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Adeline's POV

" What's wrong with you, girls?" The Queen asked Amy and Mira. I chuckled at their facial expressions. They were sitting their with grumpy faces.

" They fought." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" Kick them both out of the palace." Enrique said and I chuckled.

" She started. I am innocent." Amy said and Enrique rolled his eyes.

" Why are you blaming her? You both are kids." Enrique said.

" I agree. They don't even have any idea that they have grown up already and they can't act like kids anymore." Fredo said and Amy sticked her tongue out at him.

" See?" Fredo said. Amy rolled her eyes.

" Kids!!! Have lunch silently." The Queen said. She was already irritated with their weird conversation. I chuckled.

" Are you feeling ok?" She asked me. I nodded.

" I am perfectly fine." I said to her.

" She is lying." Enrique said and I rolled my eyes.

" I can walk properly." I said. " I am completely fine." I said to him.

" Then why aren't you going back to Australia?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" I am sick." I said to him.

" You are sick?" He asked me.

" Yes, on bed rest." I said to him and he shook his head.

" Where is His Highness?" Amy asked.

" He has gone to meet Mr. Brown." The Queen said. Enrique looked at her pinning the fork on the plate. His facial expressions was saying that he wasn't at all happy with that matter that his father went to meet that guy Mr. Brown. But why??!

" Why did he go to meet him?! I told you to tell him that he has a strong possibility of being involved with the Cortanas." He said to me.

Who is Cortana?!! But I got it certainly that Enrique hates them like hell and he doesn't want his father having any relationship with that guy.

" I know but ..." Her Highness stopped there.

" But what?!! Did you tell him about it?" He asked her.

" I did but he said he will handle it. You know your father, Enrique. He will not listen to me." I said to him.

" Why won't he?! He will not listen to you but he will listen to other people. Why?! He doesn't have any idea that his family is worried about him. Does he?" Enrique said and Her Highness sighed deeply.

" I will talk to him. You calm down." She said.

" This can't be tolerated all the time. I warned him several times but he never listens to me. He thinks that we are not his well-wishers." He said.

" Enrique, he is your father. He knows things better than you about handling the affairs." Fredo said.

" Ok. I will not say anything. Not a single word. Who am I to talk about that? Who am I to think about him? Why to think about him anyways? I will not think about anyone else. I will not at all be worried. Like someone cares about my worries." He said and left the table without having lunch. I looked at him weirdly.

A calm and quiet person like Enrique loses his temper as well??! I can't believe he become that serious on a topic. I mean he is right in his place cause he can't compromise with the security issues of his father whom he loves the most. Though he is still upset with him about the incident years back but the thing is you can't hate the people you love the most in this world. You can be upset and you can be angry with them for a certain period of your life but you can't hate them at all. That's not possible.

The lunch table turned very silent after that. Everyone had lunch silently. No one dared to utter a single word. I couldn't have my meal properly knowing that Enrique didn't have lunch. I somehow had a little bit, cause I had to take my medicines too. Everyone left and I was going back to our room to convince Enrique to have lunch.

" Where are you going?" Fredo asked me.

" Going to play football. Wanna join?" I asked him. He chuckled. 

" Martha!!!" Fredo called the maid. "Follow me." He said and I found she was coming with the serving tray carrying the dishes.

" Let's go. Are you ok? Or you need any help?" He asked me.

" I am perfectly fine." I said to him and he chuckled.

" That's great." He said but still hold my hand to help me. I sighed. I really needed a bit help because my foot still needed time to recover.

" Comfortable?" He asked me and I nodded.

" Are these for Enrique?" I asked him.

" Nope. I will have lunch again. I am still hungry." He said to me and I rolled my eyes. I think Enrique has chosen the right person to be his best friend. We reached our room and he knocked on the door.

" Come in, Fredo." Enrique said. How does he know that it's Fredo?!! Strange!! We walked inside and Fredo gestured Martha to keep the tray on the coffee table.

" Thanks, Martha. You may leave now." Fredo said to her. She nodded and left then.

" Are you crazy, Enrique?" Fredo asked Enrique.

" I don't understand why does he has to go and meet that guy even after everything happened?" Enrique asked him.

" That can be settled another way but you didn't have your lunch which lead your ailing wife losing her appetite. She too couldn't eat. You think that's good?! She has to take medicines too. If you don't have lunch she can't have it too." He said and I looked at him weirdly. He noticed that?!! I sighed people who has a friend like Fredo are really lucky.

" What??! You didn't have lunch?" Enrique asked me and I shook my head. He sighed deeply. " I overreacted on this topic." He said.

" Then make it right now. He will be fine. I send Shelton there. He will handle things. If you are still worried then send Rony. He will keep updating you time to time. If it's needed then I am here, Dude. Stop worrying." He said and Enrique sighed. " Have lunch. I am leaving." He said and Enrique nodded. Fredo left and I sighed. I am jealous of Enrique for having a friend like Fredo. A true friend indeed.

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