Use My Tricks

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Adeline's POV

" Ready to go back?" Mira asked me.

" Yes, I am." I said and turned to see what Enrique was doing. I found him talking to the pilot of the jet.

Yes, we are going back today. Mira and Amy were accompanying me. I was already missing Enrique. But he was still on his decision that I should go and do my works. He doesn't know what I was feeling right now. Damn it. I was feeling horrible. I knew that love makes people weak. Just this why I wanted to stay away but I don't think I can handle it anymore. I am feeling like I cry will my heart out once the jet takes off.

" How are you feeling, Amy?" Mira asked Amanda and she squealed.

" I am so excited!!!" She said squealing.

The flight attendants were looking at Amy for awhile then went back to do their own works. They knew what Amy does. She is very childish.

" We are going to Melbourne. Yaaaayyyy!!!" Amy said.

" You haven't gone to Australia before?" I asked Amy.

" Nope. This is my first time." She said. I nodded. " I am excited!!" She said. I smiled.

" You will love it." I said to her.

" I hope so. I think I will not get bored at all as Reben is their. I have to tell Reben that he is my crush, haha." She said and giggled. Mira shook her head.

" That won't help you much you know?! Even if you love him he will it be able to marry you. He can only play chess with you." Mira said. " It's better if you marry Kieran." She said.

" Not at all. Are you mad?" Amy asked her.

" Why?! What's wrong?" I asked her.

" No. I was just saying, may be Prince Kieran will not like a childish girl like me. Hihihi." She said.

" What if he wants you then?" She asked her.

" You must have gone mad." Amy said to Mira.

" Still suppose he wants to marry you then?" She asked Amy.

" Then I will not marry him. I don't like him." Amy said. Mira rolled her eyes.

" Go, marry Reben. He is perfect for you." Mira said to Amy. Amy smiled.

" Yes, of course. I will marry him. He is expert in every household works, Mira. I don't have to worry at all. He will handle home and I will have fun. We will adopt a little baby from some orphanage. Happy family!!!" She said and Mira rolled her eyes.

" From where do you bring this kind of thoughts?" Mira asked her.

" From my brilliant brain. See this skull box of mine?!" Amy said to Mira and Mira rolled her eyes.

" Yes, no doubt. You are so talented and very brilliant." Mira said and I chuckled at her irritation.

" Why are you thinking too much about Prince Kieran, Mira? He will find out a perfect bride for himself. We don't have to find out his bride for him. Chill, bro. Chillll!!!" She said and I sighed deeply.

" Girls!!" I heard Enrique and turned to see him.

He was looking as dashing as ever. God!!! It's too hard for me to resist from attacking him with kisses right now. But I am angry with him. I am not going to talk to him.

" You both kids." Enrique said to Mira and Amy who rolled their eyes. "Don't roam around the city alone." He said.

" Not the city but we can roam about the countryside alone, right?" Amy asked and Enrique looked at her coldly. " No. You can't. You can't roam around alone anywhere there. You know that is an unknown place for you both. Louis and Danny will be there. Roam around with them." Enrique said.

" They are kids." Amy said.

" They are mentally older than you." Enrique said and I sighed.

" You can't insult me like that." Amy poured. Enrique sighed before hugging her. She hugged him back at once.

" Take care and be safe. His Highness is leaving you trusting Adeline. If you get hurt anyhow then it will go on her. I hope you will not want that." He said and she nodded. He kissed on her forehead and he smiled widely.

" Keep sending me chocolates." She said and Enrique chuckled.

" Am I late, guys?" I heard Fredo. He came inside the jet.

" At last this problem is leaving." Fredo said to Mira dramatically.

" You are a headache." Mira protested at once. Fredo chuckled before wrapping his arms around her.

" Don't pull your stupid stunts there." Fredo said to her. She rolled her eyes. " My eyes will be on you." He said.

" Stupid!!!" Mira gritted. 

" I love you too." He said to Mira and I chuckled.

" Adele, come with me." Enrique said but I ignored him.

" I am talking to you. Aren't you listening?" He asked me but I kept ignoring him. I am angry. He should know that. He sighed deeply and picked me up in his arms.

" Carry on!!! Carry on!!!" Amy squealed and everyone kept smirking at us. I rolled my eyes at him. He took me to the cabin and let me stand on my own feet.

" What's wrong?" I asked him.

" Nothing wrong. I wanted to talk to you but you promised yourself that you will not come with me then what else should I do in this?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" What do you want to say? Say it fast. I don't ha-" I was saying but he captured my lips with his in a kiss that ignited me at once. I kissed him back throwing my angers away cause all I knew that I need this guy badly in my life. I don't want to lose him. Never ever.

We were breathless when we broke the kiss. He placed kissed on my forehead. I sighed when he pulled me into a tight hug.

" Enrique!!" I called him.

" Yes?" He asked me.

" Please, try to revive your relationship with your father. He loves you a lot. You are lucky that you have your parents. Many people are not lucky enough." I said and he kept looking at me for awhile then sighed deeply.

I know His Highness will be cooperative cause I asked him to revive his relationship with his kids as I defeat him in chess that day. No matter what life has taught me one thing very well that is how to use my tricks.

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