"I'll Find You"

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Title: I’ll Find You
Characters: Clementine, Luke, Arvo, Bonnie
Summary: Clementine is kidnapped by Arvo’s group and while Luke is trying to find her, he gets bit in the process.
Author’s Note: *sobbing intensifies* Swears inside!
Requested By: madxsad 
“Luke, you need to sit.” Bonnie insisted, placing her hands on the male’s shoulders and pushing down, hoping to get the male to sit down for a few minutes.
“No Bonnie! I need to go!” Brushing past the female with a harsh bump, the male wobbled towards the woods in the same direction poor Clementine had been dragged away into.
“Luke! For God’s sake man, sit down!” She scolded, anger flooding her features.
“As soon as I find her, then I’ll sit!” He yelled, anger soaking through his veins with every word.
Bonnie frowned, crossing her arms as she studied the male carefully. He really was determined to get the girl back, and Bonnie was too, but Luke was the one who was bleeding profusely through his leg.
Noticing how far the male was drifting from the group, she waved her hand towards Kenny and Mike and started after him.
Despite his injury, the male could still move rather fast. The determination in his mind to find the kidnapped girl gave him the strength to keep going and to strive to go faster.
“Luke?” Bonnie whisper-yelled into the woods. All of a sudden the male ducked behind a large bush and she lost him from her view. She sighed in frustration and crossed her arms. “Damnit Luke…” She groaned, placing a cold hand against her forehead.
“What’s up? Did you find him?” Mike asked, drawing closer to the irritated red-head.
“I lost Luke. He’s somewhere out there.” She groaned quietly, her hands falling in defeat against her side.
Mike placed a hand against the woman’s shoulder, and patiently waited to grab her attention. As the female glanced up, he gave a small smile and nod. “We’ll go find him. He can’t be too far with that limp.”
Bonnie gave a weak smile and nodded. “Yeah, I guess so. We just need to—”
A sudden scream and a thud grabbed the trios attention. “Agh! Ah!”
Kenny jolted up, squinted ahead. “The hell?! Was that Luke?”
“Oh dear god…” Bonnie’s shaky voice whispered, dashing full speed in the direction the noise came from. “Luke!” She screeched, ripping through tall bushes until she uncovered the male, attempting to push a walker off of his frail body. Slamming her knife into the monsters head, Bonnie kicked it away from the male and sighed. “Luke for pete’s sake, are you okay?” She asked, leaning him sit up against a nearby rock.
Luke’s face was serious though, stern and upsetting. The expression caused everyone to tense, after all Luke was normally calm about this.
“Luke…?” Bonnie pried cautiously.
Gesturing back down to his injured leg, Luke closed his eye in sorrow as the redhead’s eyes scanned the limb carefully. There was the clear bullet mark above his knee but as her eyes drew closer to his ankle she froze. “Oh my god…no…” Her shaky voice finally managed to force from her lips.
A fresh, grey-tinted walker bite right against his ankle.
“Oh my god, Luke, no!” She wailed, placing her against the sides of her head in pure agony.
“Bonnie! Bonnie! Calm down, it’s gunna be alright.” He assured with a small, weak smile.
“Luke! For god’s sakes your bit! Everything is not going to be okay!”
Luke placed a hand against the shaken female’s shoulder, glancing up at the two men and carefully studying their mournful faces. Despite all of the fights they had gotten into, even Kenny looked slightly broken. It could have been just the sight of Bonnie upset, but there was a glisten of something more in his dark eyes. “Bonnie, my priority right now Clem. As soon as we find her, then you can deal with me. Okay?” He said softly, his voice and body not yet being affected by the bite. In fact, he was rather calm despite the circumstances.
Bonnie studied the male silently before turning to Mike and Kenny and watching as they gave solemn nods. He knew Kenny would never hesitate to drop everything to find the young girl, but to know that he was willing to tag along with the injured male helped a great deal.
“For Clem.” Kenny grumbled quietly, turning away and starting down the dirt path once more. While he probably didn’t give a second thought regarding Luke’s possible death, what he did care about was the safe return of a little girl he adored.
“Let’s get going then.” Mike mumbled, kneeling down to the ground to help the injured male to his feet. “Come on, you okay?” He grunted, allowing Bonnie to help lift the male on his other side.
As they wandered deeper and deeper through the forest, following the direction where the Russians had taken the raven-haired child, Luke stumbled more and more with each passing minute.
As night covered the sky like blanket, Bonnie finally spoke. “How much father do you think?” She groaned. “I don’t know how much farther Luke can do.”
