No Mercy

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Enrique's POV

" How did you track his number this fast without calling him?" Kieran asked Fredo.

" I didn't track his number. Rony called me awhile back. He told me everything." He said. I sighed.

" They made a good plan anyways." Kieran said.

" I am shocked that my father was planning something else with His Highness. But he didn't let us know. He even sent me to Seville today without any valid reason. I am very surprised with that." Fredo said and I rolled my eyes.

" He is your father remember that. You got your evil brain from him. That's it." I said to him. He rolled his eyes.

" I can't believe His Highness double tricked then like this. How he acted to get kidnapped!! He just made them stupid of this era and they thought attacking the Royal residence is that easy." Fredo said and I sighed.

" Yeah. I know His Highness. He will not let the enemies trick him ever." I said to him.

" I thought you know everything about it but how did you go there to meet Mr. Cottrell without any securities?" Fredo asked me and I rolled my eyes." You are a stupid anyways."

" Ok, I am a stupid. Murphy was with me and he said that Rony was waiting there for us with his team. This why I wasn't thinking about it. This is normal. No need to be suspicious about this cause Murphy and Rony are the most loyal people to the Royal family." I said to him and and rolled his eyes.

" Yeah, they are. No doubt." He said.

" Are you sure the address is not fake which Rony has given you?! It can be a trick as well." Kieran asked Fredo.

" I asked Dad awhile back and he assured that Rony is with them." Fredo said to him and he nodded.

" Drive faster, K. We have to reach there as soon as it possible." Fredo said.

" We should have brought Mira with us. It's her department. Driving crazily faster than air." Kieran said and Fredo rolled his eyes.

" Yeah, I would brought her in danger. No doubt that it was an excellent idea." Fredo said to him and he chuckled.

" I was just saying." He said.

" We need to reach there faster." Fredo said and I tried Adele's number again and again but no one picked it up.

May be they took their phone. I will bury the kidnappers alive if they try to hurt them. Most importantly we  have to punish the traitor. Mr. Hamilton, you're finished. Once we reach there things will be sorted. But I don't know why Mr. Cottrell kidnapped them. Is he still after my mother?! If he is then he is going to see the hell. His Highness will scoop his eyes out of his eye socket. But who knows if they have reached there or not. Don't know how they are doing there. No one knows that right now. This was a hell of a day.

Puerta de Alcalá 
Madrid, Spain
11:00 PM

" Everything ready?" Eric asked Alejandro. He rolled his eyes.

" It is very dangerous." Alejandro said.

" Tell them to take their positions." Eric said and walked inside the gate.

" Hey, who are you?" Someone asked him.

" Who appointed you here?" Eric asked him.

" Don't move I will shoot you." That guy said and he threw money on his face.

" How much did Mr. Cottrell get you?" Eric asked him. He looked at the money and then looked back at him.

" What do you want?" The guy asked him. He chuckled.

" Call everyone. Then I will tell you." Eric said. He said and called all of his co-workers.

" How much has Mr. Cottrell given you for this?" He asked them. They were about to answer but he stopped them. " I will give you thrice." He said. " You just have to do a little thing." Eric said smirking at them.

" Work for me. Not for Mr. Cottrell." He said and they kept looking at him for awhile. " Rony." He called Rony who came there with a duffle bag. "Open it." He ordered him and he nodded. Rony opened the zipper and showed them the money.

" It's yours. If you help me in this then you will get thrice. I don't think Mr. Cottrell will offer you such an amount." Eric said. They kept looking at the money and then nodded.

" But there are other guards too." One of them said.

" Then buy them too. I don't care. I have to reach inside this mansion. That's it." He said.

" But why do you want to go inside?" They asked him.

" Because they have kidnapped my wife, daughter and daughter in law." He said and they looked at him weirdly. It took a moment for them to recognize the King himself.

" Your Highness!!" One of them said. He chuckled.

" No worries. You will still get the promised amount. Just help me out." Eric said and they nodded and left.

" What will happen now?" Alejandro asked him.

" They will do their job now." Eric said and they kept waiting for them to come out of there.

After almost half an hour one of them came out and told them it was all cleared for them. Eric went inside along with Alejandro and Rony.

" Eric!!!" Albert said shockingly. But the King was looking at the girls on the floor.

" My goodness!!!" Alejandro said running to Amy. She was crying hugging Adeline sitting in a pool of blood. He searched the source of blood and found Adeline's head was injured severely.

" Rony!!! Go, take out the car." Alejandro said as he picked Adeline up in his arms. " Amy, come with me." He said.

" But His Highness!!" Rony said.

" He will handle things here. Besides, Enrique, Fredo and Kieran is coming. No time to waste here." Alejandro said as he ran out of there.

He was praying with all his heart that the girl can make it. The King looked at them for awhile then looked at the Queen who was still looking at him like he was a ghost. He looked around the situation and his blood boiled seeing Albert clutching her hand. He gritted.

" What are you guys doing?! Kill them." No one moved.

" Shoot the one who did this with Adeline." The King said very very calmly. " Just empty your gun inside his skull box." He gritted with a very cold tone and Albert left the Queen who didn't took a second to run toward him before she hugged her tightly with all her strength.

He was about to say something but the fingers imprinted on her face stopped him at once. He touched her cheek softly and she hissed as her lower lip had a cut. His face turned cold at once. He counted the marks on her face. Her eyes was about to shower but she hold on herself biting her lower lip. She had a horrible feeling in her heart all the day that she has lost him already. Now seeing him safe and sound was giving her peace of mind like her nerves were calming down. She wasn't able to take it any longer. Much pressure went through her today. She felt that darkness was consuming her. He hold her tightly before she could kiss the ground. He sighed deeply.

" Cut him into 11 pieces. I heard he has his hungry wolfs in the basement? Let's fulfill their hunger." He turned to see Mr. Hamilton." Him too." He said and gestured the guards to take him away.

" Your Highness!!! Please give a chance to explain." He kept saying but Eric didn't pay heed to him.

There is no mercy for the traitors.

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