"Please Don't"

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Title: Please Don't
Characters: Clementine, Luke, Kenny
Summary: Clementine, in a depressed and harming state, attempts to end her life. Just as she's about to pull the trigger, Luke needs to talk her out of it.
Author's Note: tw; mentions of suicide, guns as well as cursing. Also, HOLY BALLS this took a long time SORRY FAM. School is killing me pls don't be mad.
Requested By: Crazy_Fangirls17 on Wattpad
"She's been different."

It was only three words, but Kenny immediately knew who Luke was referring to. And understood. And agreed.

He frowned. "Yeah. She has."

While Luke and Kenny had a tendency to bicker and argue over the miniscule, if there was one thing they were mutual on it was their adoration for Clementine.

She was their little girl, she had been throughout the entire time they knew her. She was growing up, but to them they still saw the child they had first met. She hadn't changed. That was, she hadn't changed until recently. Now, however, her changes were alarming.

Clementine had never been one to fully open up regarding what she felt. She had been when she was young and innocent, clinging to Lee's hand and listening to him assure her that the world would go back to normal one day. Now she was quiet. Too quiet. Alarmingly so. She hardly ate. She slept whenever she could. She didn't leave the lodge if she could help it. She was a ghost of who she once used to be. It all happened so suddenly.

It wasn't a secret as to why she became this way. Her losses and past scarred the way she acted towards others in the present. Yet somehow, the change felt sudden. Too sudden.

Kenny and Luke mulled over such while watching Clementine saunter around the living room, organizing books into shelves with a mute, dull expression.

"Do you know why?"

Kenny's question caught Luke off guard, making him turn with a raised brow. "What?"

"Do you know why she's changed?" He asked again, more forcefully, a hesitant glare resting on his forehead.

Luke frowned, focusing on the girl once more. "I think there are a lot of reasons." He mulled softly, running a hand through his hair to keep it in shape. "She's a broken kid." While he spoke, despite his words being directed at Kenny, his eyes never left Clementine's gloomy state. "On the first night we met she gave me a rundown of everything. Poor kid," He sighed, closing his eyes. "She seemed to be okay. She was making it work. Now," He shook his head. "Now I don't think she can do it anymore."

Kenny's gaze flickered between the two. It wasn't a secret that Luke had taken over the parental role that Clementine frequently lost, previously held by her parents followed by Lee. Still, because of that, he felt bitter towards the man. He had taken the place of Clementine's father figure and, for his duration of the apocalypse, Kenny's best friend. It felt wrong. Unfair, even.

"So what do we do?" Luke breathed in defeat. For the first time since they had started speaking, Luke removed his gaze from the child and latched onto Kenny's.

"That's a good question." Kenny spoke through a sigh, scratching his beard and planting a hand against his knee. "I think all that we can do is wait until she comes to us."

"Will she?" Luke posed. "She hardly talks anymore. I think with the way everyone reacted upon first meeting her, it tossed any of the trust she had with our group out the window."

"Your group." Kenny stressed. "Not mine."

"Does that mean she's told you what's going on? Does she trust you that much?" He demanded. "Because if she's hurting enough, and if she's lost enough, she won't say a thing to anybody."

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