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Adeline's POV

" Mr. Valezquez, I have come here 2 hours back. None of your people is here to receive me till now." I called Mr. Valezquez our business associate.

" Ms. Bornwyn, I send my men. They will reach any time and sorry for this again." He said.

" OK, then I will wait here." I cut the call.

Shit!!!! I shouldn't have come here. I hate this trip. I am already a bit sick and now this drama. I look at the big clock there and it was showing 2:37 PM in Spain. I leaned back the chair I was sitting and closed my eyes.

" Ms. Bornwyn? " someone asked and I immediately opened my eyes.

" Yes?" I said.

" Please, come with us." The man said was following by three more man. Interesting!!! Four fellows for receiving here!!! Do they forget way!!! I laughed inwardly.

" Yeah, my luggage?" I asked.

" We will take that." He informed.

" You better." I said and he nodded.

" This way, please follow me." He said and I nodded.

I was feeling uncomfortable walking with these men they look like so huge ancient Greek warriors. I was thinking and my phone was ringing which pulled me out of my imaginary world.

I take out my phone. It was Priscilla, my sister. A huge smile appeared on my face seeing her name.

" Hello, Rainbow. " I said smilingly.

" Don't call me that." She protested at once, she doesn't like this name. But I love to call her that.

" Why so? I love this name. " I said innocently.

" I hate it." She hissed. " Why do you call me that?" She said in a pissed off tone.

" Cause like rainbow appears and spreads out colors in nature beautifully, you came in my life with all colors of love. That's why that rainbow belongs to nature and you belong to me, you are my rainbow and I love you. " I said honestly.

" Alright, that was cheesy but I love you too, somehow I feel the same. Like you were the light in my dark life, still now you are the bright shining star showing me path. So, feelings are mutual." She said and that made me smile widely.

" Alright, aren't we being emotional fool now?" I joked.

" I don't mind though, Adele. I don't, until it's between us. We were born together came into this world together. We can share everything with each other. We can share any secrets. Cause the bond between us was made by God and no one can break it, I repeat no one can do that. Just never think that I will judge you, sister. I will never. You are always the perfect person in my eyes." She said and I wiped the lone tear slipped on my cheek. Sometimes I think she is older than me. She surprises me always whenever she says something. She says all sense and I left dumbfounded like this time I am. But honestly her words always makes me proud of me that I am her sister. I smiled.

" Have you written any songs out of those 13?" I asked.

" Wrote 3, still need to finish 10." She said.

" You will do it, I know. Besides you can put these words we spoke in yours songs. We talked very deeply. " I joked and chuckled.

" Not a bad idea though. " she chuckled this time.

" Alright want to hear your songs but after reaching the hotel suite. Long since heard your sweet voice. " I said.

" You heard one week ago, Adele." She reminded me.

" That's long for me." I said." I want to hear now." I said like a kid.

" Such a baby!!!" She said.

" Yes, I am." I said.

" Alright, when have you reached? I tried your phone 23 times it was switched off then I slept and just woke up and called you." She said, " Where were you? "

" I have reached 2 hours back. Going to hotel now." I said.

" 2 hours back!!! And you didn't call me?" She squealed.

" Sorry, sorry, whiny kid. I thought to call you after reaching hotel. So, I didn't call you and disturbed your private moments." I smirked though she can't see me but I can feel that she was blushing and going violet.

" Don't blush like that if Tris is around. By the way where is the idiot?" I asked. " No eavesdropping. " I said.

" No one is eavesdropping you Savage Queen, your sister is talking on speaker." I heard Tristan saying.

" Urrggghh, go away from there. Let us talk privately. " I gritted.

" Why would I? It's my house." He mocked.

" Don't make me punch you." I said.

" Can't leave. Sorry." He said.

" Such a lost puppy you are." I laughed.

" Just get married, I will see your dear husband. I will ask from him." He said.

" I gotta go. You guys enjoy your time not going to interfere. I need to go and get my beauty sleep." I said.

" OK, Adele" I heard Priscilla.

" Yes, rainbow tell me. " I said.

" Just take care, don't work too much, take meals and sleep on time." She said.

" OK, take care you too. Bye, love you. See you in a week. " I said.

" A week is very long time. " she said.

" Just close your eyes and remember me it will finish soon. Then I will come back to you" I said.

" Yeah, sure." She said.

" I gotta go now. Bye. Talk to you later" I said to her and hung up.

" This way ma'am. " they pointed at a black car standing there. I have to say they have a great choice.

I didn't say anything just sat in the car silently and the car started to move away from the airport. I was enjoying the view around Madrid. It's beautiful.

The car took a turn and I was checking the places on Google maps as I wanted to know places so that when next time I come with my siblings I can show them by myself.

Suddenly I get shocked seeing the car is going completely opposite side from the hotel I have booked for myself.

" Hey!!! This isn't the way to the hotel. Have you lost your way? " I shouted. None of them answered.

" Are you all deaf!!! This is a wrong way. Stop the car right away. " I shouted more loudly.

" Miss, please don't shout and cooperate. " one of them said.

" Just stop right now before I cut you all into pieces." I gritted.
"You bloody kidnappers. Stop right now." I said though I knew it was of no use. I took my phone and tried to call Mr. Valezquez. One of them took it and switched it off kept it to himself.

" Give me back my phone, you bloody fool. You don't have any idea who am I!!! " I said, " If my dad comes to know he will cut you all into pieces and will feed them to his dog." I said.

" Don't care, miss. Please, stop shouting. No one can stop her from obeying His Majesty." The big fat pillar said.

" Bloody hell, I don't care. Stop the car or else -" I couldn't complete my sentence cause I felt he put a handkerchief over my nose and I blacked out at once.

The last thing I got was, I got kidnapped just reaching Spain. Priscilla was right. She felt that thing right then.

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