Who Is He?

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Adeline's POV

" Mommy!!" Amy clutched her mother's hand.

" Amy, don't be afraid. Nothing will happen." Her Highness said to her wrapping her arm around her.

" What should we do now?" I asked her.

" You guys, stay here. I will go and check what happened." She said after trying a few numbers of the servants and officials working in the palace. But none of them picked the call up.

" No. Stay." Amy said.

Why aren't they picking their calls up?! Are they in any kind of danger?!! I hope no. God help them!! Suddenly I remembered Enrique and His Highness is not picking up calls as well. Are they safe and sound?! God, please protect them. Now it was scaring me as hell. The real fear is when you are scared as hell but you can't show it to anyone else. I can't show that I am scared cause Amy will be more scared then which I don't want at all.

" I will be back in a few minutes." She said.

" No." Amy and I said at once.

" We will not let you go alone." I said to her.

" Try to understand. You are sick and Amy will be scared. I will just go and check who it is. I will be back soon. Don't worry." Her Highness said but both Amy and I kept holding her hand tightly.

" No. Don't go." Amy said.

" Yes. Don't go." I said to her.

Suddenly the landline started to ring and we flinched a bit. Her Highness took her hands out of our hands and walked towards the landline. She picked it up.

" Queen Abigail speaking!!" She said.


" No, what's wrong there?" She asked whoever it was on the other side of the phone.


" What?! When?" She asked.


" What are the securities doing?" She asked.


" Who?!" She asked.


" Umm... Ok." She said.


" Alright. Who will do that?!" She asked.


" How can I trust you?" She asked.


" Alright." She said and hung up.

" What happened, Mom?" Amy asked her.

" Nothing serious." She said but her facial expressions were not saying it wasn't serious. How can she be that calm!!! I am dying tensed. We heard someone knocking on the door.

" Come in." I said to whoever it was on the door.

" Your Highness!!" We found Martha there and got shocked. Her forehead was bleeding. She tied her kitchen apron on her head to control the bleeding.

" What happened to you, Martha?" I asked him.

" Your Highness, there is no time to talk about that. Please come with me." She said.

" But Martha, what's wrong?" I asked her.

" Please, I beg you." She said and I stood up.

" Come, Amy. Let's go." I said to her.

" Where are we going?" She asked me.

" We will be safe, Amy. We are going somewhere to ensure our safety." I said to her and she nodded.

" Let's go." She said.

We walked out of there. I was wondering what happened here? Who dared to attack the palace like that?!! It was worrying me a lot. I should call Enrique. I checked my pocket. Where is my phone?!! I left it in the room.

" Guys, I left my phone in the room. I should bring it." I said.

" Your Highness, life is more valuable than your phone. Your life is in danger now. What will you do with the phone?" Martha asked me. I sighed. Suddenly I heard the gunshots very close.

" Run, Your Highness. Run." Martha said and we ran out of there. As soon as we left the lobby gun fired crazily there. I hold Amy's hand. She was trembling badly.

" Don't worry, Amy. I am here." I said to her.

She nodded but I could feel her fear. I was going through the same. Suddenly I felt that I want to live my life. Live it with Enrique and my family. I feel I shouldn't give up like that. I felt that being scared is the best choice at this moment cause that was pushing me to try harder to save myself and my family from this danger.

" Your Highness, turn left." Martha said and we found the secret stairs. Martha closed the door behind.

" Hurry up!!" She said and we climbed down the stairs.

I was feeling that my feet was protesting already. They were not ready to move anymore but I kept running pushing everything away. I have to live and I have save my family. I can't be weak.

We got out of the palace with the secret exit. I found the backyard there. But there were people whom we don't know if they are our well-wishers or enemies. Martha took her phone and dialed a number.

" Come here. We are already waiting for you." She said and hung up.

" Whom are you calling, Martha?" I asked her.

" It's not the time to explain, Your Highness." She said and I sighed. We heard someone was whistling.

" We are here." Martha waved and we found 4 of the security guards were there.

" Take them to the Valezquez. I will handle things here." Martha said and they nodded.

" Your Highness, please come with us." They said and we followed them.

" Where are we going? To Fredo's place?" I asked Amy. She nodded.

" Safest place for us." She said. I sighed. I looked back. Did we know this morning that we have to leave our home like this in the dark of the night?!!

" Your Highness, here." They showed us and we got in the car.

" Take them safely." They said and I driver nodded. The car started to move and I kept looking at the palace. God, please make things right.

" Your Highness, you don't worry. We will take you in the safest place." The chauffeur said.

" Mr. Hamilton!!" The Queen asked.

" Your Highness, I am always ready in your service." He said and she nodded mindlessly.

" But this is not the way to go to Valezquez." Amy said.

" We are going somewhere safer." He said and I looked at him narrowing my eyes.

" Is there any safer place but Valezquez for us in this situation?" I asked him.

" May be." He said and kept driving. I nodded mindlessly.

After awhile he stopped the car in front of a big mansion. I looked at it weirdly. Whose house is it?!

" Come inside." Mr. Hamilton took us inside.

" Whose house is this, Mr. Hamilton?" Her Highness asked him as we went inside.

" Welcome, Abigail. I was waiting for you. But you are too late." We heard another voice and turned to see who it was.

" Albert!!!" Her Highness got a shock seeing the guy standing a few feet away from us with a evil smirk on his face.

Who is he?!!

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