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Title: Anxiety
Characters: Clementine, Javier, Gabe
Summary: While in the tunnels, Clementine goes through an anxiety attack knowing that The New Frontier is close. While in mid break-down, Javi has to calm her down.
Author's Note: okay omg I hope this turned out okay ahhhh
Requested By: Anonymous
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user: justajournalist
She recognized this tunnel.

The moment the thought entered her, it made her skin crawl. She paused her walking, her palms going clammy and her eyes bulging. Goose-bumps littered her skin, her gaze crawled every inch of the tunnel, and her heart stretched against her rib-cage wailing to escape.


Her skin crawled hearing the familiar voice — the friendly voice — because she was too lost. She was too drowned in her mind, recalling the memories of her crawling out of this tunnel months, maybe even years prior.

This was the same tunnel she'd escaped through. This is where she had run for her life after she'd been thrown to the wolves.

They were close to the New Frontier. She was close to The New Frontier. Again.

"Clem?" Javier tried again.

Hearing her name sound for a second time, Gabe turned to see what the commotion was about. All he spotted was Clementine staring dead ahead, frozen in place. Her eyes were wide, her skin was pale and, despite the dim lighting, Gabe could see that her hands were shaking. "Clem?" He voiced. "Is everything okay?"

Somehow, Gabe's voice was the one that rattled Clem from her thoughts. She blinked, her body jolting, shot back into reality. "What?"

Javier stared at her, gaze quizzical and hesitant. While they hadn't known each other for long, he wasn't blind. He could tell something was bothering her. Whether it was something regarding the group's overall safety was what he was concerned about. "What's going on?"

Clementine said nothing, her lips parted and frantic, her eyes darting between Javier, Gabe, and the ever vanished crew up ahead. They were slipping out of sight. They were getting closer to them. Them. And once they got there, they wouldn't be able to turn back. She took in a shaky breath.

"Clem?" Gabe pressed. He took a few steps closer. "What's happening with you?"

There was no turning back now. There was no way she could explain to them what was ahead without her being put at risk to be killed by them or the New Frontier. No matter what she was going to do, she would lose.

"Clementine, come on. We need to keep moving." Javi said.

Javier wouldn't let her slip away easily. If she made a break for it, he'd come after her. He'd demand answers, and no matter what she said it wouldn't end well for her. It never did. She didn't know these people. She barely trusted them, if even at all.

There was no use. This was the end of the line. She was done for.

All thanks to this stupid tunnel.

She hadn't realized that her breathing was rattling until she felt hands on her shoulders. She jumped, swatting the hands away, her eyes darting to meet Javier's. His hands raised in surrender, watching as she frantically tried to collect herself. "I don't know what's going on Clem, but you're freaking us out."

"I'm fine," she wheezed, not realizing how raspy she was until then.

Javier blinked, his brows knitting together and untangling themselves, trying to understand what was happening.

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