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Adeline's POV

" What's your naney, Baby?" I asked the little angel.

" Boo boo." She pouted and poked the teddy then giggled all her own. I was looking at her smilingly seeing her playing with the teddy which was 3 times bigger than herself.

" Is your name Boo boo?" I asked her but she pouted cutely. I chuckled.

She is so cute. She looks like a mini Miranda. Even the smile she was flashing with her rabbit teeth was same as Miranda. Very cute girl. God bless her.

" Who is this, CeCe?" Mrs. Foghurt asked her shoeing her mother's photo.

" Mamma." She giggled and kissed on the photo.

Awwww!!! How lucky Carolina is!!! I am so jealous of her right now. She has gotten an Angel.

" She just started to call Mamma. Soon she will learn to call Daddy too." Mrs. Foghurt said smilingly looking at Celine with love. I smiled.

" Does Carolina know that?" I asked her.

" No. Not yet. She didn't pick up my phone last night. I will call her later." She said to me and I nodded.

" Why don't Celine live with her mother in the palace?" I asked Mrs. Foghurt and the color of her face drained out at once.

" Because Queen Sophia doesn't know about Celine. If she comes to know about Celine then she will not take a second to kill her." She said and I hold Celine tightly on my chest in sudden fear.

" What?!!" I asked her completely shocked.

" Yes, that witch will not let this little girl be alive." She said and I looked at Celine who was looking at me weirdly. Then she pouted. I chuckled poking on her nose. She raised her hand and poked on my nose as well then looked at Mrs. Foghurt. I smiled.

" What does actually Queen Sophia want?" I asked her.

" She wants money. That's all." She said.

" Just money?" I asked her.

" Not like that. She wants the power. Williams did a will that Carolina can't be Queen until she is 22 and learns everything about ruling the country. Once Carolina become the Queen she can leave the throne making anyone else the heir of the throne. I am sure Queen Sophia wants Princess Isidora be the Queen. But the real heir of the throne is Carolina. Why will she back out?! Norway needs a true ruler like Williams and only Carolina can be that ruler. Isidora is a greedy and selfish girl. She will destroy the national peace and harmony. Besides people doesn't like them." She said and sighed deeply. " What will I say here?! My brother Vincent is also responsible for that. He shouldn't have married Sophia after all she was his brother's widow. But he did. I am so ashamed that he is my brother." She said and I nodded.

" Prince Vincent is your biological brother?! I thought he is King Williams cousin." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" I wish he wasn't my brother!!! He has destroyed Carolina's life along with her mother. Both are responsible for this. Just think how does a mother lives without her child? Celine keeps whining about her mother but she can't come here all the time. When she comes Celine becomes so happy. After all how long will a kid stay apart from her mother?! She needs her mother and when Carolina leaves Celine here her tears keeps breaking my heart everytime. She has seen a lot in this small life of hers." She said to me as tears slipped her cheeks. I gave her the tissue. " Thank you." She wiped her tears.

" Why did they want to get Carolina married with Enrique?" I asked her.

" To get money from Enrique. Carolina didn't want to marry him because Fredo is his best friend. And she can't marry anyone else. She is still married with Fredo." She said and I sighed deeply. " I thought Enrique will agree at last to marry Carolina be for the king's request. So, I went to talk to him a few days back to talk to him." She said and I smiled.

" You love Carolina a lot, right?" I asked her. She smiled with teary eyes.

" I had a daughter and her name was also Carolina. But one day in a tragic accident I lost my husband and my daughter. I was so broken. I started to miss them a lot. I was mentally imbalanced. When Carolina was born my brother named her Carolina after my late daughter. Since then Carolina became my daughter. She became my world. I started to live once again for her. Her mother never liked her from the start but I never let her understand that. But now she has grown up. She realized that her mother really doesn't like her at all." She said. " She wants to destroy her happiness which I won't let her do." She said and I smiled looking at her. Some people makes us believe that there is still good people in this world. Mrs. Foghurt is one of them.

" You know that you are a great creature of God?" I asked her and she chuckled. " I never have seen my mother but I am sure if she was alive she would be like you. Just like you. A woman with golden heart." I said and she chuckled.

" Your mother must be a great woman to give birth to two jewels. You and your sister. You both are proud of your family." She said and I chuckled.

" I don't know about myself but Priscilla is really someone to be proud of." I said to her.

" You both are." She said to me. I nodded.

" Celine is sleeping." I said and her nanny took her from me. Mrs. Foghurt sighed.

" She needs her parents with her. Carolina can't come here often and Fredo doesn't have any idea about his daughter. I don't know how will things be right." She said to me.

" Trust Enrique. He will make things right." I said to him.

" I know this is why I told him everything. I trust him." She said and I smiled.

We had dinner with Mrs. Foghurt then came out of there. I found the car waiting for us. We got into the car and it started to move. I kept looking at the palace until it was visible. Then sighed deeply.

" Did you get the answer of your question about giving 770 millions to Princess Carolina?" Enrique asked me. I nodded.

" Nothing can be more valuable than friendship." I said and he chuckled before pulling me closer.

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