Chapter 12: The Road to Rescuing

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The next day after lunch...

"Now for today's Basic Hero Training lesson..." Aizawa stands at the front of the class following the bell. "This time, All Might, myself, and one other teacher will be supervising you."

Sero raises his hand. "Um, what are we doing exactly?"

"Preparing you for disaster relief from fires to floods." He holds up a card.

"It's rescue training!!" Everyone reads.

"Rescue huh... Sounds like another rough day." Kaminari looks a little nervous.

"Right?!" Mina turns to Kaminari, but seems way more excited than him about the challenge.

"C'mon, this is what being a hero is all about!! I'm pumped!" Kirishima smiles.

"Yeah!! I can't wait!" You cheer.

"I'll be right at home in a flood." Tsuyu joins in.

"Me too!" You smile at her.

Aizawa glares at everyone chatting. "Hey I'm not done." He pushes a button on a remote and the walls slide to reveal your costume cases. "It's up to each of you if you want to wear your costumes as some of them are ill suited to this sort of activity. The training location is a bit remote, so we'll be heading there by bus. That's all. Get ready. Oh, and Y/n, the final parts of your costume came in this morning."

You stand up and run to your costume after pushing in your chair. "Man, I'm so excited! I wonder where we're going!" You smile at Tokoyami.

He nods in return. "Your quirk would be good in vanquishing floods and fires." You giggle at the word vanquish.

"And your's seems like it'd be super great at getting people from hard to reach places or from under rubble!" You smile back at him. He blushes a little and quietly thanks you.

The two of you separate to go change, and when you finish you head out to the bus.

"Oh, Y/n, are those the new things for your costume?" Sero points to a baton like thing hanging from your side and a small, flat, box like tank on your back.

"Yep! There was a mix up when they made my costume, so these two came in late."

"Ah it's good they're in now. What are they for?"

"Well this is for a few things." You unclip the baton from your side and hold it up. "It can extend into a staff thing, I can use it to test water, and I can separate it use it to help myself steer on ice like ski poles." You extend it, and snap it in half. You put it back together and point at the tank on your back. "And this is an oxygen tank in case I end up underwater or something since my quirk works well with it."

"That's pretty cool, but how do you get the oxygen? And your helmet just has a visor. It's all going to get in your face anyways." You wiggle a finger in Sero's face.

"Watch and be amazed!" You reach for the side of your helmet and press a button. The visor soon covers your whole face.

"That doesn't explain how the air gets in, Y/n..." Sero chuckles at your proud stance.

"There's a little tube thing that runs under my suit. They made it so it's hard to see and damage."

"That makes sense I guess. Now we match-"

Sero gets interrupted when Iida suddenly yells, "Line up according to your ID number in an orderly fashion to ensure quick boarding!!"

"Ah man, who's ahead of me??" You sigh and take your helmet off. You were really hoping you weren't going to be stuck beside that short purple pervert.

"I am." A voice says from behind you.

"Oh! Todoroki!" You turn around and smile.

"Y/n." He nods. "We should line up."


A few minutes later...

As the two of you sit down, you hear Iida yell, "Ah! So it was this kind off bus all along!" with a defeated sigh.

You can't help but giggle at how serious he was. Speaking of serious, you look over at the boy sitting next to you. Todoroki was sitting to your right and was gazing out the window.

"So Todoroki, what's up with the ice stuff on your costume? Doesn't it make it hard to move?"

"No. I can move fine. What about these round pieces?" He gestures towards your wrists.

"Oh these hold extra water in case I get dehydrated. It's kinda awkward, but they're one of the most important parts of my costume." You shake them a little so Todoroki can hear the water inside.

Before Todoroki can reply, at the front of the bus Kirishima says, "You wanna talk cool and strong? That's easily Y/n, Todoroki, and Bakugou!"

You and Todoroki turn to the front and you smile at him. Tsuyu turns to Kirishima and says, "But Bakugou's so rude and loud. He'll never be popular." You hold back a laugh at her comment.

"The fuck did you just say, frog face?!" Bakugou shoots up from his seat in front of Todoroki.

"See?" Tsuyu points at Bakugou as he proves her point.

You chuckle as everyone teases Bakugou, and wonder what the rescue training will be like.

"We're here. Look sharp." Aizawa interrupts your daydreaming as the bus parks.

"Okay!!" Everyone replies.

You look out the widow past Todoroki and gasp. "Woah! It's huge!" Todoroki nods, and the two of you make your way off of the bus.


Sorry for a pretty boring chapter guys. I'm trying to make the chapters a little shorter so I can go back to updating more often.

also lmao thank you for all the reads guys

also lmao thank you for all the reads guys

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