Game Over

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Enrique's POV

I was lying next to my wife. She was sleeping peacefully like she has gotten rid of an immense pain that she was carrying. But I wasn't able to sleep. I wasn't able to digest the truth that I heard a few hours back.

I looked at our hands. She intertwined our hands. She whimpered a bit as the hair strand was disturbing her sleep. I pushed the strand behind her ear. She moved a bit closer. I felt her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her. She buried her face on my neck. I chuckled at her childishness and kissed on her head softly. I kept holding her and was thinking about her words.

She told me the biggest secret of her life. She was keeping it hidden in her heart all her life. I can understand how hard it was for her to handle this all these days.

I remembered Danny's words that he said that day. He was right. She was holding a big secret which made her life difficult. She was under pressure of that issue. It's better that Priscilla doesn't know that. If she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. But one thing I have to say that Mrs. Bronwyn played a worst game all these days. I think Louis did a right thing leaving disowning his mother. She is blinded for money.

But how can someone be that cruel!!! If she didn't tell me the whole story I wouldn't able to know this. How ridiculously cruel people are in this world?!!


" It's my step mother." She said and took another sip from her coffee.

" Why will she bother you?" I asked her.

" She wants something from me which I don't want to hand her over." She said.

" What does she want?" I asked her.

" She wants everything. She is a greedy woman." She said.

" She wants money?" I asked her.

" She wants all the properties of Bronwyn." She said and I sighed.

" Don't pick her calls up. Don't answer her texts. I am handling it." I said to her and she chuckled.

" If things were that easy then she couldn't be able to blackmail me, Enrique. She has a strong earth under her feet. She has something to scare me." She said.

" What is it? Why are you so scared about it?" I asked her holding her hand. She kept looking away didn't answer me.

" I have seen the worst human being in the world, Enrique. This why I have a trust issue." She said. " But I trust you." She said smiling a bit.

" You can trust me. I will try to help you. Infact if you want I will solve it for you." I said to her. She smiled.

" I have doubt if there is any solution of that issue. I thought about it thousands of times, Enrique. I couldn't find any solution about it." Shr said to me. I nodded. She went silent for awhile then started to tell her story.

" When we were young Pris and I were very close to each other. But as we grew up I got to know that Priscilla has some problem. She can't interact with the other people like she can with me. She has dyslexia as you know. My mom was also dyslexic as well." She said to me. " Just from then my parents started to act rude with her which kept bothering me. I tried to keep her protected from them which my step mother didn't like. She started to be violent with Pris which bothered me a lot. When I protested about it she showed me something which changed my life completely." She said and sighed deeply.

" What is it?" I asked her.

" My step mom is my mother's cousin. She was always jealous of my mother. She was extremely jealous of her when my mother got married to my father. Not out of any attraction toward my father but she didn't want my mother to live a happy life. She wanted to take all these away from my mother. When nothing worked she made an ugly plan." She said and stopped here. She kept looking at her coffee cup for awhile.

" You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I said to her. She chuckled sadly.

" I want to finish which I have started, Enrique. Listen to me patiently." She said to me. I nodded.

" I will listen to you." I said.

" She... She tricked my mother and ..." She was trembling a bit. I wrapped my arm around her. " She got her r*ped, Enrique." She said and I got a shock.

" What?!!" I asked her.

" Yes. My mother was r*ped, Enrique." She said very calmly.

I knew what was going inside her when she was explaining the incident. The calmness outside was a tornado inside. I clutched her hand and she looked at our hand. Then looked outside.

" She is that heartless woman that she filmed it and kept blackmailing me about it all the years." She said and I closed my eyes.

" I asked my father about this and he kept saying that we were his daughters. She was pregnant that time." She said and chuckled as tears slipped down her cheek. " But the truth is we are not. We are not his daughters, Enrique. He kept saying that because he used to love my mother a lot. He loves us too. This why he keeps lying to us. I also keep agreeing with the fact. He doesn't know that I know the truth about me about us, Enrique. I know the truth. But if he knows that I know the truth then he will not be able to tolerate that. This why I keep acting that I believed what he said but until how long??!" She said and sighed deeply. 

" That woman kept shutting Dad and me every time we tried to take a stand for Pris. She separated me from my sister for years, Enrique. She kept torturing Pris every now and then. Physically and mentally. I slept hungry countless nights cause she made Pris starve, I hurt myself several times cause I couldn't save her from that witch. She kept shutting me with that one issue. She has my weak point, Enrique. She can blackmail me." She said. " I thought about it many times but I couldn't get any solution." She said to me. I kept looking at her. " Is there any solution about it?" She asked me. I sighed. She chuckled a bit.

" Enrique, I don't know who my real father is but I actually don't want to know who that monster is. I don't want to know that r*pist's name. But in the end of the day it keeps bothering me that I am a rapist's daughter. His blood is running inside my vein. I hate myself sometimes when I think about it." She said. I pulled her into a hug.

" You are not him. You have no connection with him. You are a beautiful woman in and out." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Do you think our mother would hate us if she was alive? I imagine her sometimes. She was so pretty. I have never felt what motherly love is, Enrique." She said and tears slipped down her cheeks. " I imagine her loving me like mothers do to their child but every time I found her pushing me away." She said. " I always tried to be like my mother but I can't because she was so pure which I am not. I am a r*pist's daughter." She said and I wiped her tears.

" Who told you that?! You are just like your mother. Beautiful and pure." I said to her.

" Enrique, when we will have kids I will try to be the best mother in the world. I will give them everything that I writhed to get in my childhood. I will love them the way I wanted my mother to love me. I will... I will..." She was sobbing now. I patted her back.

" Ssssshhhhh!!! Everything will be fine." I said to her and she kept sobbing.

" Until how long that witch will be winning?" She asked me sobbing.

Flashback Ends...

I kept looking at her for awhile. That woman shouldn't win any longer. I made her sleep on her pillow and pulled the duvet over her. I took my phone and called Fredo. Time to make her game over.

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