Used To It

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Adeline's POV

" Weather is beautiful." Enrique said to me but I was busy watching him. Everything about him is very unique. " Isn't it?" He asked me.

" Yes, very." I said to him referring himself but that stupid didn't get it.

" Let's go and have a walk on the beach." He said.

" There will be paparazzi." I said to him.

" I will manage. Come." He said and I stood up. He wrapped his arms around me. I rolled my eyes. He just chuckled.

" Why are you rolling your eyes? Don't you like it?" he asked me.

" There is some other story." I said to him.

" Which story?" He asked me.

" Story of every girl having a dashing husband." I said and he chuckled.

" You don't look around otherwise you would see there are jealous eyes of men on me as well." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Because I have you." He said poking on my forehead.

" Drama!!" I said.

" True. Why don't you trust me?" He asked me.

" Cause it's unbelievable." I said to him.

" You think there is no one who wants to have you in their life?" He asked me.

" I don't think so." I said to him irritatingly.

I don't want anyone look at me but him. That's it. What will I do with other people?!! I only want Enrique. That's enough for me. I don't want anyone else to ogle me but that's not possible cause there are definitely some people who use their eyes to ogle someone else's partner. Disgusting!!!

" You are very wrong then. If you go out alone then there will be tons of people try to hit on you." He said.

" I don't want them to hit on me. I don't want anyone else but you in my life." I said to him. He chuckled.

" This one thing I love the most about you." He said.

" Which one?" I asked him.

" Your honesty. You talk whatever is in your mind. No hiding. Straightforward." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I heard people praises the beauty of their partner and here you are praising my honesty?! Duh!!" I said.

" I can praise everything about you." He said to me. I sighed.

" Ok. I will not say no." I said to him.

We walked out of the hotel suite. Enrique talked to his security in charge for awhile then we walked out of the hotel.

" Where is you ninjas today?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" They will handle the paparazzi." He said.

" That means we can travel all alone?!" I asked him excitedly and he nodded chuckling.

" Ok, that's great." I said. " Let's go to the beach." I dragged him with me he laughed at my excitement.

We were walking on the beach. I was leaning on him hugging his arm. I just love this place. It's really blissful.

" Enrique." I called him and he looked at me.

" Yes. You want to say something?" He asked me.

" Let's make a small cottage here. We will come here and spend time with each other whenever we want to have a vacation in future." I said and he chuckled.

" The resort we are staying is yours." He said. I looked at him weirdly.

" How?!" I asked him.

" Your wedding gift." He said to me.

" You bought it?" I asked him getting completely shocked.

" You were praising it a lot." He said. I glared at him.

" If I praise this island then you will buy it too?" I asked him irritatingly.

" You want it?" He asked me chuckling.

" No. Not at all." I said and he chuckled. " I wanted to build a small cottage not a luxurious resort, Enrique." I said to him. He chuckled. I pinched him hard. He laughed.

" What's wrong?" He asked me rubbing his forearm.

" Why are you spending your money like that?" I asked him.

" This is called business, Your Highness." He said to me.

" What kind of business?" I asked him.

" Everything is business in this world." He said and I pinched him again.

" Stop wasting your money." I said to him more like warning him. He rubbed his forearm again then hold my hands.

" Are these your nails or knives?" He checked my nails and I rolled my eyes.

" Shut up!!" I said and he chuckled.

I looked ahead and found some surfer surfing on the beach. I was thinking about it.

" Wanna play with the waves?" He asked me. I chuckled.

" I would love to watch them having fun instead." I said to him.

" You love it. I know." He said.

" But I am fine with myself." I said. He chuckled.

" You can join me if you want." He said. I narrowed my eyes.

" But I really don't want any of us to go and surf right now." I said to him.

" What's wrong?" He asked me.

" I am not feeling like going." I said to him. He nodded confusedly.

" It keeps reminding me some weird incidents of my life and I don't want to spoil my mood right now." I said to him and he nodded.

" Ok, whatever you want." He said.

I nodded and we sat down on the beach and I kept looking at the waves. It was very beautiful.

" I was a kid when I started surfing." I said to him. He looked at me. " I was 14 when my instructor one day told me that he wants to date Priscilla. I knew he was a f*ckboy. I forbade him strictly about this but he didn't stop there. He tried to kidnap Priscilla and then paid the price very well." I said.

" Paid price?" He asked me.

" I am 4th degree black belt." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Bad luck for him." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" It wasn't that serious but he got 4 fractures. Since then I don't like surfing like before." I said to him and he nodded.

" Excuse me." Someone said before Enrique can say anything. We turned to see the person. I found a girl smiling.

" Hi, can I have a selfie?" She asked me.

" Are you talking to me?" I asked her. 

" Yes, can I?" She asked me. I looked at her weirdly but she took a selfie by then.

" Excuse me, Ms. You are getting it wrong. I am not Priscilla. I am her twin sister." I said and she kept looking at me weirdly.

I sighed deeply. This happens with me. I am used to it.

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