Luke scoffed, lifting his pale head and shrugging. “Bonnie, I’m…I’m fine. Just gotta keep walking.”
“Maybe we should rest. You won’t do yourself any good by pushing yourself too far—”
“No!” He cried with a tiny gasp, closing his eyes in defeat. Clearly this bite was starting to control his every move, every breath. With every passing moment, he was that much closer to his demise. “We need to find Clem. That’s….the priority. Not me.”
Kenny slowed his pace from where he was walking ahead of the group and turned around, watching the male struggle to step forwards. He really did care about Clementine and he really did want her to be safe even if it meant losing his own life. Luke reminded him of Lee a lot that way. Walking back towards them, Kenny held a hand out to Bonnie. “I’ll take him for a while. You walk ahead.”
Bonnie’s eyes widened ever-so-slightly before stepping to the side and allowing the male to slip his body under Luke’s arm. “Let’s get going.” He commented softly with a small smirk.
After trudging along for another long stretch, they finally reached a small cabin in the middle of a clearing.
“I guess this is it.” Bonnie said, placing her hands against her hips and tugging out her gun from her back pocket. “We going in?” She whispered, closing her eyes and sighing in defeat. She only wanted to get this over with and get their girl back. These Russians were making it harder than it needed to be.
“I’m coming in with you.” The weak male whispered, gripping the fabric of Mike and Kenny’s shirts tightly in his determined fists. “I’m not leaving Clem alone in there. I want to see her.”
Bonnie frowned, the realization hitting her like a slap on the face as she realized what he was implying. “Okay, let’s not waste any time then.” She whispered mournfully, starting towards the tiny shack. In one solid motion, the red-head kicked the door in, held up her gun and glancing around the room. Two Russians walked in from what seemed to be the kitchen and gasped upon seeing the woman. They rapidly called out to other members of the household, which ushered the three males inside that much faster.
However, upon seeing Luke, one of the Russians stopped and held up a hand to silence his crew. After mumbling some words and gesturing to Luke’s leg, he started started to yell to other members.
Bonnie’s eyes widened. “They think he’s a walker.” She whispered, jerking her head forwards to hint to her allies. Kenny and Mike walked the sick male forwards, caused the men to step back in fear before dashing out the back door of the building, screaming thick vowels into the night air and fumbling against the outer walls of the cabin.
“Where’s…where’s Clem?” Luke groaned, glancing around the destroyed house. Hearing a tiny click, the small group turned to see Clementine emerge from a small closet, tucked away in the corner. Bonnie sighed contently, tossing her gun to the side. “Clem, thank god.” She whispered, wrapping the child in a large, warm hug
However, her golden orbs refused to leave Luke’s. “Luke? Are you feeling okay?” She asked softly, slipping out of Bonnie’s arms and drawing closer to her friend.
Luke closed his eyes in sorrow as Mike and Kenny tugged him over to a nearby wall to sit. Once he was safely resting against the ground, he gestured to his leg and to the bite that was showing against his ankle. “I’m sorry Clem…”
The child’s eyes widened. “Luke….no…” She breathed. “N-No not again…” She wailed, stumbling backwards into Kenny’s awaiting arms. He was just waiting to catch her if she stumbled away, he was expecting it.
Luke’s head flopped back painfully, his body beginning to go limp and numb. Cold and stiff. “Clem, don’t worry. You’ll be okay.”
“It’s not me I’m worried about. It’s you.” She sniffled. “I want you to be okay. To come with us. Come back with me, Luke.”
Luke gave a sad smile and brushed away one of her tears with his freezing thumb. Her begging was only making his heart hurt more. “I don’t think that’s gunna happen, kiddo.”
A sudden crack behind them grabbed the groups attention as the Russians re-entered with large guns and weaponry.
“Shit, they just left to get ammo.” Kenny growled, standing and backing away towards the door, a hand tightly gripping his gun.
The Russians began screaming words at the group, forcing them to go farther and farther backwards towards the door.
Clementine fumbled. “W-What about Luke?!” She screeched, watching as the male gave a small nod and limp wave to the group, and as Mike and Kenny each gave a nod of respect back.
“No, LUKE!”
The second the scream left her lips, the men began firing all around the room, shifting the groups slow pace backing away into full-on sprinting away from the house. And hearing a swift gunshot and a thud, Clementine knew.
He was gone.
Original Link: http://thatglitterygeek.tumblr.com/post/99431456642/walking-dead-game-fanfiction-ill-find-you

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