Luckiest Person Alive

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Adeline's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and sunlight hit my eyes at once making me close my eyes again. I felt someone brought the curtains down. I smiled a bit and tried to move but it wasn't possible I felt. My body wasn't supporting at all. It was reacting much. I felt like I am paralyzed. I was feeling everything ok until I felt an unbearable pain poking my head time to time. I wasn't able to think properly about this. Everything was seeming very irritating to me. I was feeling very helpless before the immeasurable pain I was feeling in my head.

Can I live without my head?!! I feel like beheading myself. This head is the cause of all problem here. If there is no head there will be no problem.

" Good thinking, Lina. You are genius!!!" My brain said to me.

" Shut up, you traitor!!!" I gritted at my head and it chuckled inside my head. " You get out of my head. You are hurting me a lot. I am completely pissed off with you." I said to my brain.

" It's 2 in the morning. I can't go out alone. I am afraid. If I go out, you have to come with me." My brain said.

" 2 in the morning?!! I saw the sunshine awhile back." I said to my brain. It laughed like a stupid.

" Oh, you saw that?! That means that you are perfectly fine. I thought your nerves won't be able adjust the hit. It was sharp." It said.

" From where did you get all these knowledge?!" I asked my brain.

" Everyone knows that general knowledge. You lost a lot of blood. I had to work hard to make everyone agree to do their works. This why you are safe and sound today." It said.

" You asked the doctors to help me?? How?! I was senseless that time. How can my mouth ask the question to someone?" I asked it.

" Stupid!!! Not the doctors. They are the blood circulation system, your heart, lungs, kidneys, other organs everything was about to leave you alone. I had to fake crying in front of them." It said and I rolled my eyes.

" Drama!!" I said.

" It's not drama. How can you name it drama,dude?!! If they stopped working then you would be gone by now. You should be grateful that I didn't stop helping you. But you will not listen to my sacrifices for you. I am very upset with you today." It said.

" What will I do if you are upset?" I asked it.

" You are selfish, Adeline." My brain said and I rolled my eyes.

" Yes, I am selfish. So what?!" I asked my brain.

" Nothing." It said with a grumpy expression.

" You are the most stupid thing I have ever seen in my life. Useless stupid." I said to my brain.

" I am not useless. I can stop your blood circulation and other metabolic activities. Infact I can stop everything that is related to you." It said.

" Go ahead. No one stopped you from that. I will never ever stop you. Infact I will happily help you. If you leave then I will be in peace." I said to it. "It would be better if you left, I could buy a new brain to adjust with me. I am bored with your stupidity." I said to it.

" I will not go anywhere." It said. " I will stay here, you can't kick me out."

" I knew that. You are not a good thing to deal with. Anyone will go mad talking to you for awhile." I said to my  brain.

" Who told you to talk?" It asked me.

" I have to talk to you. Bad luck of mine. I don't know on which occasion God gave me a stupid like you." I said to my brain.

" Thank God that he gave you a smart brain. Not everyone is blessed like you but you have no respect for me. That's cruel." My brain said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why are you talking too much!!! Do you know that you are talkative as hell?" I asked my brain.

" We are same. If I am talkative then you are also talkative." It said to me.

" Shut up, traitor." I said to it and felt something pricking on my hand but I wasn't able open my eyes. My eyelids were heavier than mount Everest right at once. I didn't try to open my eyes.

" You are sleeping, stupid!!!" My brain said irritatingly.

" Sleep is better than wasting my time stupid brain. Do not allow any of the problems inside yourself until I wake up by myself." I said to my brain.

" I will try." It said mindlessly.

" I will kick you out of my head. I will replace you with someone else." I said and it rolled eyes.

" I will not go anywhere. Shut up and sleep." It said and I chuckled. The dose was enough though. I tried to sleep.

I open my eyes but shut them at once. I called my brain but no one responded. What happened?! Has it left me for real??! Shit!!! It was a dream. Lol. I felt pity on myself. How ridiculous!!!

I was feeling something else . I felt someone holding my hand and I felt someone touching my forehead. I sighed inwardly. What's wrong with me?! I slowly opened my eyes and everything was blurry for awhile and then I found myself in an unknown place. She checked the surrounding for once and her eyes stuck on the the person she thought that she will never ever meet again in this life.

" Enrique!!" I mumbled.

I found Enrique sitting on the chair beside me. He was sleeping putting his head on my shoulder holding my left hand and my right hand was connected to the IV tubes. Am I alive?!! Unbelievable!!! I thought that it was my last day. By the way, am I sure that this is not a dream?! I tried to call to Enrique.  But I felt I don't have any energy left in me to move myself. I tried to move a my hand and the needle of IV tube pricked horribly in my hand.

" Ouch!!" I said and Enrique woke up at once.

" Adele!!" He said holding my hand and I kept looking at him. " Call the doctor." He said to someone. " Is it paining?" He asked me and I just freed my hand from his hold. He kept looking at me. It was looking like he didn't sleep for several nights. I touched his cheek softly.

The thing which was bothering me the most was his smile. No, he wasn't smiling at all. His smile was vanished from his face which was irritating me very much. I was going to tell him to take the nebulizer off of me but the doctor reached us. He checked everything and then gave me a bunches of advice before leaving.

I suddenly remembered about Her Highness and Amanda. I tried to grab Enrique's hand and he might understood me and hold my hand at once before placing soft kisses on my hand.

" What happened? You need anything?" He asked me. I nodded. "What do you need?" He asked me. I pointed him and he chuckled a bit. Gosh!!! I was missing this smiling face.

" Amy?" I asked him.

" Amy and Mom are perfectly fine." He said.

" Your father?" I asked him and he placed another kiss on my palm.

" What will happen to him, Your Highness? He saved you all." He said and bend a bit and I found bandage on his shoulder.

He tried to cover it immediately but I hold his hand and gestured what it was.

" Just a small incident, Adeline. It's fine." He said and I sighed. Thank God that everyone is ok. My family is safe. It gave me peace of mind. I was going back to sleep but he hold my hand. I looked at him with a questioning look.

" Your siblings are waiting for you." He said and I sighed.

He opened the door and called them in. The moment I saw the tensed face of Pris, Louis and Danny I felt like being the luckiest person alive who has siblings loving her that much.

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