Love Is Weird

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Adeline's POV

" Why are you looking at me like that?" Enrique asked me.

" Like what?!" I asked him.

" Nothing." He said and I sat next to him. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes. I raised my eyebrows.

" You don't like that when I look at you?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" Who said so?" He asked.

" Then why did you ask me awhile back?" I asked him.

" It was feeling a bit awkward." He said.

" My eyes made you feel awkward?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" I didn't mean to say that." He said to me. I chuckled inwardly. It's fun to irritate him.

" Whatever!!! I do understand everything." I said.

" Understand what?!" He asked me.

" That you love someone from your secret lover." I said to him and kept looking at him with the corner of my eyes. He kept looking at me for awhile.

" Do you really think that I love someone else?" He asked me seriously keeping his laptop away. Why did he become serious suddenly?! He kept looking at me calmly. I sighed.

" I was joking." I said to him.

" I don't like this kind of joke. So, next time be careful." He said and I nodded silently. I shouldn't do that. But it was just a joke. He took it seriously.

" Why are you sitting like a tornado hit you?" He asked me.

" It really did." I said.

" What?!" He asked me.

" Nothing. My mood turned terribly off. Don't talk to me until my mood changes again." I said to him and he pulled me closer. " I said I don't want to talk to you." I said.

" I am not talking. You are." He said.

" You are making me talk to you." I said to him irritatingly.

" I didn't do anything." He said.

" Why are you holding me like that?" I asked him.

" My wife my wish." He said and I rolled my eyes. I leaned closer and smiled sweetly at him. Before he could say something I bite on his neck. " Ouch!!! What was that?" He asked me.

" Tasting." I said.

" This why I call you wild kitten." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" What's wrong in that?! My husband, my wish. This is mark that you are mine." I said to him and caressed the place I have just bitten awhile back. He sighed deeply.

" Mood got changed?" He asked me.

" A bit." I said. He sighed deeply.

" What can I do for you that your mood gets changed now?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" Nothing." I twisted my lips and out of nowhere he leaned before capturing my lips in his.

I had no idea that he was going to do such a thing. But I love that slow kiss making me experience the meaning of a true love kiss. Does he love me?! He never talked about that seriously. I think he likes me. Love at first side doesn't exist. Even if he loves me in future he will still need time to fall for me. If I fall in love with him before he loves me?! Duh!!! There is no rule like he has to fall in love with me first. I can fall in love with him before he falls for me. There is no particular issue.

" And now?" He asked me breaking the kiss.

" Now what?" I asked him breathlessly. He chuckled.

" Your mood. Still off?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. He smiled sweetly. This smile will kill me one day.

" Leave it. You wanted to say something in the morning. What is that?" He asked me and I sighed.

" Actually, I wanted to talk to you about my business issues. You told me my freedom will not be hampered by the wedding. I know I have responsibilities to the country as a Queen but before a Queen I am my father's daughter too. It's my responsibility to help him in this. Besides, I love my work. I can't sit at home all the time like that. You promised me, Enrique." I said and he sighed.

" Yes, I did. But why are you saying that again and again?" He asked me.

" Cause the Queen said she had to leave her job for being Queen." I said to him and he sighed.

" So?" He asked me.

" No, I was saying will The King allow me to do my works?" I asked him.

" The King and I are not same person. I am not going to keep you in limit. I don't want to be like him. You are free to do your works. Just if you can adjust a bit then it would be better." He said.

" Adjust means?" I asked him.

" If it's possible then transfer your business here in Madrid." He said. I sighed.

" I need time for that. Will you give me that chance?" I asked him.

" You don't have to ask permission for that." He said. " You can go and start to working after the Coronation ceremony." He said and I nodded.

" Thank you." I said to him.

" You don't have to but come back to me as soon as it possible." He said to me.

" I will be back once the business got stabled. It can take one year. Is that okay with you?" I asked him. He smiled nodding. " Won't you miss me a bit?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" Just thinking about living without you a day is stabbing my heart. Living without you a whole year will kill me. But if it makes you happy then I will not stop you from living your dream." He said to me.

" Is this just an attraction?" I asked him.

" Which one?" He asked me.

" The feeling we are feeling for each other?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" You think it's just an attraction?" He asked me.

" I don't know. You tell me." I asked him.

" Let's find it out though I am sure about mine." He said.

" What is that?" I asked him and he shook his head.

" Will tell you the day you will learn about your feelings." He said to me and I rolled my eyes. " Love is a weird feeling." He said.

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