Very True

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Adeline's POV

" Well, played." Amy said and I chuckled.  

" You have to see who it is." I said to her and she smiled.

" Yeah. How is your wound?" She asked me and I showed her my bandage.

" Thanks God we could take you to the  hospital in time. Otherwise, it would be a fatal issue." She said to me and I chuckled.

" Don't worry. Nothing has happened to me." I said.

" I can understand but I was very scared. If His Highness and Mr. Valezquez didn't come in time then we wouldn't be able to save you." She said and I chuckled.

" Only God knows when our life will end. We can't choose it, we just have to accept it, Amy. It's not a choice. It's just fate." I said to her. She nodded.

" I know still. I was saying." She said and I nodded.

" I can understand." I said to her.

" But we were so scared when we saw you in that situation. Trust me it was very hard to handle." Mira said to me and I chuckled.

" Death is the biggest surprise of your life, dear. Your death can surprise you anytime knocking on your door." I said to her.

" Hey, guys!! Your Highness!!" We heard Antonio. He bowed dramatically before me. I rolled my eyes.

" Hi, cousin Antonio." I said to him. He chuckled.

" You are alive??! I thought you are dead after Princess Katlyn has rejected you savagely." Amy said. He chuckled.

" She rejected me, I didn't. I am still hopeful. She will agree with me one day." He said smirking at her. She rolled her eyes.

" In your dream." Amy said.

" No my dream is much more advance." He said. Amy rolled her eyes.

" Yuck!!!" Amy said. " You are such a pervert!!!"

" I was talking about dating her. What did you think?" He asked Amy wriggling his eyebrows.

" You already proposed her?" I asked him.

" Yes. But she didn't say anything." He said.

" Then how come it be rejection?" I asked him.

" Amy knows better. She spread this news." Antonio shrugged. Amy twisted her lips.

" I spread it?! You told me that she rejected you." Any said.

" Nope, I said may be." He said and Amy gritted.

" You said she has rejected you." Amy said.

" I added 'may be' in the sentence, little girl." He said and Amy rolled her eyes at this.

" Princess Katlyn is so cute. From where did you get her?" Mira asked him.

" That day on the coronation ceremony." He said.

" Very good that you got someone and gave up your playboy lifestyle." Mira said. He chuckled mysteriously.

But I gave up on mysteries. I am not going to solve any other mysteries. Let the mysteries be their own. I will live my life like I want to. Why to solve them to get headache?!! And it's not good to poke nose in other's life.

" Katlyn is 6 years younger than you." Amy said.

" I don't have any problem. It's 6 or 16." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You think she will marry someone who is 16 years older than her?" Mira asked hik.

" Why not Mira? Her cousin Princess Carolina is marrying Joseph Carrigan. He is 16 years older than her. Then why can't she marry someone who is 16 years older than her?!!" Antonio asked and I sighed. Mira gritted.

" She is not going to marry him. Stop saying such things." She said to him and he chuckled.

" That's the point, Mira. 6 years is not a big deal. But 16 years is." Antonio said.

" How do you know Mr. Carrigan, cousin Antonio?" I asked him.

" He is my business associate, Your Highness. He invested 1 billion in a recent deal. He was out of cash so he asked help from me. I invested 75% in that new deal. So, he is kinda depending on me right now." He said and I looked at him sharply.

Is that recent deal about the royal affairs of Princess Carolina?!! If it is then he is going to face a huge destruction.

" Where are you lost, Your Highness?" He asked me.

" You should ask your percentage back, cousin Antonio. You don't know what is going on there." I said to him warning him to save his money.

" Don't worry, Your Highness. Fredo told me everything. I know what is going on but Carrigan will suffer and repent his sins one by one. If we leave him that easily then things will not be fair. He has to suffer as much as he made people suffer." He said but I didn't get a single word that he said.

" Okay as you think it's right for you. But I don't think you should take risk." I said to him.

" I am not taking risks." He said. " I know my plan very well. Carrigan has done a lot. He has to answer all those things he has done." He said.

" But don't forget about Princess Katlyn in between." Amy said.

" How can I forget her, Little girl? She appears everywhere even in my dreams. I am now scared of even talking to girls cause I can't figure out if it's dream or reality." He said and I chuckled. " It's true. You know that day, I was in the royal palace of Norway. I was sitting there and suddenly she came. I tried to convince myself that she was my imagination. I kept saying you are dream, you are imagination. But suddenly she said out of nowhere, I am Princess Katlyn but you are a mad." He said and we laughed at his expression.

" I can't believe this happened to you." Mira said laughing.

" You will know that once you fall for someone." He said to Mira and she rolled her eyes.

" Me falling in love?!!" Mira laughed. "No way. That's never ever going to happen. Love gives pain and I am not ready to take any pain." Mira said. I rolled my eyes.

" How do you know the future, Mira? Think love touched a monster like me then what are you before love?" He asked Mira.

" Unconquerable mountain." Mira said and I chuckled.

" Love can defeat everything and conquer every difficulties." Antonio said and I chuckled.

He said it true though. Very true.

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