Evil All Around

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Westin Palace Hotel
Madrid, Spain
7:00 PM

A guy came to the receptionist and she immediately stood up and bow down a bit.

" Your highness." She said.

" Mr. Tevez?." He asked.

" Room. 405, your highness." She said politely.

" Hmm, thank you." He said and pressed the lift 3 and waited for it to get opened.

As the lift's door opened he went out and walked towards the room. He knocked on the door.

" It's open, come inside." A voice said and he pushed the door got inside and locked the door.

" Why the fu*k you called me here?" He gritted angrily.

" Oh, your highness!!! Calm down. Let's have a talk." The lady invite him.

" Do you think I have time to listen your nonsense? Where is Tevez?" He asked.

" I don't know. But I can entertain you until he comes." She showed her body seductively and bit her lips. He smirked back.

" I would love to devour that self but for now I am in hurry, so tell me where the hell Tevez is?" He asked.

" God, calm down, Antonio. Calm down. He went to washroom. You can have a seat." She said and sat across him crossing her legs.

" Are you going to seduce me like this and cheating on your husband?" I asked.

" Well, you know the age difference. I don't have any interest in this old Grandpa." She said.

" Then why did you get married with him in the first place?" He asked.

" Money and power can lead anyone to do that thing." She smirked.

" I should feel disgusted but I have to admit you are talented and you know the art of seducing. No wonder you got the old man in your side." He said and she smirked.

" That doesn't mean we can't have some time together." She said.

" I will take that note." He smirked at her.

" Hello, Antonio." An old man entered the room and gritted him.

" Hello, Mr. Tevez." He said and the old man sat in front of him.

" I see you are here. I thought you won't be coming." He said to Antonio.

" I wanted to know which news got you so mad that you wanted to meet me that emergency?" He asked.

" Of course, it's emergency." He said.

" Then start over." Antonio said.

" Who is the future King of Spain?" He asked.

" Who is the older one among two prince?" Antonio asked.

" You." He said.

" Then it would be me. What kind of question is that?" Antonio said.

" But, there is a but." He said.

" Which but?" Antonio frowned.

" But you are not King's son. You are his nephew. So, Enrique is the one who has the right in the first place. You can't say anything against the royal rules." He said.

" That doesn't matter. Enrique won't be. Cause, he has to find out a bride within 14 days. But until now he is not succeeded. And this fool won't take Carolina bit*h as his wife. I would've agreed long back. Cause, she is a one piece to ravish." He smirked.

" Keep aside Carolina, talk about Enrique. Who told you he hasn't succeeded? He has find out his Queen. Don't you check your social media? He posted a long message for the world to know he has got the next Queen of Spain." Tevez said.

" Oh, who is the lucky bit*h?" He gritted.

" Her name is Adeline Bornwyn. A businesswoman of Australia. Very beautiful 21 years old girl. I have to say lucky guy is Enrique to found her in the first place. Sorry to say you lose this time too." He said.

" Shut the hell up." Antonio said.

" Here. Look." He showed Antonio a picture of Adeline's. He was shocked seeing the beauty and his hands turned into fist.

" Very very beautiful. But very unlucky Enrique. I am gonna take her away. This time he can't take away what I want. Yes, she will be the Queen. But my queen not Enrique's. He has always been the obstacle in my way. Not this time." Antonio gritted and kissed the picture. " You are going to be mine, Sweetheart. I won't let Enrique win this time. You will be my Queen not his."

" How are you going to do this?" Tevez asked.

" Going to kill Enrique. I am going to remove him away from my way for ever. He has trouble me so much. Fu*k his royalty I don't fucking care. I want this woman in my bed. Not I am going to see her live happily ever after with Enrique. Never ever." He said madly looking at the picture.

" Don't be mad. You can't kill him. Everyone will be suspecting you as the killer." Tevez said.

" Will kill the king and Queen, even little Amanda too." He said and smirked.

" That won't be enough. You know what will the Velezquez do to you? Forgot about last time? But I didn't forget a single punch of Alfredo. He will kill you this time without having any mercy on you. You know Enrique and Alfredo are best friends from very early age. You can mess with King but not in your widest dream you will want to mess up with the Velezquez. They will make you feel pity on yourself." Tevez said. " So, be careful before you got killed by them." Tevez said angrily to Antonio who was only smirking.

" I will kill Alfredo first. What do you say? Let's remove the strong obstacle first. Enrique is not that important in this game but Alfredo is." Antonio said.

" You are doing same mistake again. Both Enrique and Alfredo are equally important in this game." Tevez said.

" But the only most important for me is this beauty." He pointed Adeline." Why haven't I get her first to fu*k." He said.

" Enough, stop insulting an woman again and again. I am tolerating your behavior from so long." Tevez said snatching the phone from him.

" Don't order me." Antonio gritted.

" Don't forget that I know all your secrets." Tevez said.

" Go, fu*k yourself. I don't even fucking care. I will get her anyhow." He said and got out of the room. He smirked evilly thinking how he will snatch Adeline from Enrique.

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