What The Hell??!

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Adeline's POV

" Good morning, Lina!!!" I heard Annabelle saying.

Annabelle is Danny's social humanoid. But weirdly it's given the form of the famous horror movie character Annabelle doll. Danny has his weird addiction of watching horror movies. He loves horror movies a lot. He travels the haunted places around. He wants to find out if there is any haunted thing for real. He wants to know if ghost is real or not. He says there is a negative force against the positive one then there is possibilities of the ghosts are true as well. But I still have doubt if he says that for real or just to irritate Scarlett cause Scarlett doesn't believe in ghost and Danny says that one day he will prove that there is ghost. I chuckled.

" Good morning, Annabelle." I said to her. " How are you doing?" I asked her.

" Umm... 7:00 AM, April 29, Wednesday. I am fine. What about you?" She asked me back. I chuckled at that.

Danny is a brilliant kid. I heard he has become just like his father Mathew Winsdor. He was a famous roboticist. Danny got a brilliant brain from his father. He is just an amazing kid. But he doesn't want to show his talents to the world. He wants to work in the business sector. He wants to keep his father's empire protected. I heard his mother used to help his father in business. They were really a power couple. But unfortunately I have never ever met them. I heard they are no more but Danny never cleared it to me. He always wants to avoid the topic. I don't know why. May be he doesn't want to show the pain of losing his parents in such an early age. I sighed.

" I am doing ok." I said to Annabelle. But why are you here early in the morning, Annabelle?" I asked her.

" Red Riding Hood is under supervision. She has broken her arm. So, it's up to me now to take her place. This why I am here. I am waking everyone up." She said and I chuckled.

Red Riding Hood is a walking alarm clock. It wakes everyone up in the morning. It was also made by Danny's father. There are a few more robots at home. They does the household works and security assurance. Danny, Louis and aunt Edna doesn't have enough time to do the household works this why Danny made a chef robot named Athena though it is a horrible cook, trust me. She is a horrible robot chef. He is trying to make another robot which will give them security. He decided to name it Jackie Chan AKA JC. But it's not completed yet.

" Very very well, Annabelle." I said to her. " But don't you think people will get scared seeing you." I asked her.

" Nope. Why will they be scared?!  It's normal. Danny said if someone gets scared then I should leave the place. Until now whom have you waken up?" I asked her.

" Athena and Reben." She said and I face palmed.

" They are not human, Annabelle. They will never ever get scared but the humans can. Humans are not as stable as you. They can get scared of this form of yours. If you don't want that them please stop here." I said to her. She thought for awhile.

" But Danny asked me to do that." She said to me.

" I will take care of it. I will wake them up. You may go and help Athena." I said to her.

" Give the command's identification." She said and showed the red button sighing on her neck. I pressed my finger on her neck. The advanced system of securities. These robots will not move a bit if they can't specified the identification.

" Ok, I will go and help Athena in the kitchen." She was about to leave but out of nowhere Amy appeared there.

" Good morning, Adele!!!" She said and her eyes fall on Annabelle. Her expression be changed at once. She got extremely scared.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." Amy screamed her lungs out.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Annabelle screamed louder than Amy.

Amy was very scared. She kept bugging me and watched Annabelle walking toward the kitchen. But Amy was still holding me tightly. I rolled my eyes. Amy was still trembling.

" It's just a robot." I said to her.

" Jesus!!!! she is a robot?! I thought she is just a movie character jumping out of the screen. She is just a robot?! How can this possible??!" She said and I chuckled.

" There are more. It's because of the security of Winsdor house." I said to .

" Right. If you have thing kind of lady at home then there will be no issues of securities be at home." She be said and I chuckled.

" Where is Mira?" I asked her.

" She is sleeping with her mouth open." She said.

" You sleep opening your mouth, Amy. I gave proof. " Mira said and Amy rolled her eyes.

" Whatever!!!" Amy said. " I am hungry." She said and I chuckled.

" Athena is making the breakfast. You guys go watch TV or you can roam around the house." I said to them. "There is a beautiful garden behind the house. You guys can check it out as well." I said to them and they sighed.

" Why can't we go out of the house?" I asked him.

" Because you guys know nothing here. You guys can't go as well. Danny has people who are going to handle you both very softly but I don't know about Danny. He will definitely be very upset about it." I said to them and they sighed.

" Ok. But only for Danny." Amy said and walked toward the living room. I walked toward the kitchen. I need to help Athena. Her weird dishes will not be consumable.

I was about to go to the kitchen out of nowhere Danny came and dragged me out of there. I don't know why he was acting weird.

" What's wrong?" I asked him.

" You will see." He said and toomme to the living room.

" What now?" I asked him and he pointed the TV screen.

My eyes opened widened. What the hell???

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