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Adeline's POV

I was looking at my mother in law who was looking at the guy with fire blazing eyes. Who is this stupid?!

" I am shocked by your dare, Albert." The Queen said. He smirked like a pure evil.

" You haven't seen it completely yet, Abigail." He said.

" Who is he?" I asked Amy.

" I have no idea." She said.

" I don't want to see that as well." The Queen said. " And you Mr. Hamilton, I don't know for how much you have been sold." She said.

" Not much. I offered him one of my hotels in Dubai." That Albert guy said. The Queen looked at him angrily.

" No worries. We will wait until Eric comes. I am pretty sure that he will help you in a better way." She said to them and I nodded. That guy came and stood very close to her. She stepped back at once.

" Don't you dare." She gritted at him. He smirked at her. " If Eric comes to know this then he will give you the scariest death that you can't even imagine." She said. I was confused why was this guy acting like that with the Queen. Who was he?!!

" Eric will come if he is alive yet." He said. The Queen looked at her sharply.

" What do you mean?" She asked him.

" I mean what if your dear husband is no more, Abigail. He must have gone for some special work this morning and hasn't come back yet. Didn't you realize that he didn't pick up your calls neither he called you or texted you today? Does he do that?" He asked her. She looked at him coldly and hold his collar at once.

" What have you done to him?" She asked him coldly. He chuckled.

" Relax, Babe. I am still here. What happens if Eric is not here?" He asked her.

" I will kill you, bast*rd." She said to him.

" Really?!" He laughed like a pure evil. " He must have left this world by now." He said with a fake sadness.

" Adele!!!" Amy clutched my hand with her teary eyes. I wrapped my arms around her.

" Relax. He is lying." I said but my heart was also beating abnormally.

I was holding myself for Amy. She will be more broken. His Highness left home this morning and didn't contact with anyone later. I heard her sobbing.

" Amy, he is a liar." I said to her. " He is lying."

" Why should I trust you?" The Queen said to him.

" Because I did it. He is killed by now." He said.

" How can you be so sure? Have you killed him?" The Queen asked him.

I looked at her very weirdly. How can she be so calm in this situation!!! I am also losing my mind.

" You will know that very soon. Well, not just your husband but also your son. Both are finished by now." He said and I looked at him with my eyes opened widened.

Enrique!!! No, he must be lying, Lina. Don't trust him. He is a liar.

" Adele!!! What is he saying?" Amy asked hugging me tightly. She was crying by now. I kept holding her tightly.

" Oops!!! I forgot about you girls." He said and walked toward us. " Hi, girls. What's up?" He asked us and I gritted inwardly.

" You must be Enrique's wife, right? Poor girl!!!" He said and I rolled my eyes. " I am feeling very sorry for you. It's been a month of your wedding?" He asked me and I kept glaring at him.

" Why are you so interested in knowing that?" I asked him.

" Wow, Abigail, I like this girl. She is just like you. Bold, brave and beautiful." He said laughing very nastily. I rolled my eyes.

" And who is this cutie pie? Is she Princess Amanda? Awwww, she is such a cute doll. Heard you are daddy's girl? Feeling very bad for you, sweetheart. Your father will not come back again. I am so sorry for you." He said with a fake sadness.

" Stay away from them." The Queen said. He chuckled.

" I have no intention to be with them. You know that very well. I want you only." He said to the Queen and she rolled her eyes.

" You can keep dreaming about it. It will never ever be fulfilled." She said and he smirked and clapped.

I found a group of people with arms. Amy looked around and hold me tightly. I patted her back.

" Everything will be fine, Amy." I said to her.

" Everything will be ok if only Abigail want, sweetheart." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

" Stay away from the girls. Talk to me." She said to him.

" I only want to talk to you, Babe. Who is interested in these kids??!" He said. "I am not but I don't know about my boys." He looked at the guards and suddenly fear clutched me as well. I kept hugging Amy tightly. She was very scared.

" What do you want?" The Queen asked him. He smiled at her like a pure evil.

" That's like a good girl." He said and she rolled her eyes.

" Say that quickly." She said.

" You don't have to do much. You just have to marry me. That's it." He said and she slapped him across his face tightly. I chuckled. He got a great feedback. I am so proud of my mother in law.

He glared at her for awhile but the next moment he slapped her back.

" You bast*rd!!! Don't you dare to hurt her." I shouted at once and was going to teach him a lesson but someone hold gun on Amy's head which stopped me at once. I gritted. " Trust me if I get a chance I will destroy you. Mark my words." I said and he gestured something to his guards and someone hit me on my head with the butt of the gun. I was on the ground. My head started to bleed at once. I clutched my wound.

" Adele!!!" Amy squealed.

" Think about it, Abigail. Will you marry me or I will kill your daughter and daughter in law in front of your eyes?!!" He asked the Queen. I pressed my hands on my head tightly.

" Why are you doing that?" The Queen asked him.

" Your fault, Abigail. You cheated on me and married Eric." He said and she laughed.

" You never told me that you love me. It's your fault." She said and he slapped her again. " Cowards hits woman. You are a coward!!!" He raised his hand to hit her again but before that we heard gunshots and the guards pointing gun at us were on the floor.

Amy kept looking around weirdly before she ran to me. I felt like darkness was consuming me. I wasn't able to keep my eyes open. I only heard Amy calling my name before darkness consumed me completely to detach me from the whole incident. Terrific.

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