In Future

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Adeline's POV

" So, there was a lot of difficulties for me but still I was studying there in Denmark." She said and I nodded.

I was talking to Enrique's sister Princess Amanda. She was such a cute girl. I already like her a lot. She is talking to me like she knows me from years and we are so close friends.

" That's great." I said to her. " How was Denmark experience?" I asked her.

" It was great." She said a bit hesitatingly.

" Is there anything I need to no about?" I asked her. She smiled.

" I will tell you later but tell me, have you met that bast*rd?" She asked me.

" Antonio?" I asked her and she nodded. " Yeah, I did and slapped very politely across his face." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly.

" You slapped him before everyone?" She asked me and I chuckled before explaining her everything. She kept looking at me for awhile then started to laugh.

" You are the best, Adeline. You are the right person to teach him a lesson of life." She said and I smiled.

" I heard what he tried to do with you from the Queen." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" I was too young to understand that kind of thing that time." She said.

" What will you do when you face him now?" I asked her.

" What will I do?!" She asked me smirking. I nodded as I was keen to know about her opinion. " I will kick her where the sun doesn't shine." She said and we both started to laugh at this. She is so cute.

" Are you sure you can do that?" I asked her.

" I know Kung Fu." She said and I laughed.

" You are cuter than a panda." I said to her.

" Panda?! You could say kitten." She said.

" Panda is the cutest animal in the world to me." I said to her.

" Oh,is that so?" She asked me and I nodded. " Then it's ok. Amy will be the panda for her beautiful sister in law." She said and I chuckled.

" I thought you are Priscilla last night." She said and I chuckled.

" People does that mistake." I said.

" Have you faced such an incident where people thought that you are Priscilla and did weird things there?" She asked me.

" There are many interesting things. You know when Priscilla was new to fame not much people knew that she has an identical twin sister. They used to think that it's her and she is living undercover. Even things happened like I have gone abroad for meetings there people started to say that I am Priscilla and they wouldn't listen to me anyhow. They kept saying that I am her and once there was a big crowd in the airport and I missed the flight." I said to her and she chuckled.

" People are crazy about her." She said.

" Yeah, I know. Though I used to be irritated at first but not anymore. Cause I can feel their love and emotions for my sister. They love her a lot and I don't want to spoil that. I let their love for her alive cause she deserves that." I said to her.

" That's great." She said. " You know it's better that you came to my brother's life otherwise he had to marry Princess Carolina which I don't want to happen." She said.

" Who is Princess Carolina?" I asked her.

" She is Princess of Norway." She said.

" Oh, why don't you like her? Not only you Her Highness and Prince Enrique also hate her." I said to her and she chuckled.

" I don't hate her. The situation is completely different." She said and sighed deeply. " I try to act like I hate her but the reality is she is our best friend." She said.

" Our?!" I asked her.

" Mira and mine." She said and I nodded.

" Who is Mira?" I asked her.

" Mira is my another best friend. She is Fredo's sister. You know Fredo, right?" She asked me and I nodded. How can I forget that stupid?!!

" Her name is Miranda. But we call her Mira." She said and I chuckled. "Don't tell anyone that Carolina is our best friend. No one likes her in the palace." She said to me.

" But why, Amy?" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" Story for another day." She said and I nodded. I didn't force her to tell me about that right now. She will tell me later if she things it's needed.

" Hmm.. ok." I said.

" There's Mira." She pointed a girl of 20 or 21 entering the palace from the entrance.

" Miraaaaaaa!!!" Amy waved at her from the balcony and the girl jumped a bit getting shocked then glared at Amy from where she was. Amy gave her a n innocent smile. She shook her head and entered the palace.

After awhile I found the girl Miranda coming toward us. I smiled as Amy ran to her and jumped on her. She was a bit shocked at her craziness but handled it before they fall on the ground.

" Look, who is here?" Amy pulled her and sat across me. Miranda smiled at me.

" Miranda Valezquez. Nice to meet you, Your Highness." She said to me. I chuckled. 

" Adeline Bronwyn. And no need to address me as Your Highness." I said shaking her hand.

" Yeah, a non-royal girl will never know the significance of being Royal. Why are you trying to do so?" We heard the bi*ch Nancy saying that.

" You are no one to decide that, Nancy. Only the Prince will decide that and you know your parents are searching for you?! You must have fled away from home again. I heard you are sending back this evening." Amy said.

" What?! Who told you so?" Nancy asked Amy but she ignored her completely.

" Call me Adele or Lina. Both are my short names." I said to them.

" Ok, we will call you Addie." Miranda chuckled. I smiled.

" As you wish." I said and Nancy left.

" Witch has gone. Why is she here, Amy?" Mira asked her.

" Antonio called her." Amy said and I sighed.

" Stay away from this girl. She will poison your brain." Mira said and I nodded. She already tried once.

The Royal family is full of secrets so are these two girls. They were talking about many things which I didn't understand. I don't know what is waiting for me in future.

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