Romantic One

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Adeline's POV

" How were you walking? Like a cangaroo?" Fredo asked me and I glared at him.

" I was walking properly. But it just happened." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I thought you were jumping up and down like a kangaroo." He said. I gritted.

" Who walks like that?" I asked him.

" You do." He chuckled.

" When have you seen me walking like that?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" I thought you do. After all you are from Australia." He said.

" Stupid!!!" I said to him.

" Thank you, Your Highness." He said to her.

" You are welcome." I said to him.

" What has the doctor said?" He asked me checking the bandage.

" He said to take a long time bed rest." Enrique said. I chuckled.

" You seem to be very very happy for getting injured?" Fredo asked me. I chuckled.

" No. No. Why to be happy?" I said to him.

" I think she hit herself willingly." Fredo said and I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, I am have escaped the mental asylum." I said to him.

" The lights were turned off and she couldn't get it." Enrique said.

" Hey, guys!!" I found Mira along with Prince Kieran. He supposed to go back  to Denmark today but he didn't.

" Here you go." Amy said rolling her eyes seeing Kieran. I sighed. Amy just can't tolerate him around.

" What happened?" Mira asked me and I showed her my foot.

" Oh, my!!" She said and examined the dressing wrapped finger very well.

" Is it paining?" She asked me. I shook my head.

" Not much." I said.

" Thanks God that it didn't hurt you severely." She said to me. I smiled nodding my head.

" Yeah. It didn't." I said to him.

" How are you doing now, Your Highness?" Prince Kieran asked me. I smiled.

" Doing well. You were to go back to Denmark today?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Yeah. I was but I thought that I should meet you before going back home." He said and I nodded.

" Thanks for coming to see me." I said to him and he nodded. Then Enrique left the room along with Fredo and Prince Kieran.

" Take care. Call me if you need anything and Amy is here. Don't get up from the bed. Take rest." He said kissing on my forehead before leaving.

" How romantic!!!" Amy said squealing like a kid. I rolled my eyes then chuckled.

" Get married and you can enjoy these lovey dovey moment with your hubby too." Mira said.

" Nope. No need. I will die virgin." Amy said.

" Yeah. If you think you will get chance to get rid of it then you are very wrong, Sweetheart." Mira said to her and she rolled her eyes.

" Your dream will never ever be fulfilled." Amy said.

" We will see." She winked at Amy which enraged her more but Mira ignored her.

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