I let my guard down!” Hawks grins at the crowd. “Have a good night, everyone!”

“Thank you! Have a goodnight!!” You smile at the crowd. “I hope I make you all proud!”


sooooo... I have been concocting something completely new the past couple of days... and I'm liking how it's looking... just waiting to hear back from my friends who are proofreading, but... keep an eye on my profile in the next week, especially if you happen to be a fan of dabi and hawks 👀

also, I haven't forgotten about the spotify thing and I've been working on it too so keep an eye out for that as well! I'll post a link on my profile soon, so make sure you're following me to get notified when I do 😙

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