Our Fate

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Adeline's POV

" What's wrong with that Antonio guy?" I asked Enrique. He decided to ignore my question. He was working on his laptop with all his concern.

" At least tell me what is your problem with him?" I asked him.

" Her Highness has told me that she has told you everything about him. Do I have to explain them again?" He asked me without even looking at me. I sighed deeply.

" I know that but I wanted to know about your opinion." I said to him.

" My opinion is the same as the Queen has explained you." He said and I knew he doesn't want to talk about it. I sighed. Ok. If he doesn't want to talk about it then I won't force him.

" Can I have your phone?" I asked him. He handed me his phone. " You should have asked me why do I need to have your phone."

" No need. I know you want to talk to your siblings." He said looking at the laptop and I rolled my eyes.

I dialed Priscilla's number. She picked it up after 3 rings.

" Hello!!" I heard Tristan's voice. I rolled my eyes.

" Where is Pris?" I asked him.

" Adele?" He asked me back.

" No,my ghost." I said and he chuckled. " Whose number is this?" He asked me.

" Doesn't matter." I said to him.

" Are you ok?" He asked me.

" I am fine. Is Pris sleeping?" I asked him.

" No, she is taking shower." He said.

" Oh!! How are everyone at home?" I asked him.

" Everyone is fine." He said.

" That's great. I just wanted to talk to Pris. Tell her to call me back when she is here." I said to him.

" Sure." He said. " One thing I wanted to ask you since I have talked to you last time."

" What is that?" I asked him.

" I haven't heard you having a boyfriend that's too Prince Enrique. I mean it's your personal issue but is there anything that I don't know? If there is something wrong you can tell me." He said. " Things can be solved any other ways too." He said and I chuckled.

" You think there is something wrong?" I asked him.

" I don't know. This doesn't give me a good vibe." He said.

" Hmm..." I said.

" You went to Spain for a business deal. Now you are getting married. What happened that you have to get married just in 10 days now?" He asked me. I chuckled and looked at Enrique who was working on his laptop with all his attention.

" Well, I thought I will tell you all very soon about my relationship with Prince Enrique. Actually we were still thinking about the next step. I would tell you all soon." I said and Enrique looked at me weirdly. " And suddenly The King started pressurizing him to get married before his coronation. So, he proposed me and I said yes. Sooner or later I have to get married, right?" I asked him and Enrique was shocked hearing my words. I smirked.

" But this is a very sensitive decision, Adele. How can you come to a decision about it all on a sudden?! You should have thought about it for awhile." He said. I looked at Enrique who was holding the glass of water to have it. I chuckled.

" Why should I wait when I know that I love him?!" I asked him and Enrique choked at once. I looked at him and he mumbled sorry before looking away.

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