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Adeline's POV

" Addie!!!" I heard a very familiar voice in sleep. Someone was pulling my arm. 

" Addie!!!" I heard another familiar voice.

" Wake up, Addie, wake up!!!" The first voice said but I wasn't in mood of waking up this early.

" Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I heard the cute voice of the girl.

Who are they?!! I thought for awhile. Oh, hell!!! Kyra!!! I got up at once opening my eyes finding Kyra and Keira sitting on my bed smiling at me widely.

" Girls!!!" I said and they jumped on me like puppies. I hugged them at once. Cutiepies!!!

" Kids!!! When have you come?" I asked them.

" Awhile back." Keira said.

" Who else have come with you?" I asked them.

" Everyone came with us." Keira said.

" Oh, that's great. Where is Keith?" I asked her.

" Oh, Mom, Dad and Keith will come here on your wedding day. Dad has a very important meeting in Sydney. They will come here directly from there." She said and I nodded.

I was about to ask something else but just that time the door opened and my twin entered the room. I made the kids sit on the bed and ran to her. She jumped on me as well and we hugged each other.

" How are you, Princess?" I asked her.

" I am fine, Lina." She said smilingly. "Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! I am so excited." She said.

" Why?!" I asked her weirdly. She rolled her eyes.

" Obviously for your wedding, duh!!!" She said. I chuckled.

" You were not this excited even in your own wedding, girl." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" So what?! My wedding was just on a sudden. It was like boom." She said to me.

" I was talking about the reception ceremony. You were not that excited like you are right now." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Leave it, Lina. You are going to be the Queen for real. I am so excited. Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!" She said.

" Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!" I heard the girl cheering with her. I shook my head.

" You remember, I used to say that you will be a Queen for real one day?" She asked me and I sighed.

Yes,she always kept saying that whenever I called her Princess. She kept saying that I was born to be a Queen. It seems that my Princess was right. Her words came true. I don't know what say now.

" Tell me one thing. Where are the others?" I asked her.

" They are downstairs. Talking to the Queen and Princess Amanda." She said.

" Didn't you meet Enrique?" I asked her.

" No, he wasn't there." She said to me and I nodded. Where has this guy gone early in the morning?!

" Princess Amanda is a big fan of you." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Yeah, she told me awhile back. She was very excited. I never thought facing such incident in the palace. She is a cute girl anyways." She said and I nodded agreeing with her. She is really cute.

" Yeah. I agree." I said.

" Mom and Dad came as well." She said and I nodded.

I didn't know that Mrs. Bronwyn will take these all this lightly. She always wanted me to marry that Felix one of our business associate. Why did she accept it so easily?!! I don't know may be understood that there is nothing that she can do in this.

" That's great that they came here." I said to her. " But you stay away from Mrs. Bronwyn." I said to her.

She will definitely try to trick my Princess to make a mess in her life. But I trust Tristan. He is not such a guy who will trust anyone else more than his wife. He loves Pris crazily. I myself am witness of that. My sister got a perfect life partner for herself. No one else could be better than him for her in this whole world. May be this is why they are together. May God always protect their love like this.

" Where are you lost?" I asked her.

" Oh, nowhere. You stay here with the girls. I will get freshen up." She said.

" Ok. You go." She said and jumped on the bed joining the kids. I shook my head.

I walked inside the washroom and got freshen up. I came out and found all the girls in my room. I ran to Meryl and took little Kyla from her. Awwww, I missed them a lot. Kyla is just 10 months now. She is such a cutie pie. She is cuter than Kyra. But Kyra stayed as the little one for 6 years then Kyla came she is still pampered the most by everyone. I can't be so biased. I love all the kids and I was missing Keith. I hope he will be there soon. I kissed Kyla's cheeks and she giggled at once. Her beautiful blue eyes tinkled at once. I smiled.

" Ish that Kyla baby?" I asked her.

" Lyla." She said. I chuckled as he called herself Lyla.

" Kyla ish looking sho chute." I said poking her nose softly. She pouted and I giggled. She giggled with me.

" Chute." She also giggled.

" Hey, girl!!" I heard Stella. She entered the room with Hazel. I smiled.

" Hi, Stella!!" I said and Kyla stretched her hands out to go to Stella and I sighed deeply.

Each and every Campbell kid is naturally attached to this woman without she herself doing anything. Not just the kids I think everyone in Campbell family are. I heard the story of their family from Danny. She literally brought Tristan up. She was a mother figure for Campbell siblings when she got married with Flynn. So, they supposed to be attached emotionally with her. They must.

" Awwww, my baby." Stella took Kyla and Kyla kissed on her cheek before burying her face on her neck.

" She was searching for you." Meryl said and Stella smiled.

" I wouldn't be surprised if she started to call you Mom, Stella." Priscilla said and Meryl chuckled.

" She calls her Mammam. That means she calls her mommy too." Meryl said chuckled. " Kyra too used to call Stella Mamma at first then Scarlett taught her not to. I don't mind anyways. She is mother for all of Campbell family." She said.

" Except Flynn." Priscilla said and we all laughed.

" Sssssshhhhh. Baby is sleeping." Stella said and we all stopped.

After talking for awhile they had breakfast and went to take rest. I was searching for Enrique. Where is he vanished now!!! Strange!!!

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