End Of Sins

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Enrique's POV

" Why is he here now?" Fredo asked me.

" My father called him." I said to him.

" Why has the King called him suddenly?" He asked me.

" He wanted to talk to him about the coronation." I said to him.

" We have found out the Royal Bride, now why does he need to call him here?" He asked me.

" The King himself knows that better, Fredo. I don't know." I said to him. He nodded irritatingly. I chuckled. " Have a seat, Fredo. Take a breath. His Highness will take the right decision for everyone which will be the best for all of us." I said to him and he sat across me narrowing his eyes at me. "What?" I asked him.

" How can you sit here silently doing nothing yet?" He asked me and I sighed.

" There isn't a situation to do something about it yet. We don't know actually what is the King going to discuss with Antonio. So we have to wait until we know what are they discussing about." I said to him.

" I don't like the way he looks at Adeline." He said to me and I chuckled.

" You shouldn't get angry that easily." I said to him.

" Why not, Enrique? She is the Queen to be. But most importantly she is your fiance. I love and respect her equally I do to you. And I can't tolerate when someone is disrespecting the Queen." He said.

" You don't have to stand for the Queen, Fredo. You saw how bold and independent she is. She can manage it herself." I said to him thinking about her wild replies to Antonio.

" Still. I am not going to tolerate his behaviors, I am telling you." He said and I sighed.

Fredo is very short tempered guy. I know that very well. He doesn't like Antonio since childhood. He would have destroyed him completely if I didn't stop him. His Highness wouldn't like that. I didn't want to mess things up. I would have killed him the day he tried to harass my little sister. But I controlled myself for my mother. She told me to be patience. That day he was thrown out of the palace. Otherwise he would be killed already. Just for him His Highness send Amy to Denmark to our grandparents place. She comes home occasionally. I hate him for this incident. I still remember the day Amy was sent to Denmark. She cried a lot hugging me tightly saying she doesn't want to go. I couldn't do anything about it that day. I miss her all the time. This year she will come back home for good after her graduation. I am eagerly waiting for that.

" Calm down, Fredo. Everything will be fine." I said. He rolled his eyes.

" I am going to New York this evening. Will be back in a week." He said.

" Suddenly?!" I asked him.

" Stewart's deal got confirmed. I have to go and sign the deal." He said to me and I nodded.

" That's great then." I said to him.

" See you in a week then." He said to me.

" Alright." I said and he left my study room.

I was checking the mail when someone knocked on the door. I looked up and found the maid.

" Your Highness, Duchess Of Devonshire has come to meet you." She said to me and I was a bit confused. Why has she come to meet me?! I told them clearly that I can't marry Princess Carolina. But even if she is interested in this topic she should talk to the King. Why me?!!

" Ok, bring her here." I said and she bowed before leaving the room.

A few moments later Duchess Of Devonshire entered the study. I stood up at once. I tried to smile a bit. Fake smile to be honest.

" Please have a seat." I said to Princess Carolina's aunt.

" You may not know me, Your Highness. I am King Leon's sister, Duchess Of Devonshire." She said to me and I smiled.

" I know you, Mrs. Foghurt. You don't have to introduce yourself." I said and she sighed softly.

" That's great then." She said. She kept quiet for awhile then she started again. " What have you thought about the wedding, Your Highness?" She asked me. I was about to say I don't want to marry Carolina but she stopped me saying something else which shocked me much.

" Please don't marry Carolina." She said and I looked at her weirdly. They wanted this marriage happen anyhow now she is saying no to me??! Why?!

" You don't want me to marry your niece?" I asked her and she sighed.

" Yes. Please don't marry her." She said.

" Are you serious?" I wanted to be sure that she is not drunk.

But I knew it very well that Duchess Of Devonshire will never do such an immature thing. That doesn't suit her at all.

" Yes. She loves someone else." She said.

" Someone else?!" I asked weirdly.

Someone else?! Princess Carolina loves someone else?! She can love someone too?! I thought she just can act rude to everyone. But anyways everyone has the right to love someone. It isn't a crime. It shocked me a bit that Princess Carolina loves someone. But I am sure that she will love him in her own crazy style. Who is that lucky guy then!!

" Yes. Someone else." She said.

" That's great." I said.

" Yes. That someone else is very close to you and he also loves her." She said. I looked at her keenly.

" Really?" I asked her.

" I know it will shock you to the death if I take the name of that person." She said.

" Who is that?" I asked her. She was a bit confused if she will anything or not.

" If you don't want to talk about that then it's ok." I said to her. She looked at me for awhile then looked out of the window.

" If you find out someone very close to you has hidden something very important from you then what will you do?" She asked me.

" Everyone has a personal life. I am not going to react about that. If someone wants to hide then there must a reason behind it." I said to her.

" Suppose it's someone very very close to you." She asked me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Like?" I asked her.

" Like your best friend Alfredo." She said and I sighed deeply.

I knew there is something between Fredo and Carolina. But he always keeps saying he is not ready to talk about it yet. So, I let it go all that time.

" Oh. That's ok. If they love each other. He may not ready to share it with me yet." I said to her and she chuckled a bit.

" He didn't say anything to you because he promised Carolina about it. You know him. He will never ever break his promise." She said and I nodded. He will die with the secrets.

" I know that." I said. " Don't worry. I am not going to marry Carolina." I said to her and she chuckled.

" She is married already." She said and I looked at her completely weirdly.

" What??!" I was shocked. She chuckled and gave me her phone and I was shocked seeing the photo for awhile. I touched the screen softly.

" What's her name?" I asked her. She smiled.

" Celine." She said. I nodded smilingly.

" Beautiful name just like her." I said to her and she nodded with teary eyes. She told me the whole story. I sighed deeply.

" Don't worry. This is going to end soon. I promise you." I said to her.

I don't know how to make it possible but I had to because Celine deserve a to have both of her parents. I can't convince Fredo if he doesn't confess this to me but one thing I can do is to teach a good lesson for life to Carolina's mother Queen Sophia. She deserves to have the punishment for whatever she has done to her own daughter. And I will make that sure. She will suffer 10 times more than Carolina and Fredo. That's my promise to myself. End of her sins.

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