Now Or Never!!!!

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Adeline's POV

" It's urgent, Adele. Your mom is not doing well and I am stuck here with other projects." My dad said. I rolled my eyes.

" No, I can't. Do it yourself, Dad. I can't go all over the world for you. I have my own plans too. Ask mom , it was her responsibility to take care of the Spanish deal." I said.

" She is not well." He said.

" She is  always sick when it comes to help in company's crucial need otherwise she is all fine whenever her kitty parties are going on. What a coincidence!!!" I said sarcastically. He sighed.

" Can you just  do it for me this is the last time?" My dad asked me. I rolled my eyes. Like it gonna be the last time! I know that woman very well. She will never ever change.

" Alright. Book tickets me tickets." I said being completely annoyed.

" Thanks, sweet princess." He left my cabin.

Why have I agreed with my dad!!! It's not a time for me to go abroad right now. I don't want to go there. I am hell tired. I wanted to rest. But I think it won't harm my vacation as it is also a lucrative tourist destination. It's a kill two birds with one stone situation. I better go and after the deal gets finalized I can even take a break. There is not much left to do  as well. I sighed and leaned back to my chair closing eyes. It will be another hectic week for me. I don't know what to do now. It's like piles of work here for me and dad just shoving another one to my plate. I can't help it. I need to go. I dialed my twin's number. She is a famous singer, songwriter and producer. She didn't pick up. May be she is busy right now, I decided to call her later.

I still remember how my stepmom pushed me to do the horrible things in the past threating me about killing my sister. I never knew she is my stepmother. She used me to achieve her goals.

I was so invested in proving myself and following every order of hers until I realized I was destroying everything. I got to back my sense when she wanted to get Priscilla married with a guy who was twice her age and was married once with two kids who were older than Priscilla. I was terribly shocked. I never saw this coming. I never thought she would do something this vicious. That day I felt like I am the worst person in this whole universe. I started to hate myself. I helped her to runaway and made sure they won't find her out. What happened later!!! You all know that right? I am happy that she is happily married with Tristan. He is really the perfect match for her. I am so grateful to him for saving my sister and cherishing her like she should be. Like a princess. He made my sister happy and it made me relaxed knowing that now no harm can reach her as she is a Campbell now. I smiled thinking about her. and at the same time my phone started to ring.

" Linaaaaaaaaa!!!" She squealed her voice out. Then started to pant hard. I chuckled.

" Yes, I think it's me not anyone else." I said.

" I know it's you." She said and I smiled.

" How are you? " I asked.

" Not fine actually. I have pile of works, need to make 13 songs in one  month. But I am lost of motivation. I don't know what will I do!!!" She said.

" Alright, I know my sister. She is super talented. So, I don't think she will fail to surprise the audience. She will shine  this time too  and reach the highest peak of her career." I said and she chuckled.

" Yeah, I will try my best." She said.

" Yes, God helps them who helps themselves. " I said.

" You are right. But now tell me why are you upset? Is there something bothering you?? I know there is something." She told me.

Told you. We are twins. So, she will always know if something is wrong with me, even if I try to hide it. I sighed. I think we have the twin telepathy between us.

" Just tired." I said simply.

" Is this for that Bruno??" She asked. I smiled. Told you she will know it even if I don't tell her.

Bruno is a idiot who was after Priscilla and now she is married with Tristan Campbell so he does not dare to bother her anymore but his affection suddenly switched toward me. I am so pissed and just one step away from killing him. just last night, he was calling me continuously. Every time I block this bustard, he got a new number to approach me. How does he manage that!!!

Yesterday night he was continuously calling on landline. I needed to disconnect landline. I swear he is trying to awaken the latent volcano eruption. I swear, if I need to come out in my real self it won't be good for him.

" It's OK, I will manage. " I said.

" You are saying this from ages. Why don't you let me help you? I want to help you." She said. I chuckled.

" Spend your times on your husband not on that bloody b*stard. I will handle him in my very own ways." I said and I knew she was blushing the other side. This girl!!!She is very cute.

" Alright, if you say so." She told me.

" I am going to Spain this weekend. " I told her.

" Why so?" She asked.

" For some business issues. Don't worry I will be fine." I said.

" OK, take care." She said and I smiled knowing that she is not comfortable with me going to abroad and she would react in the same way every time. Cause, she always says she doesn't believe people but family and friends. I can understand her feelings.

" I will for sure. For you." I said and she was silent.

" Hey!!! What happened??" I asked.

" How long are you going to stay there?" She asked slowly.

" about 2 weeks." I said.

" Please, don't do anything reckless and don't at all go out alone." She said sadly.

" I won't. I will take securities with me. Promise. I will be fine." I said.

" Come back soon, I will miss you." She said.

" I will miss you toooooo." I said and she chuckled.

" Be careful, don't trust anyone." She said.

" OK, ma'am. Anything else? " I asked.

" Yes, love you twin." She suddenly said and I smiled widely.

It's time for us to be happy. It's now or never.

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