Holy Shit!!!

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Enrique's POV

" Good morning, Your Highness!!!" I said to my father.

" Morning, mom" I kissed her cheek.

" Morning, Enrique." my father said.

Well, it's weird when he replies. Usually he doesn't. But today he did. That means he is in a good mood today. And it's dangerous for me. Cause whenever he is in good mood, he makes me do something I don't like to do.

Well, I don't even want to be a part of this royalty, it suffocates me. But I know I can't leave this behind and move on for a new life. I wanted a normal life but in this palace it's not at all possible with all those hard and fast rules and regulations to be followed. I just don't know how will I be able to spend rest of my life in this place.

I am Enrique Emiliano Castellano. Yes, Prince.  Crown Prince of Spain. Sigh!!! Born in royalty and born for royalty. I am 25. Have  finished my college two years back and since then my grooming session for being the next king began for real. Since I was a child, I was told that I was going to take the throne one day and I was trained and schooled to be one. but deep down I knew that there is one more candidate in this race that is my cousin Antonio Alejandro Castellano.  but his horrible personality and nature has maid him very unlikely to take the throne over unless I am out of the succession war. I myself don't want him to be the king even if it's not me.He does not deserve to be one.

" How are you today?" He asked and I almost chocked on the juice I was having that moment.

" I...I am fine. How are you doing? " I asked.

" I am fine." He said and started to have breakfast silently.

My mom served me after so many years. As a Queen she is also busy. I can understand that. But still I miss my mother. Miss hugging her, talking with her, spending time with her. I sighed.

" Son?" My dad asked.

" Yes, dad." I said politely.

" What are you doing these days?" He asked.

" Just grooming myself for the coronation." I said and waited for him to continue.

" And?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows pinning the fork on the plate giving me all the attention.

" Working with the royal official in the cabinet, reading books, Golfing , watching sports, Attending events most of the time." I explained.

" Hmm.. good. What do you think about taking over the throne now?" He said seriously. I just looked at him.

" Yes, dad. Anytime you would like." I said.

" Son, it's not that easy. You need to get yourself a bride.  The Royal bride who will be the future Queen." He said. I sighed. I knew it.

" Or else I can't? " I asked.

" No, you have to find out your Queen first." He said.

" OK, I will." I said.

" In 2 weeks." He said and I seriously chocked this time.

" What?!" That all I could say. Finding a suitable Bride in 2 weeks!!!! Is that even possible?!

" Yes, you heard me once. I don't like to repeat myself. You have to find yourself a bride within 14 days. It's the ROYAL verdict. If you fail, throne will be handing over to your cousin Antonio. keep one thing in your mind that once he gets the power he will  go to any extent to destroy the national peace." My father said and I just sighed.

I know I can't let Antonio take over the throne cause he is not at all worthy of that, he is dangerous for this country. I myself caught him breaking Royal rules inside and outside  the palace. But I didn't expose him back then. But that doesn't mean I will let him take over the throne. That's not like I myself am very much worthy of it but still I am my father's heir and I will try my best to be like him. 

" Dad, can you give me at least one month?" I requested.

" King must be disciplined and must be the man of his words ,son. Rule number one to lead a nation. 2 weeks means 2 weeks not a single day more or less. Am I clear?" He asked.

" Yes, dad." I said blankly look at my plate.

" If you think you will fail tell me I will ask King Joseph about Princess Carolina. She is perfect for you. What do you think, Alexa? " he asked my mom.

" Yeah, she is beautiful and she knows Royal duties and responsibilities very well." My mother said blankly but I know she doesn't like her very much.

" Alright, I will find out a royal bride and future Queen in 14 days. It's enough." I said, " If you excuse me now." I left the breakfast table.

What will I do now!!!! From where will I get a bride in 14 days??? How can I find a Queen in that short while!!! It was  eating my brain. I was pacing in my study back and forth. I wasn't able to think about a solution . that sudden shock got me completely blank.

I took my phone and dialed Alfredo's number. He is my best friend from childhood. He always gives me comfort that comfort zone I need.  I don't have any brother but he is more like one to me.

" Hello!!!" I said as he picked up the phone.

" Oh!!! How lucky am I today!!! His Highness called me early in the morning!!!" he said." I am always at your service, your Highness "he said in his as usual cheerful tone

" Shut up, stupid." I gritted.

" Oh!!! That was unfair. I said very that very obediently from the core of my heart. " he said dramatically.

" Stupid." I said.

" Well, why has His Highness called me early in the morning today? " he asked.

" I need to meet you right now. It's urgent." I said.

" Let's meet tonight. I am a bit busy today." He said.

" Who am I?" I asked.

" Oh, come on!!!" He said.

" I am His Highness, right??" I asked.

" Sure you are." He mocked." Okay, I am going to be there soon." he said. " Wait a minute. Has the King made a declaration on his abdication already?!!! re you the king now? How many people were there?? I missed it. Shit!!! How can I miss this!!! Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!" He said.

" Urrrghh, you haven't miss anything, Fredo." I said." He hasn't officially declared yet but he will in 2 weeks." I sighed.

" Isn't it a very good news??" He asked.

" Not for me." I sighed.

" Oh, come on, dude." He said.

" This is not what I always wanted to do, Alfred. You know that. " I said.

" I know but trust me it's the only way and you have to accept that for the nation. people count on you. You can't run away from this. You are born Prince not a made one, right?! You have to take the responsibility ." he said.

" Well, meet me in 10 there are a lot to discuss and phone call is not helping much." I said and hung up.

I know I can't run away but I don't want this too. I don't want this. I lied on the couch of the study and was waiting for Fredo to come and help me to figure out a solution.

" Hey, buddy!!!" I heard Alfredo after awhile.

" Hmm, in time?!! I see." I said.

" How can I deny the king if he punishes me in future." He said mockingly.

" Well, I will think about it but for now I need your help. " I said and explain everything to him.

" 14 days deal vs Throne???" He said.

" Yes, now what should I do now?" I said.

" Let's kidnap a girl and make her Royal Bride and Queen to save the Throne. Then she can leave. It will be a contract marriage for one year. Then you both will be free " He said.

" Holy shit!!!! Never." I said.

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