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Adeline's POV

" Where are Fredo and Enrique?" Mira asked me.

" They went out." I said to her.

" Oh, ok." She said to me.

" Hello, Prince Kieran. Good morning." I said to him.

" Good morning, Crown Princess." He said calmly.

" Where is Amy?" Mira asked me.

" I don't know. I didn't see her since morning." I said to her and she nodded.

" Girls!!" Amy squealed but she stopped as she found Prince Kieran. But then smiled.

" Good morning, Prince Kieran. You are here early in the morning?" Amy asked him smilingly and sat next to me.

" How was the long drive last night?" I asked them.

" It was fantastic." Amy answered before anyone else could. " Peter is really fun to hangout with." Amy said and Mira sighed deeply.

" Peter met an accident this morning." Mira said.

" What?!" Amy asked totally shocked.

" Yes. Not that much injured. He is fine. Don't worry." Mira said.

" But suddenly he got that accident?! I will go and visit him in the evening." Amy said worriedly. Who is Peter?!?

Amy is very childish. She hasn't grown up mentally. Trapping her is very easy. So, she has to be under supervision. Anyone can use her innocence to harm her badly.

" Is Peter you friend?" I asked Amy.

" He is Hannah's cousin." She said and I nodded though I don't trust anyone but Mira with her.

" If anyone tries to drive his car faster than rocket then accident is obvious." Prince Kieran said in a very calm tone.

" I think I wasn't talking to you, Your Highness." Amy said.

" But I was there when the accident took place. So, I know what he did that time." He said.

" Ok, thanks for the information, Your Highness." Amy said.

" You're welcome, Princess." He said. "And if anyone tries to get close to you without any rational reason then you should avoid them." He said.

" I know whom I should avoid and whom not. But you know sometimes we just can't do anything even if we know whom we should avoid or not." Amy said smilingly. " Like I am sitting here talking to you right now." Amy said to him. Prince Kieran chuckled.

" I see. Princess learned how to talk back now." He smirked.

" Why?! Do you think I will stay like that all my life?" I asked him.

" No. It's better for you, Princess. Queens should be fluent in their opinion." He said. She smiled sweetly.

" I am going to choose a commoner life. Even if I am not a Queen I should change myself for my better future." She said to him.

" You never know what is waiting for you in your future, Princess." He said.

" You know that, right? Then keep it to yourself." Amy said to him. He just chuckled.

" You know what, Princess? You are still a kid. Why don't you grow up fast?" He asked her. Amy chuckled.

" I don't want to grow up. I will not grow up ever." Amy said. " You shouldn't be worried about me. You think about yourself. And I was wondering why is Prince Kieran still here?! Doesn't he have anything else to do?! I thought he has a lot of royal responsibilities to handle." Amy said.

" Besides, Royal rules, duties and responsibilities Prince Kieran is a human too. He has his families as well." He said. " He is not a robot."

" Thanks for the information." Amy said.

" You are always welcome, Princess. As always." He said to her.

" Very well. So, when are you going back and letting us live peacefully?" Amy asked him and he chuckled.

" Stop, Amy. He is our guest." I said to her and she rolled her eyes before looking away.

" You don't mind. She is just a kid." I said to Prince Kieran.

" Who knows that better than me?" He said.

" Very well, Prince Kieran. I am happy with my kid self until I am not the reason for someone's sadness. But I hope one day when I grow up I will be able to learn how to insult people badly finding out their weakness. I will definitely want to learn that. I think you know this art better than anyone else. Don't you?" Amy asked him. " Anyways, I forget those things and I hope you will also forget them. Cause they were literally meaningless. So, stop trying to find out the reason behind it. You ended everything. I hope you understand what you are told just now." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Hmm... Very well. As I always say you never know the future." He said to her.

" Ok, Guys!!! Guys!!! Please, stop." Mira said. " Let's go, Kieran. I understand what will happen if we stay here for long." Mira said and stood up. " Bye, Amy. Bye Adele." She said and I stood up as well. Amy rolled her eyes before standing up before going back to her room. I sighed deeply.

" It's ok, Crown Princess. I can understand." Prince Kieran said. I nodded.

" Let's go." Mira dragged him out of there. I sighed deeply. I walked to Amy's room and she was sitting on the bed angrily.

" What's wrong?" I asked her.

"  What will be wrong?" She asked me. I sighed.

" Why do you hate Prince Kieran that much?! Just because he insulted you?" I asked her.

" He insulted me badly but he broke my heart terribly, he played with my emotions, he broke my trust and hurt my ego and feelings badly. " She said. "I hate this guy but my fate keeps making me meet him every now and then. Why?!" She asked and I sighed deeply.

" What happened actually?" I asked her and she sighed before telling me everything that he has done to her and I nodded.

I can't come to the decision without listening to Prince Kieran. He can say the another side of the story. Sometimes what we see is not true.

" Your hatred will not change anything. If you keep hating him then your heart will give him access to your heart once again. Do you want that?" I asked her. She gritted and sighed deeply.

" Ok. I will not give him any importance." She said.

" What you did in the living room was completely childish." I said to her.

" I am sorry." She said.

" It's ok." I said patting her head.

" If he is not important then stop giving him importance." I said and she smiled.

I don't know why I think there is a big
maze which I am unable to understand her.

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