"Hide and Go Seek"

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Title: Hide and Go Seek
Characters: Clementine, Sarah, Carlos, Luke
Summary: Clem and Sarah play hide and seek, but the group begins to worry when Clementine goes missing.
Author’s Note: Enjoy!
Requested By: Anonymous
“Okay Clementine, I’ll hide first okay?”
Clementine nodded gleefully, biting her lip in excitement as she nodded. “Okay.”
“Awesome! Count to 20.” After Sarah guided her friend against a tiny ski lodge wall, she giggled excitedly and jumped away and down the stairs, bounding towards the hiding spot she had in mind.
There wasn’t a lot to do at the tiny lodge, so Sarah and Clem entertained themselves by either making up their own games, or playing games they both knew. Of course, they both knew and loved Hide and Seek.
“20!” Clementine called out happily, removing her eyes from the wall and glancing around the upper hallways. “Ready or not, here I come!” She called, trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible as she scurried down the stairs.
With a frown and a sigh, Clementine stopped in front of a bookcase, slowly peeling it away from the wall. “I see you, Sarah.” She wasn’t going to admit how it wasn’t a very hard task to find her. She needed to keep the girl happy and occupied, and not focused on the world around her. That’s all her father had asked for.
“Oh darn.” She whispered sadly, giggling however as she stood up again. “Okay, now it’s my turn to count.”
Clementine nodded happily, grinning excitedly as Sarah turned against the wall and began counting. The raven-haired girl slipped out of the building and creeped away from the cabin searching for her new hiding spot.
“Luke?!” Sarah screamed frantically, dashing through the house. Just as fast as Carlos arrived on the scene, Luke did as well.
“H-Hey! Sarah! Calm down girl, what’s going on?” He asked in his classic accent, kneeling to her level as Carlos wrapped his arm over his daughter’s shoulders.
With a sniffle, Sarah began. “It’s Clem. She’s missing.”
Luke’s eyes widened, turning his head in disbelief. “What do you mean?”
“We were playing hide and seek, and I searched everywhere in this house. I can’t find her! She’s gone!”
Carlos sighed, turning away from his daughter towards one of the windows. “I’ll keep checking the house.”
“Okay, I’ll try outside.” Luke rushed, grabbing his sword and heading out the front doors of the building in a hurry. He had to find her. Now. He knew she could take care of herself, but not forever.
“Clementine?! Clem! Clem where are you?!” He didn’t care of walkers heard, hell, he didn’t care if anyone else heard. He needed to find that little girl. He screamed until his throat was dry and raspy, and cut through brush until his knuckles bled. Until finally, her heard it.
A sniffle and a shifting of leaves.
“Clem?” Luke asked hoarsely with a cough, peeling back branches from a tree to reveal the girl he was looking for, in the flesh. She stood calm staring before herself, almost in a daze. “Oh Clem, thank god you’re okay. We all thought—” His voice froze however when Clementine lifted one of her small hands to silence him and slowly, he followed her gaze.
A walker.
He was limp, wobbling slightly as he hobbled around. Half of one arm was missing, along with his jaw and a chunk from the side of his face. It wasn’t until the creature turned around fully that Clementine spoke.
“It kind of looks like Lee…doesn’t it?”
Before the walker could approach the two, a large branch snapped from a tree and caught his leg, causing the zombie to fall over and growl in peril.
“I’m not killing him.” She said softly, watching the man writhe as he tried to escape. “He won’t hurt me. I just want to stay. For another moment.”
After a moment of hesitation, Luke nodded and rested his hand against the girl’s far shoulder. “Take all the time you need, Clem.” He whispered.
As they stood, watching the male writhe under a tree branch, Clementine realized just how much she loved Lee. He was her whole world for so long. Like a father. Her fingers brushed along her cap, the blood from his final moments still resting on the fabric.
He gave her his entire life just for her to be safe. Never in a million years could she repay him for that.
“Let’s go.” She whispered with a tiny nod, not taking her eyes off the walker.
“You sure?”
“Yes.” She whispered hoarsely. “Goodbye.” She replied to the zombie’s groan before turning away with Luke’s hand guiding her back. She wouldn’t be able to stop herself from shattering like glass if she stayed any longer. Just a few more seconds, and she would break.
“You gunna be okay, Clem?” Luke asked, his lips dripping with concern. She had seen a lot at such a young age, he worried about her most of his waking hours. Even though she was tough, everyone has a breaking point.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said softly, rubbing one of her eyes as she attempted to calm her thoughts.
Luke’s hand rested on top of her cap, causing her to smile. “That’s good to hear kiddo. None of us can stand to see you upset for too long.”
Clementine smiled sweetly up at her companion. “Thanks Luke.”
“Just no more hide and seek for a while…okay?”
“Tell that to Sarah.”
Original Link: http://thatglitterygeek.tumblr.com/post/94637761327/walking-dead-game-fanfiction-hide-and-go-seek

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