Face The Worst

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Adeline's POV

" Your Highness, your coffee." Martha said to me and I sighed deeply. It's 7 in the evening already but Enrique wasn't at home yet. I rolled my eyes. I will surely make him sleep in the guest room today.

" Adele!!!" I heard Amy's voice. She came inside the room rubbing her eyes. She was very sleepy.

" Are you sleepy?" I asked her.

" I am." She said and I chuckled.

" Where is Mira?" I asked her.

" She left for home awhile back." She said and I gestured her to sit beside me. She came but didn't sit there. She just threw herself on the bed.

" Ahhhhhh!!! Happiness is sleeping all the day." She said and I patted her head. " How is your wound now?" She asked me and I showed her my foot.

" It's good." I said to her. She nodded.

" Don't wake me up until I wake up myself." She said to me and I chuckled.

" Ok. You sleep. No one will disturb you at all." I said to her.

" Thank you, Sweetheart. You are the perfect sister in law for me. Only you understand my love for sleep in the world. No one else does." She said pouting and I chuckled.

" You sleep." I said running my fingers through her hair.

I was checking my mails and it was 8:00 already. I was a bit irritated with Enrique now. Why isn't he coming back yet?! The dinner will be served at 8:30. He isn't at home yet. I heard someone knocking on the door.

" Who is there?" I asked.

" It's me, Adele." I heard the Queen.

" Please come in." I said to her and she came inside and sat next to me.

" Adele, Eric is not picking up my calls. Isn't even replying my texts." She said to me in a worried tone.

" Eric?!" I asked her.

" His Highness." She said and I face palmed. I have a crazy head today.

" Don't worry. He must be busy with something. He will call you back whenever he is free." I said to her.

" He never does that. He picks my call even if he is in very important meeting, Adele. It's already 8:30. He went out at 7:00 in the morning. I don't know why I am have an worst feeling about it." She said and I nodded.

" He didn't call you the whole day?" I asked her.

" No. He didn't. It's very unusual." She said.

" Call the securities." I said to her.

" They are not responding as well." She said to me.

" Ok, don't worry. I am calling Enrique. He will handle it. But I think His Highness is busy with some urgent thing this why he is not picking up the calls." I said and took my phone to call Enrique.

" The number you dialed is currently unreachable. Please try again later. Thank you." I heard the boring voice of that lady.

What?!! Why has he switched off his phone?!! He said that he has something very important to do before leaving. May be he is busy. I texted him so that he could know that.

" I don't know why isn't Eric picking up my calls. He never does that." Her Highness said very worriedly. I nodded.

" He will be back soon. No worries." I said to her.

I took my phone to call Fredo. He must know where Enrique is. He can help us to know where His Highness is. I dialed his number and he picked it up after 3 rings.

" Hello, Your Highness!!" He said to me in a cheering tone.

" Fredo, is Enrique with you?" I asked him.

" Nope. He said that he will come here but he didn't. I thought he went back to palace as you are not doing well. This why I didn't call him. Why? Isn't he at home yet?" He asked me.

" No. He is not at home yet. But I think he is busy. Do you know where he has gone this afternoon?" I asked him.

" He went to meet Mr. Cottrell." He said. " But why?" He asked me. " Look, Adele, Enrique is not like others. If you think he has gone somewhere to meet some other woman then you are very wrong. You are his first and last. He will never ever betray you. You can relax about it. He is not such a guy to do so." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I know how he is. The matter is he was not picking up my calls. His phone is switched off. And there His Highness is not picking up his phone as well. He went out in the morning but hasn't come back home yet. Her Highness is calling him all the day but he didn't answer. I wanted to talk to him about that." I said to him.

" His Highness is not picking up the Queen's calls??! Impossible. He will pick up her calls even if he is in a meeting with Donald Trump." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Am I lying to you?" I asked him. He sighed. " Her Highness herself said that to me, Fredo. If you don't trust me then you can talk to her." I said to her.

" Ok, you guys don't worry. I am checking it." He said.

" Ok. Call me soon." I said to him.

" Hmm.. bye. Don't worry. Enrique will be back soon." He said and hung up.

" Enrique, is not picking up his phone as well?" She asked me and I shook my head.

" But he told me that he was going for an important meeting." I said to her.

" Is that meeting so important that he is not able to inform us?" She said to me and thought for awhile. " Is his prediction going to come true?" She asked me mindlessly.

" Whose prediction?" I asked her. She looked at me weirdly.

" Nothing. Nothing." She said.

" You were talking about some prediction." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" His Highness was saying something weird from a few days that something worst gonna be happened. But I don't know what he actually meant it is." She said.

" Worst?!" I asked her and as soon as I finished my word we heard gunshot downstairs. Once... Twice... A bunches of shots.

" What happened?" Amy asked waking up at the sound and the gunshots increased.

Her Highness stood up with a straight face.

" Girls, don't worry. Your mother is still alive." She said to us.

I was scared about those gunshots but I hold back seeing Amy's scared as hell face. I hold myself back. We have to stay strong and keep calm to face the worst.

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