Good For All

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Enrique's POV

" What are you doing here?" Mira asked me.

" Preparing dinner." I said to her chopping the veggies.

" Let me help you." She said wearing the kitchen apron.

" I can manage." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

" There are dozen of people to have dinner with us tonight." She said to me.

" I know that. Where is Amy?" I asked her.

" Sleeping like a log. Don't you know your sister?! She is sleeping like a log." She said. I chuckled.

" Fredo came back from Norway?" I asked her.

" He didn't call you?" She asked me.

" No, my phone was switched off last night. I forgot to put it in charge." I said to her. " I called her in the morning but he didn't pick it up."

" He is sleeping." She said.

" Oh, then it's ok." I said.

" Nothing is ok." She said.

" Why?" I asked her.

" Lina is getting married next week." She said and I nodded.

" Aren't you invited?" I asked her.

" I am serious." She said.

" I am serious too, Mira. If your best friend is getting married then you must be invited." I said to her.

" She is not going to marry that bast*rd." She said.

" How do you know? She told you?" I asked her.

" I will not let her." She said.

" Will she listen to you?" I asked her.

" I don't know. I will kidnap her if she doesn't listen to me." She said and I chuckled. Like brother like sister. No doubt she is Fredo's sister.

" Good idea. Did you fix your plans already?" I asked her.

" No. But I will do something." She said and I chuckled.

" I see." I said.

" How can you be so careless, Enrique? Fredo loves her. She loved Fredo. And they have their daughter. If she gets married with that Carrigan guy then Celine will not have a normal life." She said to me. I chuckled. I patted her head.

" Relax, Mira. Why are you taking much pressure on this?! Just relax. Throw away those worries." I said to her. She looked at me weirdly.

" Are you crazy?" She asked me. " Are you drunk or what?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" I am perfectly fine, Mira. But you are getting hyper." I said to her.

" Hyper?! Enrique, you are not taking it seriously. It's very serious matter. Why aren't you taking it seriously yet?! It's Lina's wedding in a week now." She said.

" I am serious, Mira. It's Lina's life. She has right to decide whatever she wants to do in her life. Can we change it?" I asked her.

" But what about Celine, Enrique?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Relax, Mira. You know your brother." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly.

" What do you mean?" She asked me. I chuckled. 

" Let's wait for the day, Mira. Don't be worried. Your brother will not let her go. You just go and enjoy the time with your best friend. If you want then take Amy with you as well. Be with Carolina. Cause the thing going to happen will make her need a lot of support." I said to her.

" What do you mean?" She asked me.

" You will know that in time, Mira. Just don't be worried about Carolina and Fredo. They will be fine. But what Carolina is doing now is too much to handle. She can sort things out in the other way. But she is not taking it seriously. She is acting very stubborn. So, she needs to show her right place." I said to her.

" Why are you saying that, Enrique? Lina suffered a lot." She said to me.

" And your brother?" I asked her. She kept looking at the ground. " Your brother didn't suffer? Mira, you too knew about Celine from the start and even Amy too knew about her but Fredo didn't. Now think about it. Didn't Fredo has the right to know about her?" I asked her.

" Carolina was helpless, Enrique. You know the whole story." She said.

" She was helpless. I do know that very well, Mira. But she is a bit stupid as well. She is helping her mother who has destroyed her life." I said to her.

" She is bound with the promise that she made to her father." She said.

" Very well. She was bound with a promise. But Mira, think for once. Her father made her promise because he never thought that the Queen will use her own daughter like that. If he knew that she will do something like that then he would never ever do that if he knew the Queen's real face. We all know how much did King Williams love his daughter. If he knew the Queen is a witch then he would never ever told her to protect her mother. Never ever. She should know that. The woman who married her late husband's brother after 3 months of her husband's death and force her daughter to divorce her husband like that then how can she be a good mother?! Her father told her to save mother not a witch who destroyed her life." I said to her and she nodded. "I hope you understand my points, Mira." I said. She nodded.

" But Lina was not in such state to understand and realize that things. She wasn't in such situation to think about it like that. Besides which kids doesn't love his or her mother? Lina also does. Is that a crime? Don't you love your mother?." She said. I chuckled.

" My mother and Queen Sophia have a lot of difference." I said to her. " But you have point. Kids do love their mother. Lina is not wrong loving that lady." I said. She was about to say something but I heard someone clearing his throat.

" What is going on here?" I turned to see Antonio.

" Dinner preparation." Mira said.

" Oh!!! Good. Very well. But where are the chiefs?" He asked us.

" You don't see us?" Mira asked. I chuckled.

" You guys?" He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

" Ok, waiting for getting killed with your cooking." He laughed. Mira gritted.

" Stupid!!" Mira said and I chuckled.

" Let me help you. After all I am so kind to all." He said and Mira rolled her eyes.

" Very kind. No doubt." She said and I chuckled.

Good for all that Antonio changed himself.

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