Broken Hearts

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Enrique's POV

" Why are we going to Norway suddenly?" She asked me as we were sitting in the jet going to Norway early in the morning the next day of our wedding.

" Because I have to meet someone and Fredo is also coming so I thought why not meet him as well?" I said.

" Fredo!!! Why?" She asked me.

" He has a meeting with his business associates." I said to him.

" Oh!!" She said.

I wrapped my arms around her and she came closer burying her face on my chest. She was sleepy. I knew it. I let her sleep. We reached there in awhile and Fredo called us to meet him first. We went to the restaurant where he told us to meet him.

" Your Highness!!" Fredo bowed before Adeline who looked at her very irritatingly.

" When have you come?" Adeline asked him.

" Last night after the reception ceremony, Your Highness." He said. Adeline rolled her eyes.

" She won't come." I said to Fredo trying to figure out what he says.

" I don't know if she comes or not." He said confusedly. I rolled my eyes. .

" Who is she?" Adele asked.

" Alfredo's sweetheart." I said smirking at Fredo and he glared at me.

" She is another princess. Princess Carolina, Your Highness." Fredo said.

" Stop calling me that." Adele said irritatingly.

" Nah!! I am not stopping that. It's prince's order to remind you your place all the time we talk with you. It's your first punishment, right?!!" He asked smirking at her. I chuckled. She glared at him.

" I wish I never knew you, stupid." She gritted.

" Queen should talk a bit more sweetly with her subjects." He said.

" You deserve the worst. Now, tell me, who is this princess Carolina?!! Are you going to kidnap her too since you are so much expert in it?!!!" Adele asked me. He laughed.

" At least you should thank me. I really made you a Queen by kidnapping you. Wasn't it your dream ever?" He asked her.

" My only dream will be killing you with my bare hands." She said and he laughed again. I shook my head. He is igniting the volcano.

" A dream which will never come true." He said. She cursed under her breath which made him laugh again.

" Are you going to kidnap her too?!!" She asked him. I looked at Fredo who was thinking about something smirking weirdly. I shook my head.

" May be. I don't know." He said.

" Going to tell her that. Wait and watch." She threatened him.

" You are not going to utter a word, Sweetheart. Let them resolve. It's their issue." I said to my dear wife. She glared at me. 

" He is going to kidnap her. How can you sit calmly after hearing that!!!" Adele asked me. I sighed.

" He himself kidnapped you." He said. I glared at him.

" He did it. But I am 100% sure that stupid plan was yours." She said glaring at him.

Wow!!! She learned to defend me already?!! I don't know if I should be happy or not.

" So?!!" He asked her like a stupid.

" I wish I could kill you!!!" She said.

" So bad, but you can't kill me." He said.

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