No One Can Be Me

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Enrique's POV

" I will marry you." She said and I raised one of my eyebrows. I crossed my arms over my chest.

' Something is fishy Enrique. Don't fall into her trick. She is not that easy girl. Don't be a fool. Just go with the same pace of her.' my brain warned me. I am agreed with my brain cause it's 1000 and 1% right.

" Glad to know that, Sweetheart." I said smirking.

" But, I have a condition." She said. I smiled widely. I was right. She has some evil plans.

" Yes, anything for you but ask in limit." I said.

" Limit!!! You are going to be the king. You are next to Thorne, sky should be your limit." She said.

" Human has limitations. It's same for a king or a subject." I said.

" Philosophy sucks." She said.

" Queen shouldn't talk like this." I said.

" Why not? Isn't Queen a human?" She asked.

" Yes, human but Queen should be a role model for all the women in the kingdom. What will the women learn from you if you act like this?" I asked.

" They will learn to be the extremely strong woman." She said. I sighed.

" But you should have some royal lessons. Queen should be like Queen." I said.

" I will be different." She said.

" Still you need to follow the rules." I said.

" I will make my own rules. Don't worry." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Why do you always move 180° whatever I say to you?" I asked.

" I am like that. If you like me then keep me or else kick me out it's better." She said and I smiled and took a step towards her but she took a step back. I kept reaching her but she kept stepping back.

" I choose the first one. I like you. I will keep you. But one can keep a thing or a pet not a human. I want you to live with me as my Queen." I said.

" You want me to be a doll with which you can only play whenever you want." She said. I smiled. I don't get angry this easily. No use of trying to ignite me.

" How do you know?" I said taking another step towards her.

" I know. You only want me to be a toy. I am telling you, you have done the biggest mistake of your life by choosing me in this game." She warned me.

" You know what do I want you to be?" I asked her and walked towards her.

" What?" She asked and the next moment her back hit on the wall and I smirked at her.

" I want you be my Queen, my wife and..." I paused.

" And?!!" She asked and glared at me.

" And mother of my future kids." I said and winked at her. She glared at me.

" It's not funny." She said.

" Then who told you that I am joking?" I asked poking her forehead with my forefinger.

" I don't want to talk about it." I said.

" Why not, Sweetheart?" I asked caging her between me and the wall. She looked at me with widen eyes. I can feel she was a bit nervous with this closeness. But soon she managed to be normal again and pushed me back.

" I want to state my conditions now, Prince Enrique." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

" Sure, I am all ears." I said.

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