Including Me

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Enrique's POV

" I used think that one day when I will grow up I will capture all the stars and find out my mom. Silly thought of a kid." She chuckled. I smiled.

" It wasn't a silly thought if you think in the point of view of a 5 years old kid. She thought whatever her brain said. It's not silly for her." I said to her. " And we should show respect to other's thoughts either it's positive or negative. They must have their own explanation for their own." I said.

" But doesn't negative thoughts creates destruction?" She asked me.

" It's all about your point of view. Which is negative to you can be positive to someone else. And if you want to make someone's wrong deed right then you have to know his reason behind doing so. No person is born bad from his mother's womb. Situation makes people take various wrong decisions. If you want people support your thought which you think is right then you have to listen to them and find out their lacking and explain them why those points are lacking of his explanation. It's not easy but not impossible either." I said.

" I never thought like this. I will try to think like that." She said to me. I chuckled.

" Good for you. Cause the place you are standing today it's very important to think very clearly before making decisions." I said and she nodded.

" I will keep that in mind." She said to me looking up at the sky.

" Do you lose the right words when you talk to me?" She asked me and I looked at her narrowing my eyes trying to figure out what she was trying to say.

" Which words?" I asked her.

" Sweet words." She said and I chuckled.

" I am using sweet words only. Why?? Did you get it bitter?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" These are your sweet words?" She asked him.

" Oh, you need sweeter than these?" I asked her and she gritted.

" Look there. There are other couples too. You are talking about your Royalty while we are in our honeymoon trip." She said and I chuckled.

" Why are you looking at others? They have privacy." I said to her and she glared at me.

" You mean I don't have manners?" She asked me and I shook my head.

" You do but I think you want to pull a fight right now on which I am not going to cooperate with." I said to her and she glared at me.

" I don't know why you want to pull a fight. If you explain them it would be easier for me." I said to her. She looked at me like she will burn me in awhile. " We can discuss on it if your want to." I said and she almost clutched my throat with her hands. I hold her hands and pulled her in a hug. She sighed deeply before burying her face in my chest.

I ran my fingers through her hair. She kept playing with the button of my shirt.

" If you want I can remove it. You don't have to play with the buttons." I said to her and she glared at me.

" Not here. I saw girls ogling you earlier." She said.

" It's dark here. No one will see me." I said to her.

" No means no." She said.

" Why?" I asked her.

" What do you mean by why?!" She asked me.

" I mean I wanted to know the reason." I said. " If you don't want to share with me then it's ok." I said.

" Shut up." She said and I chuckled.

I was thinking about the day her siblings came to talk to me. I am grateful to them that they shared it with me. I still remember each and every words of them. They love their sister a lot. I know. I also love Amy a lot. May be the universal feelings of siblings.


" Enrique, it's my request please be with Lina. Never leave her alone. She says that she doesn't need anyone else and she is enough for herself but the truth is she is not happy with herself." Louis said to me. I nodded.

" I will try my best." I said to him.

" We should leave now." Priscilla said.

They left but Danny came back after awhile. I looked at him for awhile. He was looking a bit confused.

" You wanna say something, Jordan?" I asked him. He looked at me then sighed deeply.

" How do you think having an extraordinary brain is? Blessing or curse?" He asked me. I looked at him a bit confused for awhile.

" It depends on how you take it to be." I said to him. He sighed deeply.

" It's a curse. When you have an extraordinary brain you will see why it's curse for you." He said.

" What about you, Danny?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" I am not in that category. So, I am out of that topic. We were talking about Lina." He said and stopped for awhile. I waited patiently to know what he was trying to say.

" Really?" I just asked him. He sighed.

" Lina is a beautiful woman inside and out." He said. I nodded. " When you understand everyone but there is no one who can understand you will make you feel lonely. She is feeling just like that for all her life. She has created an invisible wall around her which no one can break and reach the real her." He said and I nodded. " She never told it but I find it out from her words that she used time to time." he said.

" Do you feel lonely too?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" There is Scarlett." He said. I smiled.

" She can reach your comfort zone?" I asked him.

" She can reach the depth of my soul." He said and I chuckled. " Sometimes I think how the real Lina is whom she has captured between that unbreakable walls?" He asked me. I sighed. " Original is beautiful." He said and I nodded.

" Powerful and beautiful." I said.

Flashback Ends

" Where are you lost?" I heard her voice.

" Your mother was a beautiful woman inside and out. It won't be bad if you be like her but everyone has their own choice." I said. " If you love something you shouldn't let it do. It will only make you regret later. You don't have to change yourself if you are like your mother, Adeline. Infact, you are like your mother already and everyone is proud of you." I said. "Including me."

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