"Secret Kisses"

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Title: Secret Kisses
Characters: Clementine, Louis, Lee, Kenny, Luke, Ruby
Summary: Lee, Luke, and Kenny find Clementine after being separated for years to discover she is the leader of the Boarding School group. When they arrive, she's dating Louis, but attempts to hide it knowing they'd would freak out.
Author's Note: I would die for these two to stay together forever aksfkssd
Requested By: Anonymous
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user: justajournalist ♡ 
The reunion was what she couldn't get over, and it was the part of the story she would tear up at after decades had passed, and she retold it again and again.

It felt like a dream hearing a jangle at Ericson's gates. It wasn't a common sound for the teens to hear, and it was one that prompted immediate fear and action. It meant one of two things: a walker swarm, or raiders. Both were alarming, and both were cause for panic.

"Positions." Clementine said, stuffing an axe in her pocket and darting down Ericson's front steps. With passion, she marched with full force to the gates to asses the situation.

Louis urgently darted after her, as per usual. As much as he adored the girl, it drove him nuts at how often she went head-first into a situation without asking for backup. She was independent, and he couldn't fault her for that, but it sure did terrify him to know what she could get into if she didn't have a team watching over her.

"Clem, hold up." The words had hardly left his lips before she obeyed, her walking drifting to a halt. Louis was fairly surprised — normally, she ignored his requests. Rarely did she ever listen, let alone that fast. It wasn't until he reached her side that he knew why.

Her eyes were wide, and her jaw was dropped. Her eyes, staring mindlessly at the gate, quivered with an emotion he had never seen in her before.

"Lee?" She finally managed, her throat clogged with sorrow.

Then it all made sense.

Clementine waved her hands, commanding every teen dismount their weapons and abandon their posts. She desperately ran to rip open Ericson's gates. She fumbled with the lock, tears streaming down her face. The instant it was off, her shaky hands finally succeeding, she ripped the doors open and threw herself into Lee's arms, sobbing violently.

Louis knew exactly who he was. Clementine had told him all about him, all about the good he had done for her.

But he wasn't alone, and yet Clementine seemed to know even those Louis couldn't pin a name to.

Greedily, she passed from person to person, crying out the names 'Kenny' and 'Luke' while relishing in the arms of each. Each hug was tighter than the rest to compensate for the fact that she couldn't speak, to fix that her tears were drizzling onto their shirts and jackets.

After leaving the grasp of the last person, her lungs had gained composure. Finally, she knew she could speak. "Guys, oh my God." She hushed, her throat clogged, her fingers brushing away her tears. "I can't believe it's you." She laughed, and they smiled.

It hadn't changed. All these years later, that laugh and smile were the exact same. Down to the way her eyes crinkled in the corners and her teeth glowed through her lips — it all just screamed 'Clementine.'

Snapping out of her trance, she whipped around, gesturing to Louis. He was standing a few paces behind her, giving her space to say her hellos before growing closer. "I should probably introduce you guys," she admitted with a faint chuckle.

Louis gave a hopeful smile. The way her cheeks puffed up after she cried was normally heartbreaking but this time, knowing they were puffy and red from joy, he found it adorable.

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