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Adeline's POV

" Got bored with the speeches." Amy said and I chuckled.

" I am enjoying that." I said.

" Are you understanding a word?" She asked me.

" This is why I am enjoying very much." I chuckled.

" That's great." She rolled her eyes. She got the joke now.

" Then why are you sitting here smilingly?" She said.

" Because your brother is there." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Just because of Enrique?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" What else would be the reason?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" Very well. Carry on." She said and I chuckled.

" There are other people as well. Do they know Spanish?" I asked her.

" No, everyone is getting bored. Not all of them is fan of your hubby." She said and I chuckled.

" They are not showing any annoyance anyways." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Because they are faking politeness." She said and I chuckled.

" After this they will call you. What will you do then?" She asked me.

" Why me?" I asked her.

" You have to deliver a speech in front of the nation." She said and I chuckled.

" Speech?!! And me?!" I said.

" Yes, you." She said.

" Ok. I will handle it no worries." I said and she nodded.

" Are you sure about it?" She asked me.

" Of course why not?" I asked her.

" I mean I am not sure if you can handle it or not but I am always with you." She said and I chuckled.

Soon, I was called to the stage. I didn't even know what to say. I knew getting nervous won't buy me anything so I kicked out the thought of getting nervous from my mind. As soon as I stood before the mic people clapped for me and cheered saying something may be they were saying long live the Queen. The only thing came to my mind. I need to learn Spanish as soon as it possible.

" Hello, Everyone!!" I said to the people smilingly. " Umm, I don't know Spanish. I hope you will not mind if I continue in English otherwise there is no way to communicate with you guys." I said to them. " I didn't understand a single word of those speeches but I am sure they were beautiful in their own unique ways." I said and stopped for awhile. " I am not good with words but I can try." I said and waited for a second. " I am not royalty, I am a commoner. I don't know much about royalty cause it was out of my range. I am still learning and may be soon things will change. I will learn to behave properly." I said. I looked at everyone and their eyes were stuck on me.

" Well, talking about royalty and responsibilities will not suit me. I will answer some common questions I have seen on all over internet these days." I said to them.

" I think you guys are too curious about me. I don't mind cause me being the Queen was a sudden shock when there were more qualified ladies to be the Queen consort of Prince Enrique." I said. " I bet you all have researched about me very well already and you know about me more than I know myself. So, it's your responsibility to tell people who am I." I said to the journalists and paparazzi. I chuckled.

" Well, I am a common Australian citizen and my name is Adeline Bronwyn. I am from Melbourne. I am 22 years old and I am a businesswoman. That's all the common information about me. And if you guys find me very familiar then don't get panic cause it must be Priscilla Campbell with whom you will find similarities of me." I said. "She is my twin sister." I said to everyone.

" I am told to tell about the royalty but not having much knowledge about it I can't give you satisfaction with my words." I said. " But let's try."

" I didn't know 2 weeks back that I will be the Queen that too this fast. I am not complaining about it but I will definitely say that I wasn't mentally prepared for that. But as my near and dear people know that I have the ability to handle situations very well, I didn't give up. I can learn things now. No one is perfect until they are angel or devil. I am human. So, I will have mistakes I will have misdeeds. No people can learn things without making a mistake." I said.

" For me if I have given some duties I will definitely fulfill them with all my heart." I said. " I will fulfill my duty as a Queen with all my being. I will leave no room for anyone to complain about me. But one thing I will tell you all that I hate to live in rules and regulations. I think I won't be able to do that ever. I am an independent woman and my title can't change me. But I promise that I will do my duties and fulfill my responsibilities toward you all. I will support The King in his works and will be beside him each and every time he needs my help. I will take care of everything I should as a Queen. But one thing I should clarify that I am an outspoken woman. I do whatever I think is right that doesn't mean what I will think will always be right. If you think I am wrong then there is options for you to make me right. I can't a ideal Queen, I don't have such qualities. But I promise you all that I will try my best to be your Queen who will be beside you in every situation. I promise that I will try to be with you whenever you need my help. Many of you may not like me but I am not telling you to like me but I am requesting you to cooperate with me so that everything goes easier for me." I said and people cheered.

" I think it won't be harder for me but I need some time for that." I said. " I hope I will get that time build up that Queen in me." I said. " Things may not work properly. But I will try my best. Thank you." I said smilingly and people cheered for me.

Suddenly I felt like being Queen wasn't weird, it was my destiny.

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