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Adeline's POV

" No kidding, right?" I asked the maid who told me that Enrique was calling me in the garden.

" No, Milady. You can check it." She said.

" Really?" I asked her.

" Yes, ma'am you can check it." She said.

" Ok. You ok. I will be there." I said to her and pulled my hair in a bun.

I followed her downstairs though I knew the way already but still I followed her.

" This way please, Milady." She said and I nodded.

We went to the garden and found Enrique and the guy whom I saw the first day after my kidnapping. I glared at him. He smirked at me and winked at me. How dare he!!!!

" Hi, Ms. Bronwyn!!" He said to me when I reached. I narrowed my eyes at him. " Oops!!! I am sorry. Good morning,your Highness!!" He bowed a bit. I rolled my eyes.

" Shut up." I said to him. He laughed.

" Enrique, she is still a volcano." He said and I glared at him.

" I am volcano?" I asked him.

" Did I call you?" He asked me and I glared at him. He laughed. " Did you pull it on yourself?" He asked me. I gritted.

" Don't irritate her, Fredo." Enrique said. I rolled my eyes. Like he does care.

" Look,look. She is looking like a red chilli right now. Owww.... I am scared." He said and I controlled my anger for awhile then smiled a bit at him. He looked at me totally confused and I took the chance to step on his feet.

" Ouch!!! My God!!" He said and I smirked this time.

" You bloody kidnapper!!" I gritted at him.

" You are still on that?" He said and I glared at him.

" I helped you to get a chance to be the Queen for real. You should thank me,girl." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Did I beg for that?" I asked him and he shrugged.

" But you got it now." He said.

" You... You bloody stupid." I said.

" How do you know that I am stupid?" He asked me.

" You are stupid." I said.

" How do you know that?" He asked me again.

" No one but a stupid will kidnap an unknown girl like that." I said to him.

" I did it for my best friend." He said.

" Exactly I have to say your friends will be like you as well." I said.

" You can accuse me however you want to. But don't drag my friend here." He said.

" Or what?" I gritted.

" Or I will-" he stopped.

" You will what?! Tell me what?!" I said to him.

" Enough!!" Enrique said. I twisted my lips at both the friends. " Stop fighting like kids." He said and I looked away.

" Get introduced to each other." Enrique said to us but we were glaring each other.

" I know him. He is the kidnapper who kidnapped me." I said.

" She is the Queen to be. Wild woman. Weird." That stupid said.

I was about to punch on his nose but Enrique stopped me wrapping his arms around me. I gritted.

" Stop!!! Both of you." He said. I looked away. " Not you too Fredo." Enrique said.

" Alright, Your Highness. If you say so." He said. " Alfredo Valezquez." He extended his hand toward me. I twisted my lips and looked away.

" Where are manners?" Enrique asked me. I clenched be my nails before him. He gave me a flat expression. "Be polite when someone is showing respect to you." He said and I gritted.

" Adeline Bronwyn." I said shaking his hand but glaring at him.

" I am so grateful, Your Highness that you shook hand with me." He said in a mocking tone. I gritted.

" Fredo!!" Enrique warned him. He laughed. I looked at him glaring.

" Ok. Ok. I am sorry. How are you doing, Adeline?" He asked me.

" Yeah, doing good. Waiting for the invitation of your funeral." I said to him and he started to laugh.

" Why so aggressive?" He asked me. I gritted.

" No, there is no reason to do so." I said to him and he chuckled.

" No. I didn't-" Alfredo was saying but he stopped seeing something behind us.

I turned to see who it was and found a guy standing there. Both the men's facial expressions changed at once they saw the guy. But Enrique was first to hold back. He gave him a flat expression. What's wrong with these guys?!

" Am I unexpected here?" The new guy asked. I felt Enrique's hold around me tightened. I was a bit confused.

" Hi, Fredo. You are also here?" He asked Fredo.

" Why?! You expected someone else?" Fredo gritted.

" No, Dude. Not at all." He said. "Fredo will always be with Enrique. After all diaper friends they are." He started to laugh and Fredo laughed with him mockingly.

" At least we have diaper friends but I think you are unlucky in this matter, Antonio. Unfair with you." Fredo said and I looked at the new guy shocked.

So, this is Antonio?!! This bast*rd. I gritted inwardly. According to the Queen this guy is a s*x maniac womanizer. Why is he here in the palace suddenly? I narrowed my eyes at him and his eyes on me wasn't giving me a good vibe. But if he thinks I am a normal girl who will be trapped in his weird tricks then he is very very very wrong. He has chosen the wrong person to mess with. I smirked inwardly. That will be fun to teach him a good lesson.

" Alright." Antonio said and I could see that he felt insulted by Fredo's comment. I smiled. One thing that this stupid has done right. " Who is this beauty anyways?" He asked Enrique looking at me with his lustful eyes. I smirked inwardly.

Enrique was looking at him without any expressions. I knew he was controlling his anger.

" She is the Queen to be. Enrique's fiance." Fredo said and I smiled a bit.

" Beautiful!!!" He said. I rolled my eyes inwardly. " Indeed. She deserves to be the Queen." He said and took a step toward us. " But..." he stopped before me. " But she doesn't look perfect with you. She might have made for me. Match makes in the heaven, right?" He said and started to laugh.

" Watch your words before your tongue got cut, Antonio." Fredo gritted. I chuckled.

" Match definitely made in the heaven. This why I am standing next to Prince Enrique not next to you." I said clutching Enrique's arm with my hands.

He turned to see me in that sudden move of mine. He was looking at me weirdly. He might haven't even thought I would do something like this.

" And you must have vision problem if you are saying that we don't look perfect together,Bro. We couldn't look better with anyone else other than ourselves." I said smilingly. " And I have a friend who is an eye specialist. I will give you his contact number. Trust me he can help you the most in this situation." I said to Antonio. He looked at me shocked. I chuckled. Tit for tat, dude!!! No one dares to insult Enrique. No single one.

I was smirking but suddenly reality hit me hard. Why did I react like that?! Why did I insult Antonio for Enrique??! I was totally clueless.

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