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Adeline's POV

" She is going to be a great leader in future." Mira commented.

" I agree, Dude." Amy said.

" I don't know what to say but every single word of her touched my heart. Though I don't know the language but as much as could that subtitle help me her words was something very strong to reach your heart directly." I said to them and they nodded.

We heard a knock on the door and turned to see the Queen Her Highness was standing there. We stood up at once.

" Your Highness!!" I bowed a bit and she smiled at us.

" Girls, can I borrow her for awhile?" The Queen asked them. They nodded smilingly. 

" Sure, Mom. No problem." Amy said.

" Come, walk with me, Adele." She said to me and I nodded before following her.

I don't know why I feel to attached with the Queen. May be because I always missed a mother figure in my life and I find a mother figure in her since I come here. A strong woman with a soft heart inside her. She has a very powerful appearance which makes anyone to follow her command without a second word. This is what made her unique from others.

" Where are your siblings?" Her Highness asked me.

" Oh, they have gone to visit the old palace outskirt of Madrid along with Fredo." The stupid I wanted to add after Fredo's name but couldn't do that before the Queen cause Fredo is too dear to her.

And whoever is dear to the Queen is dear to me as well. I mean it's not like I hate Fredo, I was a bit angry with him for kidnapping me like that but his loyalty to his best friend fascinated me. Though Enrique and Fredo are dwellers of two different pole but still they are best friends. May be this is why they are best friends. They understands each other very well. And what Fredo did for Enrique was a crime but that stupid did it very confidently without thinking about his own reputation. I have to admit their friendship is deeper than I thought. I think we can be friends as well by the time passes. But I am sure our friendship will be based on fights cause if we don't fight each other or mock each other it feels awkward. 

" Oh, that's great. Fredo is taking care of the guests." The Queen said and I nodded.

" Yes." I said to her.

" Your family is coming tomorrow." She said and I nodded.

I don't know why I felt like the Queen was upset suddenly. May be I was wrong. I was thinking like this because I have seen Princess Carolina upset today. I am not sure actually what is happening.

" I am sorry again for everything, Adele." She said.

" It's ok. I have accepted my fate." I said to her and she nodded. We sat near the golf course. She sighed deeply looking at the lake and the maid served coffee to us.

" Are you ok, Your Highness?" I asked her and she nodded smilingly.

" Yes. I am fine." She said. " You can call me by my name, Adele. No need to address me Your Highness when we are alone." She said and I smiled. "Tell me about yourself. I know a little  about you."

" Oh, me?! Nothing special. Just got graduated last year. Then thought to have a world tour but my father got a heart attack before that. So, I had to join our family business permanently. Now am a business woman with all my being." I said and she chuckled.

" That's great." She said.

" I love my work. I love my siblings more than myself." I said.

" They are cute." She said and I nodded.

" Yeah. My sister Priscilla Campbell. You may know her. She is world famous singer, song wroter and music composer. I am so proud of her." I said to her smilingly and she nodded.

" She is very talented. I was lucky enough to watch her performance in Royal Variety Performance last year." She said sipping her coffee.

" Oh, you were there?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" We were invited there. Prince of Wales is very close friend of His Highness." She said and her voice got a bit tensed which didn't skip my eyes.

" That's great." I said to her. She nodded.

" Yeah." She said. " And your brothers?" She asked me.

" Oh, my brother Louis, he is going to complete his graduation in 2 years and Danny is my brother from another mother. He has started started college a few days back." I said and she nodded. " And if you ask me about Scarlett, she is Danny's girlfriend and she is Priscilla's husband Tristan's niece." I said to her and she chuckled.

" They are cute." She said and I nodded. They are really cute. I don't deny.

" What about your parents?" She asked me.

" Your Highness, there is nothing good to discuss about my parents. They are failed to be good parents" I said sighing deeply.

" Situation changes the choice of people." She said and I sighed.

" My mother died while giving birth to me and Priscilla. My father remarried and our stepmom did a tons of big mistakes which are so unforgivable." She said.

" It may be true. She thought what was best for herself." She said to me.

" I know but it created a great distance between her and Louis. He doesn't like his mother a bit. Louis doesn't even use our family name. He uses Danny's family name for himself." I said and she nodded.

" Letting hatred grow bigger is not a good thing." She is and I nodded but I don't know what to say.

I talked to her until the lunch was served. We had lunch and then I talked to Mira and Amy till evening. Then Mira left and they were planning to have a girl's day out the next day. They were asking me to join them but I don't think Enrique will let me go. They said that they will manage Enrique.

Enrique tried to talk to me but I ignored him all the time. I had dinner then was going back to my room. But I felt someone blindfolded my eyes and before I could say something my mouth was covered too. I tried to get rid of the person but couldn't. I felt he lifted me up. I tried my best to wriggle out but he failed all my trials.

I felt the some rustling and then the blindfold was removed so the tape from my mouth. I blinked a few times then found Enrique smiling at me. I glared at him.

" Did I scare you?" He asked me.

" Nope. You didn't. No one will dare to kidnap me from the palace but the Prince." I said. He smiled holding my hand. Don't smile!!! Can anyone stay angry with a guy who has such a beautiful smile?!!

" Prince is bound to come back to you every time." He said.

" Why is that Your Highness?" I asked him.

" There is an unbelievable reason which Prince doesn't want to confess now." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" What does Prince want from this poor girl?" I asked her.

He smiled before cupping my face and kissing my forehead. My heart was beating so fast now like it will come out of my chest anytime now. He came closer and his lips touched my ear and he placed a soft kiss on my earlobe. I trembled a bit at this.

" Forgiveness." He said softly. No one could come this close to me ever. I could hear my heartbeat. I bet so could he.

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