Learn To Live With It

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Adeline's POV

" Aunt Edna said you all have gone to a summer camp." I said to the kids.

" No, we were planning to come here. No one knows that, you know? Not even Dad." Scarlett said and I rolled my eyes.

" Your dad definitely knows that, Scarlett. You may not know your father properly yet." I said to her and she smiled a bit.

" May be. The King was also saying so." She said and I nodded.

" You guys have met the King already?" I asked them.

" Yeah, he kinda found us out while hacking the security system of the palace." Danny said and I sighed.

" Great!!! Why were you hacking the security system?" I asked them.

" Actually, Louis thought that you have got kidnapped. He was thinking that Prince Enrique has kidnapped you." Danny said and I looked at Louis who was doing something very attentively on his laptop.

" Is that true, Louis?" I asked my brother.

" What?" He asked without looking at me.

" You really thought that I got kidnapped?" I asked him.

" Isn't it obvious?" He asked me typing something on the laptop.

" Alright. But I wasn't kidnapped. I came here willingly." I said to him and he nodded.

" I was confused that you are in a relationship but none of us know about that. You are that serious about your relationship that you are getting married now?! This what was bothering me." He said.

" I know but-" I was saying but we heard a knock on the door and Enrique was standing there.

" I hope I didn't disturb you all." He said with a soft polite smile that can win anyone's heart in a blink.

" No,no. Not at all, Your Highness." Scarlett said. Enrique smiled a bit.

" I would feel better if you guys called me by my name." He said to the kids. "I think I would officially introduce myself to you all." He said. " Enrique Castellano. Nice to meet you all." He said.

" I heard royals do have 4 to 5 names." Scarlett said narrowing her eyes and Enrique chuckled.

" Yes, they do. I also have 3 more but they are of my grandfather and great grandfather's name. Enrique is my name. My very own. And I don't want you guys get confused." He chuckled.

" Ok, I got it. I am Scarlett Campbell." Scarlett said shaking hand with Enrique. " I haven't met the real Prince before." She said and Enrique chuckled.

" Jordan Winsdor, Nice to meet you, Prince Enrique." Jordan said smilingly shaking his hand with Enrique.

" Louis." I called him. He nodded before coming to us.

" Louis Winsdor. Nice to meet you." Louis said and Enrique was a bit confused may be thinking why my brother was using the Winsdor's surname. But he didn't question it just nodded smilingly.

" Reben!!!" Danny called. " Come,meet the Prince His Highness." Danny said to Reben who was busy playing PUBG in his phone. I rolled my eyes. Machine using machine. How crazy is that!!!

" Oh, I am Reben Winsdor. Nice to meet you, The Prince His Highness." Reben said.

" Nice to meet you too, Reben." Enrique said.

" Do you love playing PUBG?" Reben asked him. Enrique chuckled.

" Seems you love it a lot?" Enrique asked him.

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