Only Thing I Can Do

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Enrique's POV

" What did they say, Mom?" I asked my mom as she talked with Adeline's family.

" They are coming over here. First they want to confirm an issue." My mom said and I nodded. I leaned back to my chair and looked outside of the window.

" What happened, Enrique?" My mom asked me.

" I don't know, Mom. It's wrong what we are doing." I said honestly. Suddenly, I am feeling all guilty. I don't want to do this. She will hate me the rest of her life. I don't want anyone hate me, most importantly her. I don't want to see hatred when she looks at me. I want her to love me which she is never going to do.

" Why Enrique? Why are you thinking like that suddenly?" My mom asked.

" Mom, I was against this plan at the first place. If you guys like her we should have talked with her and her family. This ain't working and we are going to remain strangers for the rest of our lives. She is not going to forgive me for this. Never ever. She will hate me. And you know I can't bear hatred. You know how much I hate the word 'hatred'. I just don't want to snatch her smile. She was crying last night. I know she is enough strong but sometimes your strength is not enough to handle the situation and see she is breaking down. I don't want to break her down. And I can't be that selfish. To gain my aim I am destroying hers. Is this right!!?! Is this the way to start a new relationship??? I know it's not going to work, Mom. In the end things will be more messed. We will be hanging on a odd situation from which neither of us will be able to come out." I said. My mom listened to me carefully but didn't interfare. Then she patted my head and sat across me.

" Enrique, my boy. Patience. Don't jump into the conclusion. You know that, what we are doing, doing for Spain. If we don't do this your Dad, the king will announce Antonio as his heir and the king next on the line. You know the consequences of that. You know we can't let this happen. You should stop this. I know you are uncomfortable with this. Trust me Enrique, you have all the qualities to be the greatest King ever. You are thinking about a girl you merely know from 48 hours, that she will be hurt, then think about the whole nation too, Son. If Antonio becomes the king , he will be the cause of everyone's pain. He will make their life miserable. He will make them suffer. Will you be able to take that?!!" My mom said and I looked at her blankly. "Besides, you can make it up for her too later on. You can make it up." My mom said to me.

" How am I going to make it up for her?!!" I asked my mom.

" Do I need to elaborate that?!! You are an amazing person, Enrique. I am not telling that cause you are my son. I am telling the truth. Whenever I think that I have given birth to this person, I feel proud. Not just proud I feel supreme that whoever hears your name it makes them smile automatically. That's how you have an effect on everyone. That's much you are capable to do. If you can make smile someone just by your name, can't you make someone forgive you, love you, cherish you by yourself!!! I am sure you can do it. I know you can." My mom said.

" But mom. What will I do?" I asked my mom.

" Just be yourself, Enrique. That will work." Mom said.

" But how?" I asked.

" Listen to me very carefully, Enrique. Just be yourself. You know you have your own ways to win." Mom said.

" Which ways?" I asked.

" The way you talk, the way you behave, you have all the good virtues in you. No mater what happens never leave them. They will make you win everything." Mom said.

" I am not that good, you are talking like I am someone great." I said.

" You are. Trust me, Enrique. You are. You always think about other's before yourself. You always are worried about others. I have never seen you talk rudely with someone. You never disrespected anyone. You are honest and humble. You are soft hearted, kind and generous. You are brave and strong. You are very clever and you have all the qualities to be a great King." My mom said. I sighed.

" But still no one is perfect. I still have lackings and I will try my best to overcome them." I said to Mom honestly.

" You have enough of that. And you know what is the best thing in you which makes people love you more???" My mom asked me.

" What, mom?" I asked.

" Your kindness. You are too kind person. You are kind hearted person but that didn't make you weak, that is your strength that your kindness will make people love you, trust you, make people support you in every situation. They are your strength. They are so powerful armour. Kindness, love, honestly, politeness, patience, responsibility, sincerity, loyalty, confidence, wisdom. You got all, my boy. You can make it up. You can do it." My mom said and kissed on my forehead. I just sighed and smiled weakly. I want to believe it that I will make it up.

" Thank you, Mom, for the courage you gave me. I wish I can make it up for her. Otherwise I will be living my whole life in guilt of spoiling her life." I said honestly.

" How are you spoiling her life, Enrique!!! Every girl had a dream that they want to be someone's Queen. Even I too had this dream. And you are making her a Queen for real." My mom said and winked. I laughed at her gestures.

" But this is not funny." I said.

" I am not joking. Just do everything in your hand to make her happy." Mom said. I nodded. Only thing I can do is to love her unconditionally. I looked out of the window again as Mom went out of my room.

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